Author:Joseph McCabe
edit- From Rome to Rationalism, or: why I left the Church (1896)
- Twelve Years in a Monastery (1897)
- Modern Rationalism: a Sketch of the Progress of the Rationalist Spirit In the 19th Century (1897)
- Life in a Modern Monastery (1898)
- Religion of the 20th Century (1899)
- Peter Abélard (1901) (external scan)
- St. Augustine and His Age (1902) (external scan)
- The Riddle Vindicated: Haeckel's Critics Answered (1903)
- Church Discipline: An Ethical Study of the Church of Rome (1903) (external scan)
- The Religion of Woman: An Historical Study (an introduction by Lady Florence Dixie; 1905) (external scan)
- Truth About Secular Education: Its History and Results (1906)
- A Hundred Years of Educational Controversy (1907)
- Talleyrand: A Biographical Study (1907) (external scan)
- The Bible in Europe: An Inquiry Into the Contribution of the Christian Religion to Civilization (1907) (external scan)
- Life and Letters of George Jacob Holyoake (1908) (external scan)
- The Martyrdom of Ferrer: Being a True Account of His Life and Work (1909)
- Woman in Political Evolution (1909)
- Evolution: a General Sketch from Nebula to Man (1909) (external scan)
- The Iron Cardinal (1909)
- The Decay of the Church of Rome (1910) (external scan)
- The Evolution of Mind (1910) (external scan)
- The Empresses of Rome (1911) (external scan)
- Goethe: The Man and His Character (1912) (external scan)
- The Story of Evolution (1912)
- The Existence of God. The Inquirer's Library 1. (1913)
- A Candid History of the Jesuits (1913) (external scan)
- Empresses of Constantinople (1913?)
- George Bernard Shaw: A Critical Study (1914) (external scan)
- The Religion of Sir Oliver Lodge (1914)
- The Sources of the Morality of the Gospels (1914)
- Treitschke and the Great War (1914) (external scan)
- The Soul of Europe: A Character Study of Militant Nations (1915) (external scan)
- The Kaiser: His Personality and Career (1915) (external scan)
- The War and the Churches (1915) (external scan)
- Crises in the History of the Papacy: A Study of 20 Famous Popes Whose Careers and Whose Influence Were Important in the Development of the Church and in the History of the World (1916) (external scan)
- The Influence of the Church on Marriage and Divorce (1916)
- The Tyranny of Shams (1916) [(external scan)
- The Bankruptcy of Religion (1917) (external scan)
- The Pope's Favorite (1917)
- The Growth of Religion: A Study of its Origin and Development (1918) (external scan)
- The Popes and their Church: A Candid Account (1918) (external scan) (external scan)
- Georges Clemenceau, France's Grand Old Man: His Life and Opinions (1919)
- The Church and the People (1919) (external scan)
- A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Rationalists (1920) (transcription project)
- Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud?: The Evidence Given by Sir A.C. Doyle and Others Drastically Examined (1920) (external scan)
- Robert Owen (1920)
- The ABC of Evolution (1920) (external scan)
- The End of the World (see Little Blue Book 144 with same title; 1921)
- The Evolution of Civilization (1921) (external scan)
- George Jacob Holyoake (1922) (external scan)
- Ice Ages: The Story of the Earth's Revolutions (1922) (external scan)
- A New Creed for a New World. Delivered in the Centennial Hall, Brisbane, on Tuesday, June 5, 1923. (1923)
- The Twilight of the Gods (1923)
- The Wonders of the Stars (1923)
- The Marvels of Modern Physics (1925)
- The Triumph of Evolution (1925)
- 1825 to 1925: A Century of Stupendous Progress (1926)
- Truth About the Catholic Church (1926)
- Science Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1927)
- The Key to Culture (1927–1929)
- Debunking the Lourdes Miracles and Other Articles (1928)
- The Story Of Religious Controversy (1929) (external scan)
- The Key to Love and Sex (1929)
- The True Story of the Roman Catholic Church (in six double volumes, 1930-31).
