Ballads of Battle/Nocturnals: Tommy's Night Thoughts in the Trenches

Ballads of Battle
by Joseph Lee
Nocturnals: Tommy's Night Thoughts in the Trenches
4607969Ballads of Battle — Nocturnals: Tommy's Night Thoughts in the TrenchesJoseph Lee


Tommy's Night Thoughts in the Trenches.

I wonder are there stupid wars
In any of them other stars?—
Kaisers and Kings,
And mix o' things,
And all this mess?—
Not 'alf, I guess,
Not even in yon ruddy Mars.

As I stamp my feet to keep them hot,
When a' the trench is still,
O, I wad gi'e a hell o' a lot
For the sight o' a Scottish hill,
For the clasp o' a Scottish lassie's waist,
And—weel—just to say a little taste
O' a guid auld Scottish gill!

Lord of the Night, be near me now,
Strength for my Heart, Shield for my Brow;
And when Thy white Light returns again—
Lord of the Day, be with me then.

7.55 A.M.
A funny world—
There's him,
And me,
Both thirstin', be it understood,
To draw the other's bleedin' blood—
And yet,
I'd bet
A bob—and win it—
That at this minute,
Both he,
And me,
Are thirstin' most—to draw our dixie lid
O' tea!

When our wrath is expended,
When the world war is ended,
It seems like to me
That this old earth will be
More broken than mended.

The sky is the sea,
And ships are the clouds,
And dead sailor men
Swing into the shrouds—
Heigh-ho! Some day
I shall sail far away!