Archaeological Journal/Volume 1/Lists of Recent Archaeological Publications (Part 3)

2696235Archaeological Journal, Volume 1 — Lists of Recent Archaeological Publications (Part 3)1845


Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of the Churches and Palaces in Italy, during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Taken from the principal Works of the greatest Painters, never before engraved, and containing a store of examples, patterns, &c., fitted for the use and adoption of Architects, Decorators, Manufacturers, and Dilettanti in Building. With English Descriptions, by Louis Gruner. With forty-five Plates. John Murray, London.

The Natural History, Antiquities, Manufactures, &c. of the County of Stafford. By Robert Garner, F.L.S. 8vo., with many illustrations, price one guinea.

The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Great Britain, from the Conquest to the Reformation; illustrated by views, plans, elevations, sections, and details. By Henry Bowman and James Hadfield, architects. Royal 4to., in Parts, each 3s. bds. Parts I. and II., Norbury Church, Derbyshire; Parts III. and IV., Lambley Church, Nottinghamshire; Part V., Castle Rising Church, Norfolk.

Monastic Ruins of the County of Yorkshire, from Drawings made expressly for the work by Mr. W. Richardson, architect, with copious Historical and Descriptive Notices by the Rev. Edward Churton, M.A. Lithographed by G. Hawkins. H. Sunter, York; Ackermann and Co., London. Royal folio £1. Is., Proofs £1. 11s. 6d. Parts I. II. and III. The County of Yorkshire will be completed in about Six Parts, of four plates each.

Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy, from the time of Constantine to the Fifteenth Century; with text by Henry Gaily Knight, Esq., M.P. Second series, 51 plates. £5. 5s.

Anecdota Literaria; a collection of short Poems in English, Latin, and French, illustrative of the Literature and History of England in the thirteenth century, and more especially of the condition and manners of the different classes of society. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

History of Grittleton. By the Rev. J. E. Jackson, illustrated by engravings. 4to. For the Wiltshire Topographical Society.

An Essay on Topographical Literature, its province, attributes, and varied utility; with an account of the sources, objects, and uses of national and local records, with Glossaries of words used in ancient Wiltshire. By John Britton, F.S.A., &c. 4to. For the Wiltshire Topographical Society.

An Account of the Opening of the Roman Tumulus at Rougham, on the 4th July, 1844. By the Rev. J. S. Henslow. 8 pp. 8vo. A Supplement to the Suffolk Traveller; or Topographical and Genealogical Collections concerning that County. Compiled by Augustine Page. In one vol., royal 8vo. Price to Subscribers, £1. 15s.; to Non-Subscribers, £2.

The History and Antiquities of Dartford, with topographical notices of the neighbourhood. By John Dunkin, gent., M.A.S., in 1 vol. 8vo. with engravings.

The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society. No. XXV. containing, 1. Unedited Autonomous and Imperial Greek Coins, by H. P. Borrell. 2. New Proposed Reading of certain coins of Cunobelin, by Samuel Birch. 3. On Bullion Currency, by W. B. Dickinson. 4. On the term "bar," employed in African exchange computation, by W. B. Dickinson. 5. On some Anglo-Saxon Stycas discovered at York, by C. R. Smith. 6. Miscellanea. 7. Proceedings of the Numismatic Society, with engravings and woodcuts. 8vo.

An Olla Podrida, or Scraps, Numismatic, Antiquarian, and Literary. By Richard Sainthill, of Topsham, Devon. Large 8vo. London, 1844.

Archæologia Aeliana, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Vol. III. Part iii. 4to. 1844.

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. xix. Part II.

Archæologia. Vol. xxx. Part II. 4to. London, 1844.

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Nos. I and II. 8vo. London, 1843-4.

A Series of Monumental Brasses, extending from the reign of Edward I. to that of Elizabeth. Part XIV. By I. G. and L. A. B. Waller.

The Antiquities of Crosby Hall, including an Historical and Descriptive account of the Building, from the foundation to the present period, with fifteen line engravings. By Henry J. Hammon, Architect. 4to.

