Author talk:Thomas Hill Green

I. Writings


(in chronological order)

  • ‘The Force of Circumstances’, Undergraduate Papers. An Oxford Journal (1857-58) conducted by A.C. Swinburne, John Nicol, T.H. Green and Others (London: Mansell, 1858), no. 3 (1858), 147-54, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.3-10
  • (Anon. editor of) Statements of Christian Doctrine and Practice, extracted from the published writings of the Rev. Benjamin Jowett, M.A. (Oxford: J.H. and Jas. Parker, 1861)
  • An Estimate of the Value and Influence of Works of Fiction in Modern Times: A Prize Essay, Read in the Theatre, Oxford, July 2nd, 1862 (Oxford, 1862), reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.20-45
  • [Unsigned] ‘The Philosophy of Aristotle’, North British Review, vol. 45 (September 1866), 105-44, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.46-91
  • [Unsigned] ‘Popular Philosophy in Its Relation to Life’, North British Review, vol. 48 (March 1868), 133-62, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp. 92-125
  • ‘Special Report on Birmingham Free School, and General Report on the Counties of Stafford and Warwick’, in Schools Inquiry Commission, vol. 8: General Reports by Assistant Commissioners: Midland Counties and Northumberland (London, 1868), pp.91-253
  • ‘County of Buckingham’ and ‘County of Warwick’, in Schools Inquiry Commission, vol.12: Special Reports of Assistant Commissioners, and Digests of Information Received: South Midland Division (London, 1868), pp.175-93, 313-79
  • ‘County of Stafford’ and ‘County of Warwick’, in Schools Inquiry Commission, vol. 15: Special Reports of Assistant Commissioners, and Digests of Information Received: West Midlands Division (London, 1868, pp.365-485, 669-752
  • ‘County of Leicester’, in Schools Inquiry Commission, vol. 16: Special Reports of Assistant Commissioners, and Digests of Information Received: North Midland Division (London, 1868), pp.17-90
  • The Witness of God (privately printed [1870]), reprinted in Arnold Toynbee, ed., The Witness of God and Faith: Two Lay Sermons by the Late T.H. Green (London, 1883), and in Works, vol. 3, pp.230-52
  • Review of A.C. Fraser, The Works of George Berkeley, Academy, vol. 3 (1872), 27-8, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, at end
  • ‘General Introduction to Vol. I’ and ‘Introduction to the Moral Part of the Treatise’, in T.H. Green and T.H. Grose, eds., A Treatise of Human Nature. Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume. Edited, with Preliminary Dissertations and Notes, 2 vols. (London: Longmans, 1874), pp.1-71, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.1-371
  • ‘On the Grading of Secondary Schools: A lecture delivered to the Birmingham Teachers’ Association, Journal of Education (May 1877), 193-212, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.387-412
  • ‘Hedonism and the Ultimate Good’, pp.266-9, reprinted in Works, vol. 4, at end
  • Review of Edward Caird, A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant, Academy, vol. 12 (1877), 297-300, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.126-37
  • ‘Mr. Herbert Spencer and G.H. Lewes: their Application of the Doctrine of Evolution to Thought’, Contemporary Review, vol. 31 (December 1877), 25-53, reprinted (with the title ‘Mr. Spencer on the Relation of Subject and Object’) in Works, vol. 1, pp.373-409
  • ‘Mr. Herbert Spencer and G.H. Lewes (Part II)’, Contemporary Review, vol. 31 (March 1878), 745-68, reprinted (with the title ‘Mr. Spencer on the Independence of Matter’) in Works, vol. 1, pp.410-41
  • Faith (privately printed [1878], reprinted in Arnold Toynbee, ed., The Witness of God and Faith: Two lay sermons by the Later T.H. Green (London, 1883), pp.51-105, and in Works, vol. 3, pp.253-76
  • ‘Mr. Herbert Spencer and G.H. Lewes (Part 3)’, Contemporary Review, vol. 32 (July 1878), 751-72, reprinted (with the title ‘Mr. Lewes’ Account of Experience’) in Works, vol. 1, pp.442-70
  • Review of John Caird, Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, Academy, vol. 18 (1880), 28-30, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.138-46
  • Mr. Hodgson’s Article, “Professor Green as a Critic”’, Contemporary Review, vol. 39 (January 1881), 109-24, reprinted (with the title ‘An Answer to Mr. Hodgson’) in Works, vol. 3, pp.365-86
  • Evidence to the University of Oxford Commission of 1877, in House of Commons Sessional Papers, 1881, vol. 56, questions 3306-54, pp.200-5, reprinted in Works, vol. 5