- The New Science and the Story of Evolution (1931; The Story of Evolution (1912) rewritten)
- One Hundred Men Who Moved the World: Character Sketches of the Greatest Creative Forces of History (1931)
- Spain in Revolt (1931)
- An Outline of Today's Knowledge: Important Truths of Modern Science and History (1932)
- A Book of Popular Superstitions: A Study of Man's Capacity for Wrong Beliefs (1932)
- Can We Save Civilization? (1932)
- Edward Clodd: A Memoir (1932)
- The Story of the World's Oldest Profession: Prostitution in the Ancient, Medieval and Modern Worlds (1932)
- Great Ideas Made Simple: Help in Clearing up Ideas on Science, Philosophy, Literature (1934)
- Mr. G.K. Chesterton as an Historical Oracle (1934)
- Rhythm Method of Natural Birth Control (1934)
- The Riddle of the Universe Today (1934)
- The Social Record of Christianity. Thinker's Library 51. (1935)
- The Splendor of Moorish Spain (1935)
- Is The Position Of Atheism Growing Stronger? (1936)
- The Freethinker's Library (1936)
- A History of the Popes (1939) (external scan)
- A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers (1945)
- The History of Flagellation, 1946
- Eighty Years a Rebel; Autobiography. (1947)
- The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica; How Powerful and Shameless Clerical Forces Castrated a Famous Work of Reference (1947) (external scan)
- A Rationalist Encyclopædia: A Book of Reference, On Religion, Philosophy, Ethics, and Science. (1948)
- Luther Burbank Speaks Out (external scan)
- The Romance of the Romanoffs (external scan)
- The Taint in Politics: A Study in the Evolution of Parliamentary Corruption (external scan)
- The Golden Ages of History (external scan)
- Spiritualism: A Popular History from 1847 (external scan)
- Life and Letters of George Jacob Holyoake (is this the same as above?) (external scan) (external scan)
- Prehistoric Man
- Principles of Evolution
- In the Shade of the Cloister
- Shakespeare and Goethe
- Origin of Life
Big Blue Books
edit- The Absurdities of the Christian Religion. The Freethinker's Library.
- The Ancient World: Sketches of Hammurabi, Confucius, Buddha, Cyrus, Mencius and Astoka. Big Blue Book 22. (1931)
- The Artistic Sterility of the Church (external scan)
- Atheist Russia Shakes the World: How the Wicked Bolsheviks Are to Save Our Christian Civilization. The Black International 9. (1941) (external scan)
- The Bloody Story of Anti-Semitism Down the Ages: A Few Friendly Counsels of a Freethinker to the Members of Our Three Great Religions. Big Blue Books B-584. (1947)
- The Catholic Church and the Sex Problem: The Stupidity, Futility, and Insolence of Its Ethic. Big Blue Books B-812. (1949)
- The Changing Morals of Today: Study of Modern Life and Literature. A History of Human Morals XII.
- The Church Defies Modern Life: One Sound Catholic Boast--We Never Change. The Black International 15. (1941) (external scan)
- The Church the Enemy of the Workers: Rome is the Natural Ally of All Exploiters. The Black International 14. (1941) (external scan)
- The Columbia Encyclopedia's Crimes Against the Truth. Big Blue Book B-939. (1951) (external scan)
- The Complete Story of Philosophy: A Primer for Everyman of the Entire History of Philosophy. The Key to Culture 36.
