Source material to reference

  • American Women. A revised edition of Woman of the Century, 1,500 biographies with over 1,400 portraits; a comprehensive encyclopedia of the lives and achievements of American women during the nineteenth century. Two volumes. Edited by Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore. New York: Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, 1897. (AmWom)
  • Woman's Who's Who of America. A biographical dictionary of contemporary women of the United States and Canada, 1914-1915. Edited by John William Leonard. New York: American Commonwealth Co., 1914. (WomWWA)
  • American Authors and Books. 1640 to the present day. Third revised edition. By W.J. Burke and Will D. Howe. Revised by Irving Weiss and Anne Weiss. New York: Crown Publishers, 1972. (AmAu&B)
  • The American Literary Yearbook. A biographical and bibliographical dictionary of living North American authors. Volume 1, 1919. Edited by Hamilton Traub. Henning, MN: Paul Traub, 1919. 'Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary of Living North American Authors' section begins on page 57. (AmLY)
  • Biographical Dictionary of Southern Authors. Compiled by Lucian Lamar Knight. Atlanta: Martin & Hoyt Co., 1929. Originally published as Library of Southern Literature, Volume 15, Biographical Dictionary of Authors. (BiDSA)
  • Childhood in Poetry. A catalogue, with biographical and critical annotations, of the books of English and American poets comprising the Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection in the Library of the Florida State University. First edition. By John Mackay Shaw. Detroit: Gale Research, 1967. (ChhPo)
  • Childhood in Poetry. A catalogue, with biographical and critical annotations, of the books of English and American poets comprising the Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection in the Library of the Florida State University. Second Supplement. By John Mackay Shaw. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. (ChhPo S2)
  • Pen Names of Women Writers. From 1600 to the present. A compendium of the literary identities of 2,650 women novelists, playwrights, poets, diarists, journalists and miscellaneous writers. By Alice Kahler Marshall. Camp Hill, PA: Alice Kahler Marshall, 1985. 'Alphabetical Listing by Author's Real Name' begins on page 1. (PenNWW A)
  • Who Was Who among North American Authors, 1921-1939. Compiled from Who's Who among North American Authors, Volumes 1-7, 1921-1939. Two volumes. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. (WhNAA)
  • Women Novelists, 1891-1920. An index to biographical and autobiographical sources. By Doris Robinson. New York: Garland Publishing, 1984. (WomNov)