Bahai Hymns of Peace and Praise/The Day of Certainty

1583483The Day of Certainty1927Louise R. Waite

The Day of Certainty.

Words & Music

  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff { \clef "treble"
      \relative c' { \key g \major
\partial 4 d |
<d g>4. <d g>8 <d a'>4 <g b> |
<a c>2 <g b>4 <g b> |
<e a> <e b'> <e c'> <c fis> \break

<d~ g~>2 <d g>8 r <d b'>4 |
<dis b'>4. <dis a'>8 <e g>4 <e b'> |
<e a>4. <e g>8 <d fis>4 <d fis> \break

<d e> <d fis> <d g> <cis a> |
<d~ a~>2 <d a>8 r d4 |
d4. e8 fis4 d \break

<d g> <d a'> <d b'> <g d'> |
<g e'> <g d'> <fis c'> <g b> |
<g b> <fis a> <d g>\fermata
    \addlyrics {
Re- joice, re- joice be- lie- vers, The night of doubt is
o'er The Sun of truth has ri- s -en It's
rays reach ev- ry shore. Doubt's sha- dows now with
night must flee, This is the day of CER- TAIN- TY.
    \addlyrics {
Re- joice, re- joice be- lie- vers, As chil- dren of the
King Give forth His Pro- clam- a- tion Let -
ev- ry na- tion sing. Doubt's sha- dows now with
night must flee, This is the day of CER- TAIN- TY.
    \addlyrics {
Re- joice, re- joice be- lie- vers, For Know ledge, Faith and
Love Falls o'er God's whole cre- a- tion Like -
sweet dews from a- bove. Doubt's sha- dows now with
night must flee, This is the day of CER- TAIN- TY.
    \addlyrics {
Re- joice, re- joice be- lie- vers, With ban- ners white un-
furled Where- on sweet Peace is writ- ten. Yea -
peace to all the world. Doubt's sha- dows now with
night must flee, This is the day of CER- TAIN- TY.
    \new Staff { \clef "bass"
      \relative c { \key g \major
\partial 4 fis8 c |
<b g'>4. <g' b>8 <fis d'>4 <g d'> |
<fis d'>2 <g d'>4 <g d'> |
<a c,> <gis b,> <a a,> <a d,> \break

<g~ b~>2 <g b>8 r <g b>4 |
<fis a>4. <fis b>8 <e b'>4 <d g> |
<cis g'>4. <cis a'>8 <d a'>4 <d a'> \break

<g b> <fis a> <c g'> <a g'> |
<d~ fis~>2 <d fis>8 r d4 |
d4. e8 fis4 <d fis>8 c \break

<b g'>4 <a fis'> <g g'> <g' b> |
<g c> <g b> <a d> <g d'> |
<d d'>  <<{ \voiceOne d'8 c }
      \new Voice { \voiceTwo
<g b>4\fermata \bar ":|"