- A Critical Review of the Latest Claims That Are Supposed to Give Validity to the Idea of God. The Freethinker's Library. (1936)
- Dawn of the Era of Accomplishment: Sketches of Lincoln, Wagner, Darwin, Ibsen, Renan and Spencer. Big Blue Books 37. (1931)
- Dawn of the Era of Accomplishment: Sketches of Nietzsche, Pasteur, Haeckel, Burbank and Anatole France. Big Blue Books 38. (1931)
- The Dawn of the Modern Spirit: Sketches of Gibbon, Kant, Adam Smith, Washington, Mirabeau and Paine. Big Blue Books 33. (1931)
- The Dawn of the Modern Spirit: Sketches of Jefferson, Goethe, Schiller, Pestalozzi, Watt and Beethoven. Big Blue Books 34. (1931)
- The Dawn of the Modern Spirit: Sketches of Voltaire, Rousseau, D'Aranda, Franklin and Diderot. Big Blue Books 32. (1931)
- Does Atheism Rest Its Case on Logic? The Freethinker's Library 9. (1936)
- Fascist Romanism Defies Civilization: How the Pope Keeps to the Plot While the World Curses It. The Black International 10. (1941) (external scan)
- The Final Struggle: Sketches of Napoleon, Byron, Shelley, Bolivar, and Robert Owen. Big Blue Books 35. (1931)
- The Final Struggle: Sketches of Pushkin, Mazzini, Victor Hugo, Karl Marx, Carlyle and Heine. Big Blue Books 36. (1931)
- The Fruits of Romanism: The Catholic Church Does Far More Harm Than Good. The Black International 19. (1941) (external scan)
- The Futility of Basic Religious Ideas (1938)
- A Graphic Account of the History of America. The Key To Culture 22. (1928)
- The Greco-Roman Civilization: Sketches of Epicurus, Ptolemy, Julius Caesar, the Emperor Hadrian, Galen and Theodoric. Big Blue Books 24. (after 1931)
- Hitler Dupes the Vatican: How the Papacy Was Sold in Austria and Sold Civilization in Czecho-Slovakia. The Black International 5. (1941)
- The History and Meaning of the Catholic Index of Forbidden Books (1931)
- A History of Satanism: Telling How the Devil Was Born, How He Came to Be Worshipped as a God, and How He Died. Big Blue Books B-763. (1948)
- The Holy Faith of the Romanists: How Catholics Are Hypnotized about Their Weird Creed. The Black International 16. (1941)
- How the Faith is Protected (external scan)
- How the Pope of Peace Traded in Blood: The Red Pope. The Black International 2. (1941) (external scan) (external scan)
- Important Facts about the Great Modern Writers: All the Notable Writers from about 1750 to the End of the Nineteenth Century. The Key to Culture 30. (1928)
- Important Facts about the Great Writers of Antiquity: The Literature of Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Etc. The Key to Culture 28. (1928)
- Important Facts about the Great Writers of the Middle Ages. The Key To Culture 29.
- Is the Philosophy of Dialectical Materialism out of Date? The Freethinker's Library 4. (1936)
- The Life Story of Robert Owen: The Story of a Great and Naive Man Who Used His Life and Spent His Fortune in Furthering Every Social Crusade of His Time. Big Blue Books B-682. (1948)
- A Manual of Human Morality: A Complete Summary of Theories of Ethics and Laws of Behavior. The Key to Culture 37. (1928)
- The Meaning of Existentialism: The New Philosophy, Founded by Sartre, That Has Made Quick Progress among the Volatile Young Men of Paris' Latin Quarter. (1946)
- The Middle Ages: Sketches of Abelard, Saladin, Frederic the Second, Roger Bacon, Danta and Giotto. Big Blue Books 26. (after 1931)
- The Middle Ages: Sketches of Boccaccio, Gutenberg, Lorenzo the Magnificent, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Columbus and Copernicus. Big Blue Books 27. (after 1931)
- The Middle Ages: Sketches of Tai-Tsung, the Caliph Muavia, Lintprand, Charlemagne, Abd-al-Rhaman III and Otto the Great. Big Blue Books 25. (after 1931)
- The Moral Life of China and India: An Outline of Their Lives from Early Days to Recent Times. A History of Human Morals VII.
- Morality in the Nineteenth Century: The Development of Modern Puritanism. A History of Human Morals XI.
- Morals Among the Greeks and Romans: Candid Account of Virtue and Vice in the Greco-Roman World. Big Blue Books B-486.
- Morals in the Arab-Persian Civilization. Big Blue Books B-488.
- Morals of the Ancient World: Ideas and Practices in Ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria and Judea. Big Blue Books B-484.
- The Morals of the Savage: Weird Moral Ideas and Practices of Man in a State of Mental Childhood. Big Blue Books B-483.