  • Review of John Watson, Kant and his English Critics, Academy, vol. 20 (1881), 220-2, 241-3, reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp.147-58
  • The Work to be Done by the New Oxford High School: A lecture to the Wesleyan Literary Society (Oxford: Slatter & Rose, 1882; & London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1882), reprinted in Works, vol. 3, pp. 456-76
  • ‘Can There be a Natural Science of Man’, reprinted in A.C. Bradley, ed., Prolegomena to Ethics (Oxford: Clarendon, 1883), §§3-100 paragraph 1, and in Works, vol. 4
  • Prolegomena to Ethics by the Late Thomas Hill Green, ed. A.C. Bradley (Oxford: Clarendon, 1883), reprinted in Works, vol. 4; rev. ed. 2003, edited by A.C. Bradley and D.O. Brink)
  • (Trans.) Book 1 and Book 3, chapter 3, in Metaphysic in Three Books: Ontology, Cosmology, and Psychology. By Herman Lotze, ed. B. Bosanquet, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1884), vol. 1, pp.1-229, 315-56
  • ‘Mr. Lewes’ Account of the “Social Medium”’, Works of Thomas Hill Green: Volume 1. Philosophical Works, ed. R.L. Nettleship (London: Longmans, Green, 1885)
  • ‘Lectures on the Philosophy of Kant’, ‘Lectures on Logic’, ‘On the Different Senses of “Freedom” as Applied to Will and to the moral Progress of Man’, and ‘Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation’, Works of Thomas Hill Green: Vol. II. Philosophical Works, ed., R.L. Nettleship (London: Longmans, Green, 1886)
  • ‘The Influence of Civilisation on Genius’, ‘Fragment on Immortality’, ‘Essay on Christian Dogma’, ‘Lectures on the New Testament’, ‘Fragment of an Address on the Text “The Word is Nigh Thee”’, ‘Four Lectures on the English Commonwealth’, and ‘Two Lectures on the Elementary School System of England”’, in Works of Thomas Hill Green: Vol. 3. Miscellanies and Memoir, ed. R.L. Nettleship (London: Longmans, Green, 1888)
  • Printed in Jean Pucelle, La Nature et L’Esprit Dans La Philosophie De T.H. Green: La Renaissance De L’Idealisme En Angleterre an XIX Sielce. Volume II: La Politique - La Religion'. Green et la Tradition, (Louvain & Paris, 1960), pp.268-81:
‘Essay for the Ellerton [Theological] Prize: Life and Immortality Brought to Light by the Gospel’, [1860]
  • Printed in T.H. Green, Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation and Other Writings, ed. by P. Harris and J. Morrow (Cambridge: CUP, 1986) :
(a) ‘The Effect of Commerce on the Mind of a Nation’,
(b) Loyalty’,
(c) ‘Legislative Interference in Moral Matters’,
(d) ‘Notes on Moral Philosophy’, and
(e) ‘Notes on Ancient and Modern Political Economy’
  • Printed in Peter P. Nicholson, ed., Collected Works of T.H. Green. Vol. 5 Additional Writings (Bristol: Thoemmes, 1997) (headings for parts):
(a) ‘Undergraduate Essays’
(b) ‘Ellerton Theological Essays’
(c) ‘Unpublished Papers’
(d) ‘Public Documents’
(e)‘Letters to the Press’
(f) ‘Principal Speeches’
(g) ‘Selected Letters.’
  • Printed in Alberto de Sanctis, La democrazia ‘puritana’ di Thomas Hill Green: Con alcuni scritti inedite (Florence, 2002), pp.203-20 (selected undergraduate essays):
‘The Spirit of Poetry’
‘The Advantages and Disadvantages of Diffusive Reading’
‘The Comparative Value of Fact and Fiction in Education’
‘The Character and Opinions of Samuel Johnson’
‘On Thackeray’s Novels’
‘Quondam etiam victis redit in praecordia virtus’ What is the Truth of This, as Viewed in the Light of History?’
‘The English National Character as Compared with that of the Germans’
‘The Character of Mahomet’ and
  • Printed in Colin Tyler, ed., Unpublished Manuscripts in British Idealism: Political philosophy, theology and social thought, 2 vols. (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005), pp.1-188:
‘Rudiments of “The Philosophy of Aristotle”’
‘Metaphysic of Ethics, Moral Psychology, Sociology or the Science of Sittlichkeit’
‘Political Philosophy’, ‘The Nature of Historical Narrative in Thucydides and Herodotus’
‘Pleasure as the Chief Good’
‘Notes on the Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans (remaining text)’
‘Notes on the Epistle to the Galatians’
‘Lectures on the Fourth Gospel (remaining text)’.

The bulk of Green’s manuscripts are held in the library of Balliol College, Oxford and Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Centre for Democratic Governance: Working Paper Series, Number 7

Bibliography of Thomas Hill Green (2007 version), Compiled by Dr Colin Tyler, Centre for Democratic Governance, University of Hull, February 2007.