Lectures on Heraldry, in which the principles of the Science are familiarly explained, and its application shewn to the study of History and Architecture, illustrated by numerous drawings of various kinds of armorial bearings, badges, and other devices, including those of the Kings and Queens of England, with an examination of the causes which are said to have given rise to their adoption. By A. Barrington, M.D., fcap. v o., 7s. 6d., or with the plates, coloured, 10s. 6d.

Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology. By C. O. Müller. Translated from the German by J. Leitch. 8vo., 12s. A History of Illuminated Books, from the 4th to the 17th century. By H. N. Humphreys. Illustrated by a series of specimens, consisting of an entire page of the exact size of the original, from the most celebrated and splendid MSS. Printed in gold, silver, and colours. To be completed in about 24 Parts. Part I., Imperial 4to., 12s., large paper, 21s.

A Survey of Staffordshire; containing the Antiquities of that County. By S. Erdeswick. Collated with MS. copies, and with additions and corrections illustrative of the History and Antiquities, by the Rev. T. Harwood, D.D. New edition, considerably improved, 8vo. pp. 694, 8 plates, cloth, 25s.


Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de l'Ouest. Année, 1843. Poitiers. 8vo. 1844. 1. Catalogue du Musée. 2. Séance Publique. 3. L'Amphithéatre, ou les Arènes de Poitiers, par M. le baron Bourg- nor de Layre. 4. Essai sur les Lanternes des Morts, par M. A. de Chasteigner. 5. Statuts et Usages de l'ancienne Abbaye de Montierneuf de Poitiers, par M. Rédet. 6. Mémoire sur la Bataille de Moncontour, par M. Allonneau. 7. Attribution de quelques Tiers de sol d'or au Poitou, par M. B. Fillon. 8. Recherches sur un Tiers de sol d'or inedit de Melle, frappé au type Visigoth, par A. de Chasteigner. 9. Compte Rendu des Séances du Congres Archéologique de Poitiers.

Bulletins de la Societe des Antiquaires de l'Ouest. Années, 1844-46. Poitiers. 8vo. 1844.

Bulletin de la Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie. Année, 1844. No. 2. Amiens. 8vo. 1844.

Essai sur les Noms Propres Normands, par M. de Gerville, F.S.A., &c. 4to. Caen, 1844.

Monuments Romains d'Alleaume, par M. de Gerville. Valognes. 8vo. 1844.

Lettre sur l'Architecture des Eglises du Departement de la Manche, par M. de Gerville. Valognes, 8vo. 1843.

Revue Numismatique, publiée par E. Cartier et L. de la Saussaye. Année, 1844. No. 3. 1. Attribution d'une médaiile gauloise à Agedincum Senonum; par M. Ad. de Longpérier. 2. Recherches sur les époques et sur les causes de l'émission de l' æs grave en Italie; par M. Ch. Lenormant. 3. Tiers de Sol d'or inedit de Sigebert 1er, roi d'Austrasie; par M. Fillon. 4. Catalogue d'une découverte de monnaies du moyen-âge faite dans la crypte de Saint-Eutrope, de Saintes, le 10 Mai, 1843; par M. de Chasteigner. 5. Bulletin Bibliographique. G. Mélanges, 8vo. Paris. London, Mr. Curt, 05, Prince's Street, Leicester Square. Rapport a la Societe des Antiquaires de la Morinie sur les Fouilles Archéologiques que son Comité de Boulogne a fait exécuter in 1842. Saint Omer, 8vo. 1843.

Antiquites de Pologne, de Lituanie et de Slavonie, expliquées par Joachim Lelervel, par livraisons, 8vo. Paris et Bruxelles.

Notice Historique sur le Chateau de la Ville de Boulogne, par M. Francois Morand. 8vo. Boulogne, 1843.

Fac-Simile de L'Evangeliaire Slave de Reims, vulgairement nomme Texte du Sacre, publié par J. B. Silvestre, Traduit de Slave en Latin et précédé d'une dissertation en forme de préface par B. Kopitar.

Compiegne Historique et Monumentale, par Lambert de Ballypier. 2 vols. gr. in 8, with plates and woodcuts. 12s.


Ornamentik des Mittelalters aus Italien und Sicilien. v. J.O. Cramer. 2 Heft. 4to. Regensburg. 7s.