- Phallic Ancient Civilizations and the Cult of Love: Survey of the Civilized Area in Which Sex Ethic Was Unknown. Big Blue Books B-485.
- The Pious Traitors of Belgium and France: How the Preaching of Peace Fizzled Out, and Why. The Black International 7. (1941) (external scan)
- The Pope and the Italian Jackal: How Mussolini's Invincible Legions Were Blessed. The Black International 8. (1941) (external scan)
- The Pope Helps Hitler to World-Power: How the Cross Courted the Swastika for Eight Years. The Black International 3. (1941) (external scan)
- Reason or Faith—Which Shall Prevail? The Freethinker's Library 6. (1936)
- The Reformation: Sketches of Wycliffe, John Hus, Erasmus, Luther and Richelieu. Big Blue Books 28. (after 1931)
- The Return of Humanism: Sketches of Francis Bacon, Descartes, Cromwell, Moliere and Milton. Big Blue Books 30. (1931)
- The Return of Humanism: Sketches of Rabelais, Montaigne, Cervantes, Bruno, Shakespeare and Galileo. Big Blue Books 29. (1931)
- The Return of Humanism: Sketches of Spinoza, Newton, Peter the Great, Locke, Montesquieu, and Frederick the Great. Big Blue Books 31. (1931)
- Rome Irreconcilable With Democracy: The Goebbelisms of American Catholic Writers. (1946)
- Rome Puts a Blight on Culture: The Roman Church the Poorest in Culture and Richest in Crime. The Black International 13. (1941) (external scan)
- Rome's Syllabus of Condemned Opinions: The Last Blast Of The Catholic Church's Medieval Trumpet. Big Blue Book B-878. (external scan) (1950)
- The Story of Economic Ideals in Man's Social Status: The History of Economic Theories. The Key to Culture 25. (1928)
- The Story of Human Social Ideals: The History of All That Man Has Hoped for and Desired in Social Reform. The Key to Culture 27. (1928)
- The Strange Civilizations of China and India: Asiatic Culture Personified in Buddha and Confucius. The Key To Culture 18.
- The Totalitarian Church of Rome: Its Fueher, Its Gauleiter, Its Gestapo, and Its Money-Box. The Black International 11. (1941) (external scan)
- The Tyranny of the Clerical Gestapo: Catholics the Most Priest-Ridden of All People. The Black International 12. (1941) (external scan)
- The Vatican Buries International Law: How Mussolini and the Yellow Brother Got Their Share. The Black International 4. (1941) (external scan)
- The Vatican's Last Crime: How the Black International Joined the World-Plot Against Freedom, Liberalism, and Democracy. The Black International 1. (1941) (external scan) (external scan)
- The War and Papal Intrigue: How the New Pope Talked Peace and Worked for War. The Black International 6. (1941) (external scan)
- The Wonderful Greco-Roman World: Sketches of Thales, Pericles, Pheidias, Plato, Aristotle, and Zeno. Big Blue Books 23. (1931)
- The Wonders of Ancient Egypt and Babylon (1928)
- Would a Godless World Make for Social Progress or Decline? The Freethinker's Library 10. (1936)
- Writers of Today and Their Message to the World. The Key to Culture 31. (1928)
Little Blue Books
editSome Little Blue Books can be found in the "Collaborations" section.
109c. Facts You Should Know about the Classics (1927)
297b. Do We Need Religion?
354b. The Absurdities of Christian Science
365b. Myths of Religious Statistics
366b. Religion's Failure to Combat Crime
439b. My Twelve Years in a Monastery
445b. The Fraud of Spiritualism (1927)
446b. The Psychology of Religion (1927)
477b. The Nonsense Called Theosophy
841b. The Future of Religion (1927)
