Author talk:Richard Burgess




  • Crockord's Clerical Directory, 1868 > p.101-02

BURGESS, Richard, 69, Cadogan-place, Chelsea, London, S.W.—St. John's Coll. Cam. B. D. 1835; Deac. 1820 and Pr. 1823 by Abp of York. R. of Upper Chelsea, Dio. Lon. 1836. (Patron, Earl Cadogan; R.'s Inc. 850l; Pop. 6150.) Preb. of Tottenhall in St Paul's Cathl. 1850 (Value, 7l.) Formerly Hon. Sec. to the London Diocesan Board of Education for 8 years. Hon. Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and Member-Correspondent of the Pontifical Archæological Academy in Rome. Author, A Treatise on the Ludi Circenses, 1828, 7s 6 d; Topography and Antiquities of Rome, 2 vols. 1831, 63 s; Greece and the Levant, 2 vols. 12s. 1835; Lectures delivered in the English Chapel at Rome, during Lent, 1831; various Pamphlets on Education, Sermons, etc.