The firſt boke of



What this boke conteyneth.

Chap. i.
The creation of the worlde in ſixe dayes/ and of man.
Chap ii.
The reſt of the ſeuenth daye.
The tre of knowlege of good & euell is forbydē &c.
Of the creacion of Eua.
Chap. iii.
The ſerpeynt deceaueth the woman: they tranſgreſſe and are dryuen out of paradyſe.
Chap. iiii.
Abels offrynge pleaſeth God: therfore doth his brother Cayn hate hym: murthereth hym: & is curſed. Of the chyldren of Cayn.
Chap. v.
Of the generacion, age & death of Adā: Seth and his ſonnes vnto Noe.
Chap. vi.
The occaſion of the floude: and of the preparynge of the arcke.
Chap. vii.
Noe with his houſholde is preſerued in the arcke: where as all the worlde periſeth thorowe the floude.
Chap. viii.
The floude abateth. Noe goeth out of arcke. &c.
Chap. ix.
God bleſſeth Noe and his ſonnes: forbyddeth to eate the bloude of beeſtes, and to ſhed mās bloude: maketh a conuenaunt(and geueth the raynbowe for a token of the ſame) that he wyll deſtroye the worlde no more by water. Noe is dronken. Ham vncouereth hym, and getteth his curſe.
Chap. x.
The increace of mās generaciō by Noes thre ſonnes: which go abrode and begynne to buylde.
Chap. xi.
The buyldynge of the towre of Babel is hyndreth thorowe the confuſyon of the tonges. The generacion of Sem vntyll Abram: whiche goeth with Loth vnto Haran.
Chap. xii.
Abram goeth with Loth into a ſtraunge londe at the worde of the Lord: which appeareth vnto hym in Canaan: and promiſeth to geue the ſame londe vnto his ſede: Afterwarde goeth Abram into Egypte and fayneth Saray to be his ſyſter.
Chap. xiii.
Abram and Loth departe agayne out of Egypte: and haue ſo many cattell that they can not dwell together. Abram receaueth the bleſſynge and promes.
Chap. xiiii.
Loth is taken preſoner: Abram deliuereth hym: Melchiſedech fedeth Abram at his returnynge: Abram geueth hym tythes of the ſpoyles: and holdeth nothinge of the kynge of Sodoms goodes.
Chap. xv.
God conforteth Abram and promyſeth hym ſede: He beleueth and is iuſtified.
Chap. xvi.
Sarai geueth Abram leue to take hyr mayde whiche beareth hym Iſmaell.
Chap. xvii.
The cōuenaunt of circumciſyon. &c.
Chap. xviii.
Thre mē appeare vnto Abrahā to whom the deſtruction of Sodome is declared.
Chap. xix.
Loth receaueth the two angels the: men of Sodome go aboute to abuſe them: Loth is delyuered Sodome is deſtroyed: Loths wyfe is turned to a pyler of ſalt: and his doughters beare chyldren vnto hym.
Chap. xx.
Abraham departeth as a ſtraunger in to Gerar: and fayneth Sarai to be his ſyſter: the kynge taketh her and geueth hym her agayne.
Chap. xxi.
The byrth of Iſaac: Agar is put out with hyr ſonne. Abraham and Abimelech are ſworne frendes.
Chap. xxii.
God tryeth Abraham whiche at his word wolde offre his owne ſonne. The promes is confirmed vnto hym with an ooth.
Chap. xxiii.
The death of Sara: for whom Abraham byeth a pece of londe to burye her in.
Chap. xxiiii.