1007. The Revolt Against Religion (1926)
1008. The Origin of Religion (1926)
1030. The World's Great Religions (1926)
1059. The Myth of Immortality (1926)
1060. The Futility of Belief in God (1926)
1061. The Human Origin of Morals (1926)
1066. The Forgery of the Old Testament (1926)
1076. Morals in Ancient Babylon (1926)
1077. Religion and Morals in Ancient Egypt (1926)
1078. Life and Morals in Greece and Rome (1926)
1079. Phallic Elements in Religion (1926)
1084. Did Jesus Ever Live? (1926)
1088. The Origin of Religion
1095. The Sources of Christian Morality (1926)
1102. Pagan Christs [1926], c1911.
1104. The Myth of the Resurrection
1107. Legends of Saints and Martyrs
1110. How Christianity Triumphed
1121. The Evolution of Christian Doctrine
1122. The Degradation of Woman
1127. Christianity and Slavery (1926)
1128. The Church and the School
1130. The Dark Ages
1131. How to Write for the Market
1132. New Light on Witchcraft
1134. The Horrors of the Inquisition
1136. Medieval Art and the Church
1137. The Moorish Civilization in Spain
1140. The Renaissance: A European Awakening
1141. The Reformation and Protestant Reaction
1142. The Truth about Galileo and Medieval Science (1926)
1144. The Jesuits: Religious Rogues
1145. Religion and the French Revolution
1150. The Churches and Modern Progress
1203. Seven Infidel U.S. Presidents (1927)
1205. Thomas Paine's Revolt Against the Bible
1211. The Conflict Between Science and Religion
1215. Robert G. Ingersoll: Benevolent Agnostic
1218. Christianity and Philanthropy
1224. Religion in the Great Poets (1927)
1229. The Triumph of Materialism
1237. The Beliefs of Scientists
1243. The Failure of Christian Missions (1927)
1248. Lies of Religious Literature
1450. Do We Live Forever? A Reply to Clarence True Wilson
1455. The End of the World
1486. Are Atheist Dogmatic?
1487. A Manual of Debunking
1490. Is Einstein's Theory Atheistic? An Answer to Cardinal O'Connell
1501. Mussolini and the Pope (1929) (external scan)
1502. Why I Believe In Fair Taxation Of Church Property (1930)
1509. The Gay Chronicle of the Monks and Nuns
1510. The Epicurean Doctrine of Happiness
1515. The Love Affair of a Priest and a Nun (Abelard and Heloise)
1536. Facing Death Fearlessly
1539. A Debate with a Jesuit Priest
1543. Is War Inevitable?
1550. How People Lived in the Middle Ages
1559. Can We Change Human Nature?
1561. That Horrible French Revolution
1731. Atheism in Russia
1732. What Gods Cost Man (1933)
1733. The Blood of Martyrs
1762. What is Wrong with the World
1763. How an Ape Became a Man
1764. The Evolution of Animal Life
1765. The World We Live In
1766. The Body Machine and How It Works
1767. The Mysteries of Embryology and Heredity
1768. The Plant World Simplified, the Main Principles of Modern Botany
1769. Has Man a Mind?
1770. Man the Creator, Physics as the Basis of Engineering
1771. The Wonders of Modern Chemistry, the Principles on Which They Are Based
1772. How Religion Began: Primitive Man Stumbles into a Blind Alley
1773. Philosophers and Their Dreams, the History and Nature of Philosophical Speculation
1774. Real and Unreal Moral Law, the New Ethic and Its Timely Revolution
1775. How Christianity Grew Out of Paganism, the Real Origin of the Christian Religion
1776. The Ancient World, from the Dawn of Civilization to the Greeks
1777. The World of the Greeks and Romans: How a New Age Opened 2500 Years Ago
1778. The Middles Ages: The Longest Reaction in History
1779. The Historical Truth about the Rebirth of Civilization: The Material Factors
1780. Asia's Great Atheist Religions: An Account of Confucianism and Buddhism
1781. Skeptics the Great Leaders of Progress: Historical Absurdity of the Alleged Menace of Skepticism
1782. The Making of the Modern World, Civilization Advances as Obscurantism Decays
1783. Lies and Bunk about Racial Superiority: The Aryan and Other Races
