124967Ben King's Verse — 'Rastus KingBenjamin Franklin King

As you happen jes' to mention
   Old time friends 'at sort o' bring
Mem'ries back, I'd like to ask
   What's become o' 'Rasus King?

Did he go out west prospectin'
   Far on Californy's rim?
Did he settle with the Injuns,
   Or did the Injuns settle him?

What a great big-hearted feller
   'Rasus was, and how he'd sing!
Sometimes tears 'll start to rollin'
   When I think o' 'Rastus King.

Where is he an' what's come of him?
   Is he toilin' hard fer bread?
Is he prosperous and wealthy?
   Is he livin' still, or dead?

How my heart recalls the mornin'
   That I met him. Splittin' wood,
Payin' fer his school, tuition,
   Earnin' thus a livelihood,

Allers boarded at the neighbors,
   Turned his hand at anything;
Faithful, honest; well the farmers
   Simply swore by 'Rastus King.

Find him down to meetin' Sundays
   Sittin' in the deacon's pew;
Talk about yer knowledge; he had
   Read the Bible through and through.

When the choir would jine together
   An' with the congregation sing,
Way above all other voices
   You could hear 'im--'Rastus King.

Did you ever come to meet 'im?
   Do you think he's livin' here?
Say, he ain't much older 'n I am;
   Reckon now he's sixty year.

Last I heerd he's doin' splendid,
   Rich, fast horses, everything.
Jest like him, a regular schemer;
   Oh! I knew him, 'Rastus King.

Then the hackman I'd been asking
   All these questions thus did say:
"'Rastus livin' purty quiet;
   Don't go out at all, they say."

"Don't go out at all--why, stranger?
   What's the matter? Did he fail?"
"Well," said he, "nothin's the matter,
   Stephen, only he's in jail."