Author:Barack Obama/Town hall meetings

Town hall meetings

The following lists town hall meetings held by, and questions asked of, Barack Obama.


Sortable List Of 2009 Town Hall Introductions and Questions
Date Subject Topic Summary
02/09 Elkhart Town Hall Introductory Remarks Town Hall With Focus On Recovery Plan (ARRA)
02/09 Great Recession ARRA Will ARRA Funds Go Directly to Elkhart?
02/09 Great Recession ARRA Will ARRA Funds Go To Those Hardest Hit by Great Recession?
02/09 Obama Administration Ethics Can We Trust You Given Cabinet Members' Ethics Problems?
02/09 Great Recession ARRA Will ARRA Funds Go To Green Jobs and Projects?
02/09 Great Recession Foreclosure Crisis Legislation To Ease Mortgage Modification?
02/09 Energy Renewable Energy Government Support For Green Energy Companies?
02/09 Economy Offshoring Government Action To Reduce Offshoring?
02/09 Education Schools What are you going to do to help our schools?
02/10 Ft. Myers Town Hall Introductory Remarks Town Hall With Focus On Recovery Plan (ARRA)
02/10 Great Recession ARRA Will ARRA Funds Go Towards Higher Education?
02/10 Great Recession Foreclosure Crisis Mortgage Modification For Underwater Homeowners?
02/10 Health Care Health Care Reform Priority of Health Care Reform for Obama Administration?
02/10 Great Recession Safety Net Help for Unemployed Beyond Unemployment Insurance?
02/10 Great Recession Foreclosure Crisis Will ARRA Funds Go Towards Stimulus Checks?
02/10 Great Recession ARRA Will ARRA Funds Go Towards School Infrastructure?
02/10 Poverty Safety Net What Support Exists For The Homeless?
02/10 Great Recession ARRA How Long Will ARRA Take To Help?
02/10 Great Recession ARRA Will ARRA Funds Go Towards Florida Transportation?
02/10 Economy Economic Inequality What Are Your Plans To Help Low Wage Workers?
03/18 Costa Mesa Town Hall Introductory Remarks
03/18 Politicians Barack Obama Do You Intend To Run For Reelection?
03/18 Great Recession ARRA Can Refused ARRA Funds Be Redirected?
03/18 Great Recession Credit Crunch Can The Procedure For Making SBA Loans Be Eased?
03/18 Immigration Immigration Reform What Are Your Plans To Fix Our Broken Immigration System?
03/18 Great Recession ARRA Will ARRA Funds Go Towards Teacher Retention?
03/18 Labor Davis-Bacon Act Will Your Administration Ensure Fair Wages for Workers?
03/18 Consumer Protection Credit Cards Do You Support Caps On Credit Card Interest Rates?
03/18 Jobs Job Hunting How Can I Find Work With My Criminal Record?