Author:William Colenso
edit- Notes on the ancient Dog of the New Zealanders (Read before the Hawke Bay Philosophical Institute, 8th October, 1877) [1]
- The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840 (1890) (external scan) [2] (transcription project)
Contributions to Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute
edit- On the Geographic and Economic Botany of the North Island of New Zealand (1868)
- On the Maori Races of New Zealand (1868)
- On the Day in which Captain Cook took formal Possession of New Zealand (1877)
- Manibus Parkinsonibus Sacrum: A brief Memoir of the First Artist who visited New Zealand; together with several little-known Items of Interest extracted from his Journal (1877)
- Notes, chiefly historical, on the ancient Dog of the New Zealanders (1877)
- Notes on the Metamorphosis and Development of one of our large Butterflies (Danais berenice), or a closely-allied Species (1877)
- Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race (1878)
- On the Ignorance of the Ancient New Zealanders of the Use of Projectile Weapons (1878)
- Notes on the Genus Callorhynchus, with a Description of an undescribed New Zealand Species (1878)
- Notes on the Metamorphosis of one of our largest Moths, Dasypodia selenophora (1878)
- A Description of two New Zealand Ferns, believed to be new to Science (1878)
- A Memorandum of my First Journey to the Ruahine Mountain Range, and of the Flora of that Region: Part I (1878)
- On the Moa (Dinornis, sp.) (1878)
- Memoranda of a Journey in which he succeeded in crossing the Ruahine Mountain Range, with Notes on the local Botany and Topography of that District: Part II (1878)
- New Specimens in Natural History, described (1878)
- On the Moa (1879)
- Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race (1879)
- A few Remarks on a Cavern near Cook's Well, at Tolaga Bay, and on a Tree (Sapota costata) found there (1879)
- Notes and Observations on the Animal Economy and Habits of one of our New Zealand Lizards, supposed to be a new Species of Naultinus (1879)
- A Description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests, with dried Specimens of the same (1879)
- Memoir of Allan and Richard Cunningham (1879)
- The Myth of Kae and the Pet Whale of Tinirau (1879)
- On the Vegetable Food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's Visit (1880)
- Historical Incidents and Traditions of the Olden Times, pertaining to the Maoris of the North Island (East Coast), New Zealand; highly illustrative of their national character, and containing many peculiar, curious, and little known customs and circumstances, and matters firmly believed by them. Now, for the first time, faithfully translated from old Maori Writings and Recitals (1880)
- Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race (1880)
- Description of a new Species of Metzgeria; also, a brief notice of Bæomyces heteromorphus, Nyl., in New Zealand (1880)
- The Ferns of Scinde Island (Napier) (1880)
- On some new and undescribed New Zealand Ferns (1880)
- Exhibition by Secretary of specimens of Gold Ores and Auriferous Quartz, etc., from New Zealand and Australia (1880)
- Exhibition of Indigenous Specimens of Arachnida and Insecta (1880)
- On Rare and Peculiar New Zealand Insects (1880)
- Historical Incidents and Traditions of the Olden Times, pertaining to the Maoris of the North Island (East Coast), New Zealand; highly illustrative of their national character, and containing many peculiar, curious, and little-known customs and circumstances, and matters firmly believed by them; now for the first time faithfully translated from old Maori writings and recitals, with explanatory notes. Part II. (1881)
- Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race. Part IV. (1881)
- On the fine Perception of Colours possessed by the ancient Maoris (1881)
- Description of two little-known Species of New Zealand Shells (1881)
- On some new and undescribed Species of New Zealand Insects, of the Orders Orthoptera and Coleoptera (1881)
- A Description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests (1881)
- On the fine Perception of Colours possessed by the ancient Maoris (Addendum to Art. III.) (1881)
- Insects, Plants, etc. (1881)
- Fossils (1881)
- Zoological Specimens and Maori Curiosities (1881)
- Fossil Remains (1881)
- On some newly-discovered New Zealand Arachnids (1882)
- A Description of four new Ferns from our New Zealand Forests (1882)
- On the large Number of Species of Ferns noticed in a small Area in the New Zealand Forests, in the Seventy-mile Bush, between Norsewood and Danneverke, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay (1882)
