Romain Rolland4555771Beethoven — Index1927Bertha Constance Hull



Amenda, Carl, 10, 65
Antwerp, 4 n.
Appassionata, sonata, 18, 154
v. Arnim, Bettina, 29 n.
"Art unites everybody," 105


Bach, J.S., 21, 48, 82, 104, 105; his fugues, 160
Beauty, 101
Beethoven, Carl, 14, 38, 39; Johann, 14

Beethoven, Ludwig: Birth 3; Flemish origin 3, 30; his Father, 4; his Mother, 4; his Grandfather, 4 n.; his Republican sympathies, 8, 17; his deafness, 9; his first concert in Vienna, 9; unhappiness, 15; in love, 22; his short sightedness, 22; love letter, 23; consciousness of power 26; his taste in literature, 27; "pedantic," 34; his deafness, 34; conversation-books, 35 n.; unrestfulness of mind, 37; lodgings, 37 n.; foster-son, 41; note-books, 43; death-bed, 51; operations, 51 n.; his will , 57-61; his letters, 65-98; his bad health, 73; deafness, 74-5, 78; "raptus," 77; prices for his copyrights, 82-3; approaching end, 97; his Thoughts on Music, 101-6; his piano-playing, 104

Bernhard, Mme. de, 9
Bibliography, 195.
Bilingual tempo indications, 158
Bonaparte, Jerome, 33
Bonaparte— — —, Napoleon, 19, 31 , 112

Bonn, 3, 6, 85
Botticelli's Bambino, 12
Brahms, 165
Braunthal, 2
Brentano, Bettina, 27
Brentano— — — Maximiliana, 162
v. Breuning, Councillor 96, 98
v. Breuning, Eleonore, 5, 69, 84
v. Breuning, Stephen, 34, 76, 80
v. Brunswick, Franz, 32, 154
v. Brunswick, Theresa, 20, 25, 37, 156
Brutus, 28 n.


Cherubini, 38 n., 105
Choral Symphony, 36, 43
Chorus, 43
Christ, 28 n.
Church music, 103
C Minor, 53
Coda, 165
Composing, 102
Coriolanus Overture, 18
Critics and Criticism, 106


Divine, The, in Music, 101


Egmont, 19
Elgar, Enigma Variations, 115
"Englishmen, magnanimous," 95
v. Erdödy, Maria, 34 n., 54
Eroica, 53
Eroica— — — Symphony, 17
Ertmann, Freun Dorothea, 160


"Fate knocks at the door," 118
Fidelio, 35, 102
First Symphony, 12
Fourth Quartet, 18
Freudenberg, 104
Fugue, 162, 164, 165
Funeral March, 16, 19, 113


Galitzen, Prince, 38

Gallenberg, Count, 14
Gelinck, 9
Gellert, 16
Gerardi, Fräulein, 68
Gerhard, Wilhelm, 103
Godesburg, 85
Goethe, 27, 28, 29 n., 30 n.
Goethe, Faust, 48

Grillparzer, 49, 53
Grillparzer— — — Mèlusina, 48
Guicciardi, Giulietta 13


Hammerclavier, Sonata for the, 161
Handel, 48, 104
Heiligenstadt Testament, 14, 60
Hoche, 19
Hofmeister, Capellmeister, 81
Homer, 27 n.
Hornemann's miniature of Beethoven, 16 n.
Hulin, General, 19
Hummel, 94


"Immortal Beloved," Beethoven's, 23
d'Indy, Vincent F., 164
Italy, 48


Kempis' Imitation of Christ, 52 n.
King Lear, 44
Kinsky, Prince, 33
Klein, Franz, 32
Körner's Odyssey, 48
Kreutzer Sonata, 16
Kuffner (poet), 49


L'Adieux, 155
"Lebe-wohl," 158
Lichnovsky, Prince 60, 73
Lobkovitz, 19, 33
Lorchen, 77, 81


Macbeth, 42 n.
Malchus, 71
Martonvasar, 20
Mass in D, 38, 162, 163
Mendelssohn, 157
Michael Angelo, 28 n., 39
Military band, 129
Modulation, 128
Moonlight Sonata, 16
Moscheles I., 2, 48, 93, 94
Mozart, 4, 105
Motzart— — — Don Giovanni, 13
Muller, Dr., 49


Napoleon I., 19, 31, 112
Nephew, Beethoven's, 50


Ode to Joy, 42
"Opera, An" 21
Opferlied, 87
Orchestra, 119


Palestrina, 103
Passage work, 104
Pépinière, 85
Philharmonic Society, 93, 94-5, 97
Philosophy, 101
Pianoforte Concertos, 19
Plutarch, 11, 27 n., 75