Abraham wyll haue his ſonne to mary in his owne kynred: the ſeruaunt bryngeth Rebecca: whō Iſaac taketh to wyfe.
Chap. xxv.
Abraham begetteth mo chyldren by another wyfe: geueth his good vnto Iſaac and dyeth. Iſaac begynneth to growe: Eſau ſelleth his byrth righte.
Chap. xxvi.
Iſaac goeth into Gerar: fayneth Rebecca to be his ſyſter: increaſſeth in ryches: The Philiſtines ſtoppe his welles. Abimelech & he are ſworne frendes.
Chap. xxvii.
Jacob is bleſſed before Eſau: and Eſau threateneth hym: but he flyeth into Haram to Laban his mothers brother.
Chap. xxviii.
Iſaac ſendeth Jacob awaye to mary amonge Labans doughters, Jacob ſeyth a viſion, God confirmeth hym the promes made vnto Abrahā: wher vpon Jacob maketh a vowe.
Chap. xxix.
Jacob geueth Labans ſhepe to drynke: ſerueth ſeuen yeare for Rachell: Lea is geuen hym: & yet ſerueth he ſeuen yeare mo for Rachell.
Chap. xxx.
Rachel geueth Jacob hyr mayden and ſo doth Lea: they beare hym chyldren: his reward is appoynted with a condicion: wherby he is made ryche.
Chap. xxxi.
Jacob goeth home ward. Rachell ſtealeth hyr fathers ymages. Laban ouertaketh them and fyndeth not his ymages: they ſweare together: the angell meteth Jacob.
Chap. xxxii.
Jacob ſendeth preſentes vnto Eſau: Putteth God in remembraunce of his promes: and wreſteleth with the angell: whiche chaungeth his name and bleſſeth hym.
Chap. xxxiii.
Jacob and Eſau are agreed. &c.
Chap. xxxiiii.
Dyna Jacobs doughter is forced by Sychem: wherof there commeth great bloud ſheddynge.
Chap. xxxv.
Rachell dyeth at the byrth of Beniamin. Ruben lyeth with his fathers concubyne.
Chap. xxxvi.
Of the princes that came of Eſau: and how Eſau departeth from his brother.
Chap. xxxvii.
Joſeph is hated of his brethren: and ſolde in to Egypte.
Chap. xxxviii.
Juda lyeth with his doughter in lawe which beareth hym two ſonnes.
Chap. xxxix.
Joſeph is beloued: & becauſe he wyll not conſente to the inordinate deſyre of his maſtreſſe, he is put in pryſon.
Chap. xl.
Joſeph expoūdeth the dremes of the two preſoners.
Chap. xli.
Joſeph declareth Pharaos dreame: and is made a Lorde of Egypte. The derth begynneth.
Chap. xlii.
Joſephs brethren come in to Egypte to bye corne: and are troubled of hym.
Chap. xliii.
They come agayne for corne: brynge BenJamyn with them: and are put to more trouble.
Chap. xliiii.
As they go home he cauſeth thē be brought agayne: and put to more feare.
Chap. xlv.
Joſeph vttereth hym ſelfe to his brethren: and ſendeth for his father.
Chap. xlvi.
Jacob commeth in to Egypte with all his people: Joſeph receaueth hym.
Chap. xlvii.
Pharao geueth them the londe of Goſen: ye derth is great in Egypte. &c.
Chap. xlviii.
Jacob is ſycke: & bleſſeth Joſephs ſonnes.
Chap. xlix.
Jacob before his death telleth his ſonnes what ſhall happen vnto them, and dyeth.
Chap. l.
Joſeph burieth his father: and chargeth his brethren concernynge his bones: and dyeth in Egypte.

