Suggestions for Collateral Reading

W. W. Greg: Lodge's 'Rosalynde,' being the original of Shakespeare's 'As You Like It.' The Shakespeare Classics. New York and London, 1907.

Richard Grant White: Studies in Shakespeare. Boston, 1886. See pp. 233 ff.

Helena Faucit, Lady Martin: On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters. 7th ed. London, 1904. See pp. 227 ff. (1st ed., 1885.)

Mrs. Anna Jameson: Characteristics of Women. Boston, n. d., Riverside Press. See pp. 110 ff. (1st ed., London, 1832; revised and enlarged, 1833.)

Louis Lewes: The Women of Shakespeare. Translated from the German by Helen Zimmern. New York, 1895. See pp. 224 ff.

Stopford A. Brooke: On Ten Plays of Shakespeare. New York, 1904. As You Like It, pp. 155 ff.

H. N. Hudson: Shakespeare: His Life, Art, and Characters. 4th ed., revised. New York, 1915. See pp. 330 ff.

William Winter: Shakespeare on the Stage. Second series. New York, 1914. As You Like It, pp. 215 ff.

W. W. Greg: Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama. London, 1906.

H. H. Furness: A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. As You Like It. 1st ed. Philadelphia, 1890. Contains portions of The Tale of Gamelyn and Lodge's Rosalynde in an appendix.