Beasts in Cassocks: The Crimes of the Heads of the Russian Greek Catholic Orthodox Church in America/Chapter 3


I Undergo a "Rehearsal"

The priest (Archpresbyter) Father Slunin, took me to Ivan Timofeyewitch Gorokhoy, leader of the Cathedral Choir. He there asked me whether I had any means of subsistence. I, not knowing Father Slunin well, did not tell him about all my funds. I merely

Father Chepelev
Father Chepelev

Father Chepelev

said that the little money I had would do me for the time being. Father Slunin then said to me: "You must be quite tired after your journey, therefore you had better rest for a few days."

Four days later Father Slunin called on me and said: "Well, now that you have rested let's go to the Consistory." I went together with him to 15 East 97th Street, where I again met Archbishop Platon. He gave me his blessings, invited me to his apartments and began to quiz me about Russia, about the health of the church dignitaries we knew in common, about myself, etc., etc. After that, having learned about me from my documents and letters of introduction (which among other things contained a request to find me some work in the Diocese), Archbishop Platon said to me: "Before I find a position for you, you will have to be put on probation. Besides," he added, "you must, without fail confess before Archpresbyter, Father Slunin."

Ivan Timofeyevitch Gorokhov
Ivan Timofeyevitch Gorokhov

Ivan Timofeyevitch

On my leaving Platon's apartments, I was called into another room where Mr. Gorokhov gave me a test in academic subjects. After the test, Mr. Gorokhov went to the Archbishop's apartments, and on returning told me that I needed a few rehearsals in chanting and singing. This, despite the fact that my Seminary diploma indicated that I had the highest mark in those subjects, and that I did not make a single error in the test Mr. Gorokhov gave me. After this the "rehearsals" began and lasted almost until September. However, nothing was mentioned during these "rehearsals" about Church music or Church reguations.