The firſt boke of Mo-

ſes, called Geneſis.

The firſt dayes worke.

The ſeconde dayes worke.

The thirde dayes worke.

The fourth dayes worke.

The fifth dayes worke.

The ſixte dayes worke.

The firſt Chapter


IN ye begynnynge God created heauen ⁊ earth: and ye earth was voyde and emptie and darcknes was vpon the depe, ⁊ ye ſprete of God moued vpō the water.[crossref 1]

And God ſayde: let there be light, ⁊ there was light. And God ſawe the light that it was good. Then God deuyded ye light from the darcknes, and called the light, Daye: and the darcknes, Night. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the firſt daye.

And God ſayde: let there be a firmament betwene the waters, and let it deuyde ye waters a ſunder. Then God made ye firmamēt, and parted the waters vnder the firmamēt, from the waters aboue the firmament: And ſo it came to paſſe. And God called ye firmament, Heauen. Then of the euenynge ⁊ mornynge was made the ſeconde daye.

And God ſayde: let the waters vnder heauen gather thēſelues vnto one place, yt the drye londe maye appeare.[crossref 2] And ſo it came to paſſe. And God called ye drye londe, Earth: and the gatheringe together of waters called he, ye See.


And God ſayde let ye earth bringe forth grene graſſe and herbe, that beareth ſede: ⁊ frute full trees, that maye beare frute, euery one after his kynde, hauynge their owne ſede in them ſelues vpon the earth. And ſo it came to paſſe. And the earth brought forth grene graſſe and herbe, yt beareth ſede euery one after his kynde, ⁊ trees bearinge frute, ⁊ hauynge their owne ſede in them ſelues, euery one after his kynde. And God ſawe that it was good. Then of the euenynge ⁊ mornynge was made the thirde daye.[crossref 3]

And God ſayde: let there be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to deuyde the daye frō the night, that they maye be vnto tokēs, ſeaſons, dayes, and yeares.[crossref 4] And let them be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to ſhyne vpon the earth: And ſo it came to paſſe. And God made two greate lightes: one greater light to rule the daye, and a leſſe light to rule the night, and(he made) ſtarres alſo.[crossref 5] And God ſet them in the firmament of heauen, yt they might ſhyne vpō earth, and to rule the daye and the night, and to deuyde the light from darcknes. And God ſawe that it was good. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the fourth daye.


And God ſayde: let the waters brynge forth creatures that moue and haue life, ⁊ foules for to flye aboue the earth vnder the firmamēt of heauen.[crossref 6] And God created greate whalles, and all maner of creatures that lyue and moue, which the waters brought forth euery one after his kynde: and all maner of fethered foules, euery one after his kynde. And God ſawe that it was good, and bleſſed them, ſayenge: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the waters of the ſees, and let the foules multiplie vpon the earth. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the fifth daye.

And God ſayde: let ye earth brynge forth lyuynge ſoules, euery one after his kynde: catell, wormes, ⁊ what as hath life vpon earth, euery one after his kynde. And ſo it came to paſſe. And God made ye beaſtes of the earth euery one after his kynde, and catell after their kynde, and all maner wormes of the earth after their kynde. And God ſawe that it was good.


And God ſayde: let vs make man in or ſimilitude after oure lickneſſe, that he maye haue rule ouer the fyſh of the ſee, and ouer the foules vnder ye heauen, and ouer catell, and ouer all the earth, and ouer all wormes that crepe on ye earth. And God created man after his lickneſſe: after ye lickneſſe of God created he him, male ⁊ female created he them.[crossref 7]

And God bleſſed them, and ſayde vnto them: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the earth, and ſubdue it, ⁊ haue domynion ouer the fiſh of the ſee, and ouer the foules of the ayre, and ouer all the beaſtes that crepe vpō the earth.[crossref 8]

[crossref 9]And God ſayde: lo, I haue geuen you all maner herbes that beare ſede vpon the whole earth, and all maner frutefull trees that beare ſede, to be meate for you.[crossref 10] And to all beaſtes of the earth, and to all foules vnder the heauen, and to euery worme that hath life(vpon earth) all maner grene herbes to eate.[crossref 11] And ſo it came to paſſe. And God behelde all yt he had made, and lo, they were exceadinge good. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the ſixte daye.

The ſeconde Chapter.


Thus was heauē and earth fyniſhed with all their hooſt, and thus in the ſeuenth daye God ended his worke, which he had made: And bleſſed the ſeuenth daye, ⁊ ſanctified it, becauſe yt in it he reſted from all his worke, which God created and made.[crossref 12]

Theſe are the generacions of heauē and earth whan they were created, in the tyme whan the LORDE God made heauen and earth: before there was eny troygg vpon earth, and or euer there grew eny grene herbe vpon the felde. For the LORDE God had yet ſent no rayne vpon ye earth, nether was there eny man to tylle the earth. But there aroſe a myſt from the earth, ⁊ watered all the londe. And ye LORDE God ſhope man euē of the moulde of the earth ⁊ brethed in to his face ye breth of life. And ſo was man made a lyuynge ſoule.[crossref 13]


The LORDE God alſo planted a garde̅ of pleaſure in Eden, towarde ye eaſt, and ſet man therin whom he had made. And the LORDE God cauſed to ſprynge out of the earth all maner trees, pleſaūt to loke vpō, and good to eate: and the tre of life in the myddeſt of the garden, and the tre of knowlege of good and euell.[crossref 14]

And out of Eden there wente ryuer, to water the garden, and there deuyded it ſelfe in to foure heade waters. The firſt is called Phiſon, which renneth aboute all the londe of Heuyla.[crossref 15] And there is founde golde(⁊ the golde of that conntre is precious,) and there is founde Bedellion, and the precious ſtone Onix.[footnote 1] The ſecond water is called Gihon, which runneth aboute the whole londe of ye Moriās. The thirde water is called Hydeckell, whichh runneth towarde the caſt ſyde of ye Aſſiriās. The fourth water is Euphrates.


