Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VII/Hymn 61 (63)

1511546Atharva-Veda SamhitaBook VII, Hymn 61 (63)William Dwight Whitney

61 (63). For success of penance.

[Atharvan.—dvyṛcam. āgneyam. ānuṣṭuhham.]

In Pāipp. (xx.) is found only the second half* of vs. 1. The hymn is, according to Kāuç. (10. 22), to be pronounced at āgrahāyaṇa full-moon, in a medhājanana rite (for acquisition of sacred knowledge); also (57. 23), in the ceremony of reception of a Vedic student, in the ⌊agnikārya⌋, next after hymn 33 (both verses are quoted, each by its pratīka); and the schol. (note to 53. 4) introduce both verses in the godāna ceremony. *⌊But R's notes give a variant for 1 b, as below!⌋

Translated: Henry, 24, 87; Griffith, i. 357.

1. In that, O Agni, penance with penance, we perform additional (?) penance, may we be dear to what is heard, long-lived, very wise.

'What is heard' (çrutá), the inspired or revealed word. Nearly all the mss. (all ours save Bp.1 M.) read priyā́ instead of priyā́ḥ at beginning of c. Ppp. has for b upa prekṣāmahe* vayam. The comm. gives several diverse guesses at the sense of the obscure first half-verse. ⌊The vs. recurs with variants at MGS. i. 1. 18.⌋ *⌊R. suggests that pṛkṣāmahe (root pṛc) may be intended.⌋

2. O Agni, we perform penance, we perform additional penance—we, hearing things heard, long-lived, very wise.

It is questionable whether upa-tapya in both these verses has not a more pregnant meaning ⌊as above: BR., simply, 'Kasteiung leiden'⌋: Henry takes it as equivalent to simple tapya.