Beowulf (Harrison and Sharp)/The Fight at Finnsburh

The Fight at Finnsburh
130021The Fight at FinnsburhAnonymous



". . . . . . . . . . . næs byrnað nǣfre."
Hleoðrode þāheaðo-geong cyning:
"Ne þis ne dagað ēastan,ne hēr draca ne flēogeð,
ne hēr þisse heallehornas ne byrnað,
ac fēr forð beraðfugelas singað, 5
gylleð grǣg-hama,gūð-wudu hlynneð,
scyld scefte oncwyð.Nū scȳneð þes mōna
waðol under wolcnum;nū ārīsað wēa-dǣda,
þē þisne folces nīðfremman willað.
Ac onwacnigeað nū,wīgend mīne, 10
hebbað ēowre handa,hicgeað on ellen,
winnað on orde,wesað on mōde!"
Þā ārās monig gold-hladen þegn,gyrde hine his swurde;
þā tō dura ēodondrihtlīce cempan,
Sigeferð and Eaha,hyra sweord getugon, 15
and æt ōðrum durumOrdlāf and Gūðlāf,
and Hengest sylf;hwearf him on lāste.
Þā gīt GārulfGūðere styrode,
þæt hīe swā frēolīc feorhforman sīðe
tō þǣre healle durumhyrsta ne bǣran, 20
nū hyt nīða heardānyman wolde:
ac hē frægn ofer ealundearninga,
dēor-mōd hæleð,hwā þā duru hēolde.
"Sigeferð is mīn nama (cwæð hē),ic eom Secgena lēod,
wrecca wīde cūð.Fela ic wēana gebād, 25
heardra hilda;þē is gȳt hēr witod,
swæðer þū sylf tō mēsēcean wylle."
Þā wæs on weallewæl-slihta gehlyn,
sceolde cēlod bordcēnum on handa
bān-helm berstan.Buruh-þelu dynede, 30
oð þæt æt þǣre gūðeGārulf gecrang,
ealra ǣresteorð-būendra,
Gūðlāfes sunu;ymbe hine gōdra fela.
Hwearf flacra hrǣwhræfn, wandrode
sweart and sealo-brūn;swurd-lēoma stōd 35
swylce eal Finns-buruhfȳrenu wǣre.
Ne gefrægn ic nǣfre wurðlīcoræt wera hilde
sixtig sige-beornasēl gebǣran,
ne nǣfre swānas swētnemedo sēl forgyldan,
þonne Hnæfe guldonhis hæg-stealdas. 40
Hig fuhton fīf dagas,swā hyra nān ne fēol
driht-gesīða,ac hig þā duru hēoldon.
Þā gewāt him wund hæleðon wæg gangan,
sǣde þæt his byrneābrocen wǣre,
here-sceorpum hrōr,and ēac wæs his helm þyrl. 45
Þā hine sōna frægnfolces hyrde,
hū þā wīgendhyra wunda genǣson
oððe hwæðer þǣra hyssa . . . . . . .