Beasts in Cassocks: The Crimes of the Heads of the Russian Greek Catholic Orthodox Church in America/Appendix 1


The following were called to the inquest: Vassily Repelo, the defendant and at present priest and provost with the Mission, and Marie Lubkuch, the plaintiff, her father, and a number of witnesses. Father Slunin had them all sworn in, "Consul" Rutsky, alias Daniel Gilevitch, cross-examined them, and I took down the testimony. Piateski acted as assistant secretary. The inquest made it clear that Vassily Repelo, having lured the girl, Marie Lubkuch, for a walk on the cemetery, violated her at a head stone representing an angel with a cross in his hands. Vassily Repelo admitted his guilt and implored that his youth be taken into consideration, and that an attempt be made to reconcile him with Marie. He promised to pay her father $5,000. He paid this sum in full and handed it to "Consul" Rutsky, who turned it over to Father Slunin, remarking, "This inquest is being carried on by the Church Mission, and the money must, therefore, be transmitted to the defendant, through the medium of the church. Give the money to Archbishop Platon, and you, Lubkuch, sign a receipt for it at once, because the money had been turned over in your presence. When you present this receipt to the Bishop, he will give you the money. Should you wish to thank the church for its trouble, you may donate $1,000 or so to the Archbsihop, Platon, for charitable purposes." Father Slunin put the money into his pocket, and promised Lubkuch to send the money that very week. As it turned out the money was never sent. On the way back to New York, Father Slunin who at sat in front of me, paid Daniel Gilevitch for having played the part of "Consul."


Marie Lubkuch, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says, that the facts set forth in the foregoing Statement, so far as they pretain to an ecclesiastical hearing, pretended to have been conducted by one Father Slunin between Marie Lubkuch and Vassily Repelo, are true and correct.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of August, A.D. 1923.

(Signed) JACOB L. MARTIN, Notary Public.

My commission expires April 1, 1927.