Archaeological Journal/Volume 3/Books, Prints, and Antiquities, Presented to the Institute
By the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, The Series of their Publications, Nos. I.—XII. By the Irish Archæological Society, The Series of their Publications, vols. I.—VIII. By the Rev. C. Lukis, Specimens of Church Plate, 4to., 1845. By W. J. Thoms, Esq., F.S.A., Anselme, Le Palais de L'Honneur, Paris, 1668, 4to. By Albert Way, Esq., Tacitus Ernesti, 2 tom., Leipsic, 1772; Memoires de Philippe de Comines, 5 tom., 1723, 8vo.; Menestrier, La Nouvelle Methode du Blason, 1750, 24mo.; Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum, abridged edition, 1718, fol.; Camden's Remaines, 1605, 4to.; Palgrave's History of the Anglo-Saxons, 1831; Cotgrave's French and English Dictionary, by Howell, 1650, fol.; Hall's Chronicle, reprint, London, 1809, 4to.; Brayley's Graphic Illustrator, 1834, 4to.; Britton and Pugin's Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, 2 vols., 1825-1828. By the Rev. Dr. Hook, An Ecclesiastical Biography, vol. i., 1845. By Evelyn P. Shirley, Esq., M.P., Some Account of the Territory or Dominion of Farney, in the Province and Earldom of Ulster, 1845, 4to.; "Inventorie of all the Goods, Cattalls &c. of Sir Rauff Shirley," of Leicestershire, Knt., A.D. 1517, 4to. By George Grant Francis, Esq., of Swansea, Some Account of Sir Hugh Johnys, Deputy Knight Marshal of England, temp. Henry VI. and Edward IV., 1845, 8vo. By John Richard Walbran, Esq., The Pictorial Guide to Ripon and Harrogate, 1845, 12mo. By Jabez Allies, Esq., F.S.A., Essay on the Ignis Fatuus, or Will-o-the-Wisp and the Faries, 1846, 8vo. By the Author, A Lecture on the Ancient Customs of the City of Hereford, by Richard Johnson, Town Clerk, 1845, 12mo. By John Martin, Esq., Librarian to the Duke of Bedford, Heraldry of Fish, by Thomas Moule, 1842, 8vo. By Mr. W. A. Church, Patterns of Inlaid Tiles, from Churches in the Diocese of Oxford, 1845, 4to. By the Authoress, The Art of Fresco Painting, as practised by the old Italian and Spanish Masters, by Mrs. Merrifield, 1846, 8vo. By the Author, Xanthian Marbles: The Nereid Monument: an Historical and Mythological Essay, by William Watkiss Lloyd, 1845, 8vo. By the Rev. J. L. Petit, Train's Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man, 2 vols., 1845, 8vo. By the Rev. George Mountjoy Webster, D.D., Mona Antiqua Restaurata, by Rowlands, 1723, 4to. By J. Winter Jones, Esq., Gorii Opuscula Varia, 2 tom. 1751, 8vo. By Charles Newton, Esq., Whitaker's Ancient Cathedral History of Cornwall, 2 vols., 1804, 4to.; Liber Psalmorum, Lat, et Ang. Sax., ed. B. Thorpe, 1835, 8vo.; Murphy's Tacitus, 1830, 8vo.; Knight's Normans in Sicily, 1838, 12mo.; The Poetical Works of Lewis Glyn Cothi, 1837, 8vo.; A Glossary of Provincial Words used in Herefordshire, 1839, 12mo.; Nicolas's Synopsis of the Peerage, 2 vols., 1825, 12mo.; Architectural Notes on German Churches, by Professor Whewell, 1835, 8vo.; Chronicon Ricardi Divisiensis, (printed by the English Historical Society,) 1838. 8vo.: Ash- mole's History of the Order of the Garter, 1715, 8vo.; Lewis's Illustrations of Kilpeck Church, 1841, 4to.; Select Papyri, in the Hieratic character, from the Collection in the British Museum, parts I. II. and III., fol. By the Author, History of the House of D'Oyly, by William D'Oyly Bayley, pt. I., 1845, 8vo. By the Author, Avranchin Monumental et Historicpie, par Edouard Le Héricher, Honorary Member of the Institute; Avranches, 1845, 8vo. By Mr. J. H. Parker, Barr's Anglican Church Architecture, 1846, 8vo.; A Companion to the fourth edition of the Glossary of Architecture, 1846, 8vo. By the Editor, "The Athenæum" for the months of January and February, 1846. By the Editor, Archæologia Cambrensis, No. I.
Views of Castle Ashby Church, Northamptonshire, and of the castles of Gennezano and Tivoli in Italy. Presented by the Marquis of Northampton.
Cast of a portion of an inscription on a screen formerly in the church of Llanvair-Waterdine, Shropshire. (See Archæological Journal, vol. ii. p. 269.) Presented by the Very Rev. the Dean of Hereford.
Cast of part of the armorial bearings of Sir Humphry Radcliffe, second son of Robert, first earl of Sussex, from his monument over the altar of the church of Elstow. Presented by John Martin, Esq.
Specimens of pottery, of late Roman manufacture, discovered at Alton, Hants. Presented by the Rev. Brymer Belcher.
Antiquities discovered in Ireland, including celts of stone and bronze, a bronze harp-key, a wooden mether, brooches and various personal ornaments. Presented by Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq., M.P.
Tracings of painted glass in the library of Queen's College, Cambridge. Presented by Seymour E. Major, Esq.
Numerous impressions from sepulchral brasses. Presented by John Buckler, Esq., F.S.A.; George Grant Francis, Esq., F.S.A.; S. T. Brandram, Esq.; Mr. W. A. Steabler; and R. P. Pullan, Esq.
A collection of casts and impressions of ancient seals. Presented by Sampson Hodgkinson, Esq.
A small collection of impressions of conventual and personal seals, chiefly foreign. Presented by W. F. Vernon, Esq.
A collection of engravings and etchings of cathedral, abbey, and collegiate churches, from the drawings of John Buckler, Esq. Presented by John Buckler, Esq., F.S.A.
Lithograph of a sculptured stone, formerly in the old chapel burying-ground at Auldbar, Brechin, mentioned by Pennant, and described in Pinkerton's Correspondence, ii. p. 412; Lithograph of the font at Auldbar. Presented by Patrick Chalmers, Esq.
Representations of specimens of the ancient ring-money of Ireland. Presented by Edward Hoare, Esq., of Cork.
A tinted engraving from the fresco painting of the incredulity of St. Thomas, recently discovered in the abbey church, St. Alban's. Presented by the Rev. C. Boutell.
The annexed engraving is a corrected plan of the shape and arrangement of the foundation tiles, discovered during the recent excavations on the site of the Roman villa at Wheatley, near Oxford, and described in the Archæological Journal, vol. ii. p. 354. It has been ascertained that these tiles are certainly flat, as Dr. Buckland described them to be, the curve in one of them which deceived the experienced eye of Mr. Orlando Jewitt, being merely the result of the baking.
The Central Committee of the Archæological Institute regret, that in preparing the List of Members for the eighth number of the Archæological Journal, the names of the following gentlemen were inserted, contrary to the wish subsequently intimated by them to the Secretaries of the Institute.
The Lord Bishop of Winchester. |
Jackson, Joseph, Settle. |