And the LORDE God toke man, ⁊ ſet him in the pleaſaunt garden of Eden, to dreſſe it ⁊ to kepe it. And the LORDE God commaunded man ſayēge:[crossref 16] Thou ſhalt eate of all maner trees in ye garden: But of ye tre of knowlege of good and euell, ſhalt thou not eate. For loke in what daye ſo euer thou eateſt therof, thou ſhalt dye the death.

And the LORDE God ſayde: It is not good yt ſhulde be alone. I wil make him an helpe, [footnote 2]to beare him cōpany. And whan God the LORDE had made of the earth all maner beaſtes of the felde, ⁊ all maner foules vnder the heauē, he brought them vnto man, to ſe what he wolde call thē: For as mā called all maner of liuinge ſoules, ſo are their names. And man gaue names vnto all maner cattell, ⁊ vnto the foules vnder the heauē, and vnto all maner beaſtes of ye felde. But vnto man there was founde no helpe, to beare him company.


Then the LORDE God cauſed an herde ſlepe to fall vpon man, and he ſlepte. And he toke out one of his rybbes, and(in ſteade therof) he fylled vp ye place with fleſh. And the LORDE God made a woman, of ye rybbe that he toke out of man, and brought her vnto him.[crossref 17] Then ſayde man: This is once bone of my bones, and fleſh of my fleſh. She ſhalbe called woman, becauſe ſhe was takē of man. For this cauſe ſhal a man leaue father and mother, and cleue vnto his wife, ⁊ they two ſhalbe one fleſh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not aſhamed.[crossref 18]

The III. Chapter.


BUt the ſerpent was ſotyller then all the beaſtes of the felde(which ye LORDE God had made)[crossref 19] and ſayde vnto the woman: Yee, hath God ſayde in dede: Ye ſhall not eate of all maner trees in the garden?[crossref 20] Then ſayde the woman vnto the ſerpent: We eate of the frute of the trees in the garden: But as for the frute of the tre that is in the myddes of the garden, God hath ſayde: Eate not ye of it, and touch it not, leſt ye dye.

Then ſaide the ſerpente vnto the woman: [crossref 21]Tuſh, ye ſhall not dye the death. For God doth knowe, that in what daye ſo euer ye eate of it, youre eyes ſhalbe opened, and ye ſhal be as God, and knowe both good and euell. And the woman ſawe that ye tre was good to eate of, and luſtye vnto the eyes, and a pleaſaunt tre [footnote 3]to make wyſe, and toke of the frute of it, and ate, and gaue vnto hir huſbande alſo therof, and he ate. Then were the eyes of them both opened, and they perceaued that they were naked, and ſowed fygge leaues together, and made them apurns.[crossref 22]


And they herde the voyce of the LORDE God, which walked in the garden in the coole of the daye. And Adam hyd him ſelf with his wyfe, from the preſence of ye LORDE God amonge the trees of the garden. And ye LORDE God called Adam, and ſayde vnto him: Where art thou: And he ſaide: I herde thy voyce in the garden, and was afrayed, becauſe I am naked, and therfore I hyd myſelf. And he ſayde: who tolde the, that thou art naked: Haſt thou not eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, yt thou ſhuldeſt not eate?


Then ſayde Adam: the woman which thou gaueſt me(to beare me company) gaue me of the tre, and I ate. And the LORDE God ſayde vnto the woman: wherfore haſt thou done this? The woman ſayde: the ſerpent diſceaued me ſo, that I ate.[crossref 23] Then ſayde the LORDE God vnto the ſerpent: Becauſe thou haſt done this, curſed be thou aboue all catell and aboue all beaſtes of the felde. Vpon thy bely ſhalt thou go, ⁊ earth ſhalt thou eate all the dayes of thy life. And I wyll put enemyte betwene the and the woman, and betwene yi ſede and hir ſede.*[crossref 24] The ſame ſhal treade downe thy heade, and thou ſhalt treade him on the hele.