1784. Asia and Its Problems: The Asiatics Just as Capable of Progress as the Whites
1785. Japan and America: Why America was Caught Napping
1786. Russia in the Light of the War: A Revolution in World Opinion
1787. Socialism and Capitalism: A Short Statement of the Economic Issue
1788. Evolution or Revolution: Fallacy of the Slow and Steady Theory of Progress
1789. Can We Change Human Nature? Social Psychology Slays the Popular Myth
1790. Sham Fighting about Matter and Spirit: Current Bunk about Materialism and the Spiritual
1791. Freethought and Agnosticism: Lies and Confusion in Conventional Literature
1792. The Literature of Myths and Legends: Books that Dupe Half the World
1793. Great Poets and Their Creeds: The Fallacy that Religion Inspires Great Poetry
1794. The Theaters and the Cinema: A Critique of Them as Organs of Public Education
1795. Pessimism in Modern Literature: Why So Much Cynicism in Brilliant Writers
1796. Modern Fancy Religions: When Do They Become Rackets
1797. The Futility of All Mysticism: The Claim that There is a Superscientific Knowledge
1798. Fundamentalist and Superior Believers: Fallacy of the Belief that Refining Orthodoxy Pays
1799. Is Our Degenerate? All Talk about Superior Earlier Ages Bunk
1800b. The Crying Need of School Reform: How to Make Education Attractive and Effective
1801c. The Question of Democracy: A Critical Study of First Principles
1802. The Man and the Woman: Science and Common Sense on the Sex Question
1803. What Is the End of Life? Bunk about the Aimlessness of Modern Life
1804. Bunk about Marriage: The Synthetic Zeal of the Bigots
1805. Should the World Federate? The Question of the Federation of All Nations
1806. H. G. Wells and His Creed: An Examination of the Chief Constructive Proposals in Literature
1807. Is America Religious? A Candid Examination and Critique of Claims
1808. Death Control and Birth Control: The Orthodox Attitude Paradoxical and Insincere
1809. Bunk About Free will and Strong Will: Another Revolution in Psychology
1810. The Materialistic Determination of History: A Great Philosophy in Brief Outline
1811. Man Today Faces His Greatest Opportunity: This Tide in Man's Affairs
1830. The Mystery of Existence [Also issued as Fillers: Vol. 1, No. 3, and as The Critic and Guide (formerly Fillers), Vol. 2, No. 6].
1831. Sex Life in Russia [Also issued as Fillers: Vol. 1, No. 4, and as the Critic and Guide (Formerly Fillers), Vol. 2, No. 6].
1844. The Erring Husband [Also issued as Fillers: Vol. 1, No. 6, and as the Critic and Guide (Formerly Fillers), Vol. 2, No. 2].
edit- Can We Disarm? (1899; with Georges Darien) (external scan)
- Joseph McCabe and G.W. De Tunzelmann. Report of a Debate on Theism and the Problem of the Universe, at Essex Hall, London, W.C., Monday, November 29, 1909. With a preface and footnotes by the opener of the debate. (1910)
- Joseph McCabe and W.T. Lee. Christianity and Secularism: Which Is the Better for Mankind? Verbatim report of two nights' debate between Mr. W.T. Lee and Mr. Joseph McCabe. Held at the Town Hall, Holborn, on Thursday and Friday evenings, March 9 and 10, 1911. (1911) (external scan)
- Joseph McCabe and C.J. Shebbeare. Design Argument Reconsidered. A Discussion between the Rev. C.J. Shebbeare and Joseph McCabe. (1923; also Revelation of God in Nature: a Discussion between Rev. C.J. Shebbeare and Joseph McCabe)
- Joseph McCabe and George McCready Price. Is Evolution True? Verbatim report of debate between George McCready Price, M.A., and Joseph McCabe. Held at the Queen's Hall, Langham Place, London, W., on September 6, 1925 (Earl Russell in the chair) (1925)
- Joseph McCabe and Carlyle Summerbell. Has the Universe a God? The great debate between Rev. Carlyle Summerbell, D.D., and Joseph McCabe. Held in the Auditorium Recital Hall, Chicago, Sunday afternoon, October 18, 1925. (1925)
- Joseph McCabe's Magazine (July 1, 1930 – May 1, 1931. Vols. 1–3, 21 nos.)