Trachten d. Christlichen Mittelalters. v. J. Hefner. I. Abth. 7 Lief. II. Abth. 9, 10 Lfg. III. Abth. 7 Lfg. 4to. Mannheim. 8s.

———————————————————. Edition on fine large paper, beautifully coloured, each number £1.

Gothisches ABC Buch, das ist: Lehrbuch der Grundregeln des Gothischen Styls, und Insbesondere der Gothischen Architectur. v. Fr. Hoffstadt. 3 u. 4 Lief. Imp. fol. In portfolio. Frankfurt. Ed. splend. £3. 12s.—Lief, 5, completing the work, will be published in the summer.

Denkmaleder Baukunst des Mittelalters in Sachsen. v. L. Puttrich. Impl. 4to. II. 1. Leips. Subs. 13s. Cd. Chinese Pap. £1. 0s. 6d.

Altteutscher Bildersaal. mit 24 Kupf, v. J. Bader. 8vo. Carlsr. 10s.

Jahrbucher des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden in Rheinlande IV. 8vo. Bonn. 7s.

Mittiieilung der Antiquar. Gesellschaft in Zurich. V. 2. with plates. 4to. Zur. £1. lOs.

Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Alterthum, hrgs. v. M. Haupt. 4 vols. No. 1 and 2. 8vo. Leipz. 9s.


Perranzabuloe, with an Account of the Present and Past Condition of the Oratory of St. Piran in the Sands, and some remarks on its probable Date, together with a General Introduction to the Early Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Cornwall. By the Rev. W. Haslam, B.A., Curate of Perranzabuloe. With several illustrations. Small 8vo. London, Van Voorst.

By Subscription.

The Military Antiquities of Kent. By the Rev. Beale Post, B.C.L., of Bydews Place, near Maidstone. In 2 vols., 8vo., with Maps and Engravings.

By Subscription.

Illustrations of the Anglo-Saxon Coinage. To be completed in about eight quarterly parts. The support of those who are interested in the subject is respectfully requested by D. H. Haigh, Leeds.

By Subscription.

An Essay on the Celtic Languages, compared amongst themselves, and considered in their Affinity with the other Languages of the Caucasian Stock. By Dr. Carl Meyer, of Rinteln. This Essay obtained the prize of eighty guineas, at the Eisteddvod of the Abergavenny Cymreigyddion, October, 1842. In one volume, 8vo. Price to subscribers not to exceed 10s. Subscribers' names received by the publisher, W. Rees, Llandovery, or by Messrs. Longmans, London.

By Subscription.

A History of the Island of Barbadoes, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, compiled from Public and Private Records, Printed Works, &c., containing a Distinct Account of each Parish, with Genealogical Tables of the respective families now or formerly resident there, Agricultural and Ecclesiastical History of the Island, Engravings of Churches, Houses, Monuments, Portraits, &c. By W. D. Bruce, Esq. Subscribers' names to be sent to Messrs. Nichols and Son.

By Subscription.

The Natural System of Architecture as opposed to the Artificial System of the present day, with illustrations, in 1 vol. Royal 8vo. By William Pettit Griffith, F.S.A., Architect.

History and Description of the parish of Kington St. Michael, Wiltshire: with a Memoir of the Life and Times of John Aubrey: illustrated by a map of the parish, and a portrait of Aubrey. By John Britton, F S.A., &c. For the Wiltshire Topographical Society.

A brief History of the Parish of Stowting, Kent, containing some account and drawings of the antiquities lately discovered there. By the Rev. F. Wrench. In 2 parts. 8vo.

Drawings and Descriptions of the lately-discovered Sarcophagi and Remains of the Knights Crusaders in the Temple Church, London. By Edward Richardson, sculptor. Folio. Price to subscribers one guinea, plain, or a guinea and a-half tinted proofs. Subscribers' names to be sent to the author, 6, Hales Place, South Lambeth.

The Church of St. John the Evangelist, in the Parish of Slymbridge, in the County of Gloucester. In royal 8vo. Subscribers' names to be sent to F. Niblett, Esq., architect, Haresfield Court, near Gloucester.