Beasts in Cassocks: The Crimes of the Heads of the Russian Greek Catholic Orthodox Church in America/Principal Persons

4473233Beasts in Cassocks: The Crimes of the Heads of the Russian Greek Catholic Orthodox Church in America — Principal Persons Found in John F. Dudikoff's NarrativeJohn Feoktist Dudikoff


JOHN F. DUDIKOFF, (illegible text) Inspector General of the Holy Synod, in Russia, subsequently holding the same position with the Russian Church in the United States, and at present engaged in a law suit against Metropolitan Platon of the Greek-Catholic Orthodox Church.

FATHER JOHN L. SLUNIN and FATHER JOHN CHEPELEV, Employees of the Russian Ecclesiastical Consistory, 15 East 97th Street, New York.

PLATON ROZHDESTVENSKY, Head of the Russian Greek-Catholic Orthodox Church in America, whose misdeeds and crimes, related in John F. Dudikoff's narrative, have led the latter to sue him.

ALEXANDER NEMOLOVSKY, Vicarial Bushop and Platon's Right Hand.

JOHN GOROKHOV, Leader of the Russian Cathedral Choir.

GABRIEL ARCHANGEL DOBROFF, Inspector General, Editor and (illegible text) the Bishops.

FATHER AND MADAM SNEGIREV, a Russian Clergyman and his Wife, the latter indulging in intimacies with the higher Russian Clergy.

RAPHAEL, Bishop of the Russian Church in Brooklyn.

PETER I. POPOV and IVAN GORBACH, "Specialists" in "massage," indulging, for large fees, in immoral and abnormal sexual (illegible text) with Platon and Alexander.

YAKOV PIATETZKY, Russian Clergyman in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

"CONSUL RUTZKY" (alias PRIEST DANIEL GILEVITCH), Agent-Provocateur and Escaped Murderer; one of Bishop Platon's minions.

SOPHIE OLSHANSKAYA and LINA GERES, Concubines of Platon and Alexander.

PATHER AND MADAM KOKHANNIK, Russian Clergyman and his Wife; the part of the latter similar to that played by Madam Snegirev, with an occasional theft in addition.

YURI BAKHMETYEV, last Russian Ambassador to America under the late Czar's Government.

VICTOR HARTZ, Attorney for Russian Consulate in New York, Spy and Informer.


NICHOLAS II, late Czar of All the Russias.

ANGELINA, Mother Superior of Staro-Cherkask Convent, Territory of Don, Russia; whose late husband, a political offender, was executed at the instigation of Platon, who subsequently seduced the widow.

MENDEL BIEILISS, Jewish Martyr and Victim of Blood Accusation, in which Bishop Platon had a hand: at present in New York.

VERA CHEBERIAK, convicted murderess and confederate of Platon in the Beiliss affair.

SILBERMAN, Russian Government Hangman and Co-Conspirator with Platon.

PATRIARCH TIKHON, Head of the Russian Church since the overthrow of the Czar.

HETMAN SKOROPADSKY, Head of Provisional Ukrainian Government, after the Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

MADAM MARIA MICHILOVNA DUDIKOFF, Wife of John F. Dudikoff; at present in this country.

THEIR TWO BABIES, assassinated in Kiev by the Hetman's soldiers.

BEZSMERTNY, Communist whose advice saved Dudikoff from death at the hands of the Extraordinary Commission.

FATHER VLADIMIR RICHLOV, Priest and Agent-Provocateur, who fraudulently obtained Dudikoft's "Confession."

BORIS BAKHMETYEV, the Russian Provisional Government's (Kerensky's) Ambassador to the United States.

GENERAL SEMIONOV, notorious bandit chief, who was imprisoned in the Ludlow Street Jail on his arrival in America a few months ago.

FATHER VASSILI PTASHCHUK, Russian Clergyman who has witnessed the fraud perpetuated on Dudikoff by Richlov.

V. V. BUIMISTROV, Head of the Russian Church Relief in America.

ALEXANDER CHICHILA, Spy and Provocateur.

BISHOP DZUBAI and BISHOP FILLIPOVSKY, Heads of a Russian Church Faction in America pretending to be at odds with Platon's clique.

SAUL WOLF, Saloon-keeper in Bayonne, N. J., at present under indictment for false testimony against Dudikoff.

ILYODOR (SERGIUS TRUFANOV) the notrious "Mad Monk."

VALERIAN GRAVES, Platon's Attorney.

JOSEPH PODLESNY, Notary Public on East 9th Street.