- Appeal to Reason Library (1935)
- Little Blue Books (1926-1934)
- Little Blue Book 122. Joseph McCabe and Conan Doyle. Debate on Spiritualism. (1920)
- Little Blue Book 1125 Joseph McCabe, N.A. Crawford, B. Russell, M. Fishbein, J.V. Nash, M.A. De Ford and E.T. Brewster. A Book of American Shams.
- Little Blue Book 1262 Joseph McCabe and G.M. Price. Is Evolution True? Is Evolution, as a Process, Substantiated by Facts?
- Little Blue Book 1730 Joseph McCabe and E. Haldeman-Julius. How Man Made God.
Magazine articles
edit- The Church of Spain, 1911 article in Fra Magazine
edit- The Source of the Christian Tradition: a Critical History of Ancient Judaism (by Édouard Dujardin; 1881) (external scan)
- The Riddle of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century (by Ernst Haeckel; 1901)(external scan)
- Last Words on Materialism and Kindred Subjects (by Ludwig Buchner; 1901)
- The Wonders of Life; a popular study of biological philosophy (by Ernst Haeckel; 1905)
- Darwinism and the Problem of Life: A Study of Familiar Animal Life (by Conrad Guenther; 1906; translated from the third German edition) (external scan)
- Last Words on Evolution; a popular retrospect and summary (by Ernst Haeckel; 1906)
- The Rise of Christianity (by Albert Kalthoff; 1907) (external scan)
- Napoleon's Men and Methods (by Alexander Lange Kielland; 1908) (external scan)
- The Evolution of Man: a Popular Scientific Study (by Ernst Haeckel; 1910)
- Toleration and Other Essays (by Voltaire; 1912; translated and with an introduction by McCabe)
- The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus (by Arthur Drews; 1912)
- The Origin and Ideals of the Modern School (by Francisco Ferrer; 1913) (external scan) (external scan)
- An Introduction to Philosophy (by Wilhelm Windelband; 1921) (external scan)
- Rudolf Eucken: His Life, Work, and Travels (by Rudolf Eucken; 1921)
- The Argentine Republic, its development and progress (by Pierre Denis; 1922) (external scan)
- Degeneration in the Great French Masters, Rousseau—Chateaubriand—Balzac—Stendhal—Sand—Musset—Baudelaire—Flaubert—Verlaine—Zola (by Jean Carrere; 1922) (external scan)
- Einstein and the Universe; a popular exposition of the famous theory (by Charles Nordmann; 1922) (external scan)
- Socialism: An Analysis (by Rudolf Eucken; 1922)
- Leopold I of Belgium: Secret Pages of European History (Edon Caesar Corti; 1923)
- The Prince de Ligne, a gay Marshal of the old regime; (by Oscar Paul Gilbert; 1923) (external scan)
- The Theory of Social Economy, by Author:Gustav Cassell
- A History of Romania, 1925 translation of the book by Author:Nicolae Iorga
Works about McCabe
edit- Talks with Joseph McCabe, and Other Confidential Sketches (by Marcet Haldeman-Julius; 1931)
- Joseph McCabe: Fighter for Freethought. Fifty Years on the Rationalist Front (by Isaac Goldberg; 1936) (external scan)
Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1930.
This author died in 1955, so works by this author are in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 69 years or less. These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.
- For Class A renewal records (books only) published between 1923 and 1963, check the Stanford University Copyright Renewal Database.
- For other renewal records of publications between 1922–1950, see the University of Pennsylvania copyright records.
- For all records since 1978, search the U.S. Copyright Office records.
Works could have had their copyright renewed between January 1st of the 27th year after publication or registration and December 31st of the 28th year. As this work's copyright was not renewed, it entered the public domain on January 1st of the 29th year.
This author died in 1955, so works by this author are in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 69 years or less. These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
It is imperative that contributors ascertain that there is no evidence of a copyright renewal before using this license. Failure to do so will result in the deletion of the work as a copyright violation.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse