Author talk:Victor Dingelstedt



Name: Victor Dingelstedt
Birth Year: 1891

  • Concise Biographical Companion to Index Islamicus. An international who's who in Islamic studies from its beginnings down to the twentieth century. Three volumes. By Wolfgang Behn. Leiden, Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill, 2004-2006. (CnBCII)

Member of the Royal Scotaldn Geographical Society, published work 1892 :"Swiss abroad", seems that Swiss rather than German. Also published in 1916 "Arabia and the Arabs", 1917 "Tatar Tribes"


  • (1917) Obituary, Scottish Geographical Magazine, 33:6, 270-271, DOI:10.1080/14702541708554309

Mr. Victor Dingelstedt We have also to record the death, which tool place at Geneva on April 14, in his eightieth year, of Mr. Victor Dingelstedt, Corresponding Member of the Society. Mr. Dingelstedt, who was born at Odessa was at one tie connected with the Russian Public Water Department at Tiflis, and was the author of a work on Hydrography and Irrigation. He was a Corresponding Member of the Society from the beginning, and was the author of a long series of articles in the Magazine. The last of his articles appeared in the May issue (p. 209) and thus, although he corrected the proof, he did not live to witness the publication of the paper. The first article which e contributed to the magazine appears in vol. ii., and the intervening volumes afford much evidence of his interest in the Society. although specially interested in problems connected with Russia, notably the south-eastern region, his articles deal with a wide range of subjects, and he had an excellent knowledge of the English language His death is a great loss to the Editors ad readers of the magazine'.