Executive orders
Administrations of Grover Cleveland (March 4, 1885 – March 4, 1889, and March 4, 1893 – March 4 1897)
  • At least 77 Executive Orders Issued [1]
  • Range (1st term): Executive Order 23-1 thru Executive Order 27-1
  • Range (2nd term): Executive Order 30 thru Executive Order 96
  • Signature of Grover Cleveland


    23-1 Apr 25 Appointing George M. Sternberg as Delegate to International Sanitary Conference, Rome, Italy
    24 Nov 25 Ordering Formalities for Mourning the Death of Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks


    25 Nov 18 Ordering Formalities for Mourning the Death of Former President Chester A. Arthur


    26 Aug 25 Waiving Customs Duties for Foreign Soldiers Attending International Military Encampment in Chicago
    27 Oct 24 Ordering Formalities for Mourning the Death of Former Secretary of State Elihu B. Washburne
    27-1 Oct 24 Same as Executive Order 27, but addressed to diplomatic and consular officers






See Benjamin Harrison


    30 Apr 12 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Reappointment of Substitute Employees
    30-1 Jun 16 Transferring Functions of Preparing and Recording Pardons to the Department of Justice
    31 Aug 19 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfers


    32 Mar 20 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions to Examinations in Department of Agriculture
    33 Jun 21 Amending Civil Service Special Customs Rule No. 1 Regarding Exceptions from Examination
    34 Jun 21 Amending Civil Service Special Indian Rule No. 1 Regarding Exceptions from Examination
    35 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Bureau of Statistics
    36 Nov 02 Making Chief of Division of Pomology in Department of Agriculture Subject to Civil Service Examination
    37 Nov 02 Making Assistant Chief of Division of Pomology in Department of Agriculture Subject to Civil Service Examination
    38 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Appointment of Indian Teachers
    39 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination at Indian Schools
    40 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules to Require Minimum of Twenty Employees in Customs District Before Being Classified
    41 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfer of Employees Excepted from Examination
    42 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules to Require Reports of Appointments under Exception under Any Customs Rule
    43 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Examination
    44 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfer of Employees Excepted from Examination
    45 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Reports of Appointments under Exceptions
    46 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfer of Railway Mail Employees Excepted from Examination
    47 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in the Postal Service
    48 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Selection of Superintendents of Mail
    49 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules to Require Reports of Appointments under Exception under Any Postal Rule
    50 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules to Allow Temporary Appointments for Certain Vacancies Pending Regular Appointments
    51 Nov 17 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Appointment and Transfer of Sea-Post Clerks in Post Office Department
    52 Nov 17 Amending Civil Service Rules Removing Exceptions from Examination for Steamboat Clerks and Transfer Clerks in Railway Mail Service
    53 Nov 17 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding the Appointment of Part Time Clerks at Transfer Stations and Steamboats
    54 Nov 02 Amending Civil Service Rules to Classify Positions of Messengers, Assistant Messengers, and Watchmen
    55 Dec 04 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Positions Excepted from Examination in Geological Survey
    56 Dec 15 Amending Civil Service Rules Prescribing Procedure for Transfer and Reappointment to Non-Excepted Positions from Excepted Positions


    57 Jan 03 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in the Postal Service
    58 Feb 12 Amending Civil Service Rules to Allow Temporary Appointments for Certain Vacancies
    59 Mar 02 Amending Civil Service Rules
    60 Mar 18 Amending Civil Service Rules to Permit Appointment of Graduates of Indian Schools as Assistant Teachers Without Examination
    61 Apr 15 Amending Executive Orders so Civil Service Rule Changes not be Retroactive in Effect
    62 May 07 Prescribing Civil Service Rules for the Internal Revenue Service
    63 May 18 Amending Civil Service Rules to Allow Temporary Appointments for Certain Vacancies in Customs Districts
    64 May 24 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Department of Agriculture
    64-1 May 24 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except from Examination the Chief of the Dairy Division in Department of Agriculture
    65 May 24 Amending Civil Service Rules to Specify Further Positions Not Excepted from Examination
    66 May 24 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Department of the Interior
    67 Jun 13 Prescribing Civil Service Rules for the Government Printing Office
    68 Jul 11 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Temporary Procedures for Promotion in Customs Districts
    69 Jul 15 Amending Civil Service Classifications to Include Firemen in All Departments
    70 Jul 15 Civil Service Classification of the Pension Agencies of the Interior Department
    71 Jul 15 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination and Transfers
    72 Jul 15 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Appointments at Pension Agencies
    73 Jul 15 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfers from Pension Agencies of the Interior Department
    74 Jul 15 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in the Geological Survey
    75 Jul 15 Amending Civil Service Rules Making Editor and Photographer in Geological Survey Noncompetitive Positions
    76 Jul 30 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in the Bureau of Immigration
    77 Aug 05 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Promotions and Transfers Between Certain Positions
    78 Aug 22 Amending Government Printing Office Civil Service Rules to Remove Upper Age Limits
    79 Sep 05 Amending Civil Service Rules to Require Examinations for Bookbinders
    80 Sep 16 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Certain Compositors and Pressmen in Bureau of Engraving and Printing from Examination
    81 Sep 20 Prescribing Rules Governing Appointment of Consuls and Commercial Agents
    82 Nov 06 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Classifications in Consolidated Post Offices
    83 Dec 02 Amending Civil Service Rules to Exclude Department of Labor Special Agents from Noncompetitive Appointment
    84 Dec 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Department of Labor


    85 Jan 18 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination for Certain Part-Time Positions in Customs Service
    86 Jan 18 Amending Internal Revenue Civil Service Rules Regarding Temporary Appointments
    87 Mar 28 Amending Civil Service Rules Making Interior Department Assistant Attorneys and Law Clerks Subject to Competitive Examination
    88 Mar 28 Amending Civil Service Rules Making Board of Pension Appeals in the Department of the Interior Subject to Competitive Examination
    89 May 06 Civil Service Rules Revised and Codified
    90 May 13 Amending Civil Service Rules To Include Life-Saving Service in the Departmental Services
    91 Nov 02 Prohibiting Modification of Employment Regulations at Navy Yards Without Approval of Civil Service Commission
    92 Nov 02 Amendments to Civil Service Rules
    93 Dec 23 Amending Civil Service Rules To Include Certain Employees of the Penitentiary Service in the Departmental Services


    94 Jan 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Age Limitations
    95 Jan 02 Amending Civil Service to Allow Temporary Appointments Without Examination
    96 Jan 27 Amending Civil Service to Except Assistant Secretaries in Smithsonian Institution from Examination


  1. NOTE: The total number of Executive orders issued for each administration includes number-and-letter designated orders, such as 9577-A, 9616-A, etc. Also, many executive orders in this era never got numbered at all.