- Description of a few new Indigenous Plants (1882)
- Address to the Memory of Dr. Darwin (1882)
- On "Macaulay's New Zealander" (1882)
- On Nomenclature (1882)
- On the Colour Sense of the Ancient Maoris (1882)
- A further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand
- Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race. Part V. On the Hawaiki of the Maoris and the Greenstone Legends. Division I (1883)
- The Indigenous Vegetable Products of the Country (1883)
- On the Men of Science who preceded us in these Seas and Lands, with particular reference to their labours, adventures, and tragical ends (1883)
- Description of a small Lizard, a Species of Naultinus, supposed to be new to Science (1884)
- A Description of some newly-discovered New Zealand Insects believed to be new to Science (1884)
- A Description of some newly-discovered and rare Indigenous Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1884)
- A List of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand (1884)
- Notes on the Bones of a Species of Sphenodon (S. diversum, Col.), apparently distinct from the species already known (1884)
- A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1885)
- A Description of some newly-discovered and rare Indigenous Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1885)
- 18 XLV. A brief List of some British Plants (Weeds) lately noticed, apparently of recent Introduction into this part of the Colony, with a few Notes thereon (1885)
- On Clianthus puniceus, Sol. (1885)
- On the various Legends and Stories current among the Maoris relating to the Sea and Sea Monsters (1885)
- Notice of Moa Bones from the North Island (1885)
- A Description of the curiously-deformed Bill of a Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris, Gould), an endemic New Zealand bird (1886)
- A Description of a large and new Species of Orthopterous Insect of the genus Hemideina, Walker (1886)
- Further Notes and Observations on the Gestation, Birth, and Young of a Lizard, a Species of Naultinus (1886)
- A few Observations on the Tree-Ferns of New Zealand; with particular reference to their peculiar Epiphytes, their Habit, and their manner of Growth (1886)
- A Description of some newly-discovered and rare indigenous Phænogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand (1886)
- A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1886)
- An Enumeration of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand, with brief Notes on the Species Novæ (1886)
- A Description of a new Species of Coccinella found in New Zealand (1887)
- On new Phænogamic Plants of New Zealand (1887)
- On newly-discovered and imperfectly-known Ferns of New Zealand, with Critical Observations (1887)
- On new Indigenous Cryptogams, of the Orders Lycopodiacæe, Musci, and Hepaticæ (1887)
- Ancient Tide-lore, and Tales of the Sea, from the two Ends of the World (1887)
- Notes on Exhibits (1887)
- A Jubilee Paper; or, Fifty Years in New Zealand (1887)
- A Description of a Species of Orobanche (supposed to be new) parasitical on a Plant of Hydrocotyle (1888)
- A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1888)
- A Description of some newly-discovered Phænogamic Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1888)
- A Description of a new and large Species of Orthopterous Insect of the Genus Hemideina, Walker (1888)
- Notes on a peculiar Chrysalis of an unknown pages Species of Butterfly (1888)
- A few Notes on the Economy and Habits of one of our largest and handsomest New Zealand Butterflies (Pyrameis gonerilla) (1888)
- A few stray Notes on the New Zealand Owl, Athene novæ-zealandiæ, Gml.—Ruru and Koukou of the Maoris, and Morepork of the Settlers (1888)
- Pope, the English Poet (1888)
- A Description of Two Newly-discovered Indigenous Cryptogamic Plants (1889)
- A Description of some Newly-discovered Indigenous Cryptogamic Plants (1889)
- A Description of some Newly-discovered Phænogamic Plants, being a Further Contribution towards the making-known the Botany of New Zealand (1889)
- On some of the peculiar and little-known Arts of the Old New Zealanders (1889)
- A Description of some Newly-discoverd Indigenous Plants, being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1890)
- An Enumeration of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand (1890)
- Bush Notes; or, Short Objective Jottings (1890)
- A Description of some Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants, being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1891)