And vnto the woman he ſayde: I will increaſe thy ſorow, whan thou art with childe: with payne ſhalt thou beare thy childrē, and [footnote 4]thy luſt ſhal pertayne vnto yi hußbande, and he ſhal rule the.

And vnto Adam he ſayde: For ſo moch as thou haſt herkened vnto the voyce of thy wyfe, and haſt eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, ſayenge: thou ſhalt not eate of it.[footnote 5] Curſed be ye earth for thy ſake. With ſorowe ſhalt thou eate therof, all the dayes of thy life. Thornes and thiſtles ſhalt it beare vnto the, and thou ſhalt eate the herbes of the felde. In the ſweate of thy face ſhalt thou eate thy bred, tyll thou be turned agayne vnto earth, whēce thou art takē: for earth thou art, and vnto earth ſhalt thou be turned agayne.[crossref 25]


And Adam called his wyfe Heua, becauſe ſhe is the mother of all lyuynge. And the LORDE God made Adam ⁊ his wyfe garmentes of ſkynnes, ⁊ theſe he put on them. And the LORDE God ſayde: lo Adam is become as it were one of vs, ⁊ knoweth good ⁊ euell. But now leſt he ſtretch his hande, and take alſo of the tre of life, and eate, and lyue for euer. Then the LORDE God put him out of the garden of Eden, to tyll ye earth, whēce he was takē. And he caſt Adam out. And before the garden of Eden he ſet Cherubes, and a naked fyrie ſwerde, to kepe ye waye vnto the tre of life.

The IIII. Chapter.


MOrouer Adam laye with Heua his wyfe, which cōceaued ⁊ bare Cain, and ſayde, I haue opteyned ye man of the LORDE. And ſhe proceaded forth, ⁊ bare his brother Abell. And Abell became a ſhepherde, but Cain became an hußbandeman.

And it fortuned after certaine daies, that Cain brought of the frute of the earth, an offrynge vnto ye LORDE. And Abell brought alſo of the firſtlinges of his ſhepe, and of ye fat of them.[crossref 26] And the LORDE had reſpecte vnto Abell and to his offrynge: but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged. And the LORDE ſayde vnto Cain: Why art thou angrie? and why doth thy countenaunce chaunge? Is it not ſo? that yf thou do well, thou ſhalt receaue it: but and yf thou do euell, thy ſynne lyeth open in the dore? [footnote 6]Shal he then be ſubdued vnto the? and wilt thou rule him? And Cain talked with Abell his brother.


And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain aroſe agaynſt Abell his brother, and ſlew him. Then ſayde the LORDE vnto Cain: Where is Abell thy brother? He ſayde: I can not tell.[crossref 27] Am I my brothers keper?[crossref 28] And he ſayde: What haſt thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the earth.[crossref 29]

And now ſhalt thou be curſed vpon the earth, which hath opened hir mouth, and receaued thy brothers bloude of thine hande. Whan thou tylleſt ye grounde, ſhe ſhall henßforth not geue hir power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate ſhalt thou be vpon ye earth. And Cain ſayde vnto ye LORDE: my ſynne is greater, then that it maye be forgeuen me. Beholde, thou caſteſt me out this daye from out of ye londe, and from yi ſight muſt I hyde my ſelf, and muſt be a vagabunde and a rennagate vpon ye earth. And thus ſhal it go with me.


But the LORDE ſayde thus vnto him, Who ſo euer ſlayeth Cain, it ſhalbe auenged ſeuenfolde.[crossref 30] And the LORDE put a marck vpon Cain, that no man which founde him, ſhulde kyll him. So Cain wente out from ye face of the LORDE, and dwelt in the lande Nod, vpon the eaſt ſyde of Eden.

And Cain laye with his wyfe, which conceaued and bare Henoch. And he buylded a cite, and called it after the name of his ſonne Henoch. And Henoch begat Jrad, Jrad begat Mahuial. Mahuial begat Mathuſael. Mathuſael begat Lamech.

