1016447Preface — PrefaceHamilton Mackinnon



In placing this, the first volume of a cheap series of the miscellaneous works of the late MARCUS CLARKE before the Public of Australia, I venture to think that I am not only fulfilling my duty as his Literary Executor, but am removing a reproach which attaches to that Public in the eyes of such literary lights as Lord Rosebery, Sir Charles Dilke, "Mark Twain," the late Oliver Wendell Holmes and others who have spoken and written in no stinted phrases as to Marcus Clarke's position in the intellectual world, and expressed surprise at his works not being more popularly known among those on whom his genius has shed world-wide renown. To enable these works to come within the buying power of all classes, this series is being brought out at a price which no one should cavil about. It is therefore to be hoped that the people of these "new lands 'cross the seas" will give an emphatic denial to the old world saying--"a prophet hath no honour in his own country." In conclusion, grateful thanks are due to those who have rendered the publication of this book possible by assisting the author's widow in the very practical manner of advertising in it; and of these let it be said:

"Cast thy bread upon the waters, for Thou shalt find it after many days."