Quartets analyzed, 179
Quartets, Op. 59, 34
Quartet, Op. 130, Finale, 132, 38
Quartets, Op. 132, 43
Quartet, Op. 130, Final, 50
Quips and sallies, 117


Revolution, French, 7
Rhenish Song, 12
Rhine valley, 6, 51, 72
Rhythm, 123
Rossini, 34, 45
Rudolph, Archduke, 33, 102, 103, 161, 165
Russell (English traveller), 37


Scale, Perversity of, 124
Scherzo, 114, 119, 162
Schindler, 31, 35, 36 n., 47, 159
Schmidt, Professor, 59, 60
Schott, Brothers, 90, 96
Schiller, 42 n.
Schumann, 53, 115
Second Period Style, 112
Septet, 12
Shakespeare, 3, 27 n., 28 n.
Shedlock, J. S., 65 n.
Six Religious Songs, 16
Smart, Sir George, 92
Socrates, 28 n.
Sonatas analyzed, 133
Sonata in D, 11
Sonata in F sharp, 23
Sonata with the Funeral March, 16
Sonata in D Minor, Op. 31, 16
Sonata, Moonlight, 16
Sonata, Kreutzer, 16
Sonata, Appassionata, 18, 154
Sonata, Op. 106, 38
Sonata, L'Adieux, 155
Sonate pathétique, 11
Song of Farewell, 8
Spiker, Dr., 49
Stadler, Abb., 105
Steinhauser's sketch of Beethoven, 8
String Quartet, in A minor, Finale, 126

String Quartet, Opus 132, 164
String Quartet, 1, Opus 18, No. 1, in F, 179
String Quartet, 2, Op. 18, No. 2, in G major, 179
String Quartet, 3, Op. 18, No. 3, in D, 180
String Quartet, 4, Op. 18, No. 4, in C minor, 181
String Quartet, 5, Op. 18, No. 5, in A, 181
String Quartet, 6, Op. 18, No. 6, in B flat, 181
String Quartet, 7, Op. 59, No. 1, in F, 183
String Quartet, 8, Op. 59, No. 2, in E minor, 184
String Quartet, 9, Op. 59, No. 3, in G major, 185
String Quartet, 10, Op. 74, in E flat, 186
String Quartet, 11, Op. 95, in F minor, 186
String Quartet, 12, Op. 127, in E flat, 187
String Quartet, 13, Op. 130, in B flat, 188
String Quartet, 14, Op. 133, in C sharp minor, 189
String Quartet, 15, Op. 132, in A minor, 190
String Quartet, 16, Op. 135, in F major, 191
Symphonies (The nine), analysed:
No. 1, 109
No. 2, 110
No. 3, 112
No. 4, 115
No. 5, 117
No. 6, 120
No. 7, 122
No. 8, 124
No. 9, 126
Symphony, Eroica, 17
Symphony,— — — Second, 16
Symphony,— — — C Minor, 19
Symphony,— — — Fourth, 21, 22
Symphony,— — — Seventh, 29, 30
Symphony,— — — Eighth, 29
Symphony,— — — Ninth, 42, 46, 47n.
Symphony,— — — Tenth, 43, 48, 48n.
Symphony,— — — Eleventh, 43
Symphony,— — — Ninth, metronomized, 95
Symphony,— — — Ninth, 115
Symphony,— — — Pastoral, 120


Tannhäuser, 48 n.

"Tedesca," 156
Theme of Joy, 43
Thomson, George, 103
Töplitz, 28
Touch in Piano-playing, 104


Umlauf, 35
Una corda, 164


Variations, 165
Vienna, 6, 7, 31, 32, 45, 109
Violin Sonatas analyzed, 169
Violin Sonata, 1, Opus 12, No. 1, in D, 169
Violin Sonata, 2, Op. 12, No. 2, in A, 170
Violin Sonata, 3, Op. 12, No. 3, in E flat, 170
Violin Sonata, 4, Op. 23, in A minor and major, 170
Violin Sonata, 5, Op. 24, in F, 171
Violin Sonata, 6, Op. 30, No. 1, in A, 172
Violin Sonata, 7, Op. 30, No. 2, in C minor, 173
Violin Sonata, 8, Op. 30, No. 3, in G, 173
Violin Sonata, 9, Op. 47, in A, 174
Violin Sonata, 10, Op. 96, in G, 175
Voltaire, 106


Wagner, 32
Wagner— — — Woodland Murmurs, 121
Waldstein, Count, 153
Wegeler, Dr. F., 6, 10, 15 n., 51, 54 n., 72, 78, 84, 88, 91
Wegeler, Julius, 87
Wegeler, Eln., 88


Zelter, 29 n., 30 n.