- Description of Three Species of Newly-discovered New Zealand Ferns (1891)
- A List of New Species of Hepaticæ Novæ-Zelandiæ, named by F. Stephani, Leipzig (1891)
- Plain and Practical Thoughts and Notes on New Zealand Botany (1891)
- Vestiges: Reminiscences: Memorabilia of Works, Deeds, and Sayings of the Ancient Maoris (1891)
- Status quo: A Retrospect.—A Few More Words by way of Explanation and Correction concerning the First Finding of the Bones of the Moa in New Zealand; also Strictures on the Quarterly Reviewer's Severe and Unjust Remarks on the Late Dr. G. A. Mantell, F.R.S., in connection with the same (1891)
- Bush Jottings: No. 2 (Botanical) (1892)
- Cryptogams: A Description of a few Lately-discovered Rare Indigenous Ferns; also, Notice of a Fine and Peculiar Fungus, Ileodictyon, Tulasne,—Clathrus, Cooke (1892)
- Phænogams: A Description of some Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1892)
- A List of Fungi recently detected and collected in the Bush District, County of Hawke's Bay; being a Further Contribution to the Indigenous Flora of New Zealand (1892)
- Memorandum of a few New Species of Hepaticæ lately detected in the Seventy-mile Bush District, as determined by Dr. F. Stephani, of Berlin (1892)
- Observations on Mr. T. White's Paper "On the Native Dog of New Zealand," Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, Vol. xxiv., Art. 57 (1892)
- On a Radiant Phenomenon (1892)
- Description of a Large Species of Iulus (1893)
- Phænogams: A Description of a few Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1893)
- A List of Fungi recently collected in the Bush District, County of Waipawa; being a Further Contribution to the Indigenous Flora of New Zealand (1893)
- Notes, Remarks, and Reminiscences of Two Peculiar Introduced and Naturalised South American Plants (1893)
- On Four Notable Foreign Plants (1893)
- More Last Words: being an Appendix to several Papers read here during Past Sessions on the Volcanic Mountain-range of Tongariro and Ruapehu, with its adjoining District (1893)
- Notes and Observations on M. A. de Quatrefages' Paper "On Moas and Moa-hunters," republished in Vol. XXV. of Transactions of the New Zealand Institute (1893)
- Remarks on the Anniversary of Cook's Arrival at Hawke's Bay (1893)
- Notes and Reminiscences of Early Crossings of the romantically-situated Lake Waikaremoana, County of Hawke's Bay, of its Neighbouring Country, and of its peculiar Botany; performed in the Years 1841 and 1843 (1894)
- Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1894)
- A Description of Two New Ferns and One New Lycopodium, lately detected in our New Zealand Forests (1894)
- An Account of the Finding of Two Australian Plants, hitherto unnoticed, here in New Zealand (1894)
- The Modern History of a Block of Greenstone (1894)
- Some Curious and Little-known Information and Memoranda relating to Letters and Mails in the Olden Time (1894)
- Memorabilia of certain Animal Prodigies; Native and Foreign, Ancient and Modern (1895)
- Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1895)
- New Zealand Cryptogams: A List of a few Additional Cryptogamic Plants, of the Orders Hepaticæ and Fungi, more recently detected in New Zealand (1895)
- Cryptogams: A Description of Two New Ferns, a New Lycopodium, and a New Moss, lately detected in our New Zealand Forests (1895)
- A Description of Three Ferns believed to be undescribed, discovered more than Fifty Years ago in the Northern District of New Zealand (1895)
- Reminiscences of the Tin-mines of Cornwall Seventy Years Ago (1895)
- On Antarctic Exploration (1895)
- Presidential Address (1896)
- A Description of some New Indigenous New Zealand Forest Ferns (1896)
- On Fire, with Remarks on Native Methods of producing Fire (1896)
- The Victoria regia Lily (1896)
- Curious Articles of Vegetable Food, and the Modes of Cooking in Use by the Maoris (1896)
- A Description of some Newly Discovered New Zealand Ferns (1898)
- Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand (1898)
- Of a Radiant Phenomenon: "In hoc signo vinces." (1899)
- Memorabilia, Ancient and Modern; being Remarks and Information respecting some of the Tin-mines in Cornwall, England (1899)
Works about Colenso
edit- "Colenso, Rev. William," in The Dictionary of Australasian Biography, by Philip Mennell, London: Hutchinson & Co. (1892)
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1868-1961
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1929, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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