And Lamech toke him two wyues: ye one was called Ada, ⁊ the other Zilla. And Ada bare Jabel, of whom came they that dwelt in tentes and had catell. And his brothers name was Juball: Of him came they that occupied harpes ⁊ pypes. And Zilla ſhe alſo bare Tubalcain, a worker in all connynge poyntes of metall ⁊ yron. And Tubalcains ſiſter was called Naema.


And Lamech ſayde vnto his wyues Ada and Zilla: Heare my voyce(ye wyues of Lamech) and herken vnto my wordes: for I haue ſlayne a man, and wounded my ſelfe: and(haue kylled) a yonge man, and gottē my ſelf ſtrypes. Cain ſhalbe auēged ſeuē tymes: but Lamech ſeuen and ſeuentie tymes.

Adam laye yet with his wyfe agayne, ⁊ ſhe bare a ſonne, and called him Seth. For God(ſayde ſhe) hath apoynted me another ſede, for Abell, whom Cain ſlew. And Seth begat a ſonne alſo, and called him Enos. At the ſame tyme beganne men to call vpon the name of the LORDE.

The V. Chapter.


THis is the boke of the generacion of man, in the tyme whan God created man, and made him after the ſymilitude of God. Male and female made he them, and bleſſed thē, ⁊ called their names Man, in the tyme whan they were created. And Adam was an hundreth and thirtie yeare olde, and begat a ſonne, which was like his owne ymage, and called his name Seth: ⁊ lyued therafter eight hūdreth yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.[crossref 31] And his whole age was nyne hundreth and thirtie yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Seth was an hundreth and fyue yeare olde, and begat Enos: ⁊ lyued therafter eight hundreth and ſeuen yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters. And his whole age was nyene hūdreth and twolue yeares, and ſo he dyed.


Enos was nyentie yeare olde, and begat Renan: and lyued therafter eight hundreth ⁊ fyftene yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ daughters. And his whole age was nyene hūdreth and fyue yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Renan was ſeuētie yeare olde, and begat Mahalaliel: and lyued therafter eight hundreth and fourtie yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was nyene hundreth and ten yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Mahalaliel was thre ſcore yeare olde ⁊ fyue, and begat Jared: and lyued therafter eight hundreth and thirtie yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters. And his whole age was eight hundreth, nyentie and fyue yeares, and ſo he dyed.


Jared was an hundreth and two ⁊ ſixtie yeare olde, and begat Henoch: ⁊ lyued therafter eight hūdreth yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was nyene hundreth and two and ſixtie yeare, and ſo he dyed.[crossref 32]

Henoch was fyue and thre ſcore yeare olde, and begat Mathuſalah: and led a godly conuerſacion thre hundreth yeares therafter, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was thre hundreth and fyue and thre ſcore yeares.[crossref 33] And for ſo moch as he lyued a godly life, God toke him awaye, ⁊ he was nomore ſene.

Mathuſala was an ūhdreth ⁊ ſeuē and foure ſcore yeare olde, ⁊ begat Lamech: and lyued therafter ſeuen hundreth and two and foure ſcore yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was nyene hundreth and nyene and tre ſcore yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Lamech was an hundreth and two and foure ſcore yeare olde, and begat a ſonne, ⁊ called him Noe, and ſayde: This ſame ſhall cōforte vs in oure workes, and in the ſorowe of oure hondes vpon the earth, which the LORDE hath curſed.[crossref 34] After this he lyued fyue hūdreth and fyue ⁊ nyentie yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters. And his whole age was an hundreth ſeuen and ſeuentie yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Noe was fyue hundreth yeare olde, and begat Sem, Ham, and Japhet.

The VI. Chapter.


SO whan men beganne to multiplie vpon the earth, and had begot them doughters, the children of God ſawe the doughterss of men, that they were fayre, and toke vnto thē wyues ſoch as they liked. Then ſayde ye LORDE: My ſprete ſhal not allwaye ſtryue with man, for he is but fleſh alſo. I wil yet geue him reſpyte an hundreth and twēty yeares.[crossref 35] There were giauntes alſo in the worlde at that tyme. For whan the children of God had lyen with the daughters of men, and begotten them children, ye ſame(children) became mightie in the worlde, and men of renowne.


But whan the LORDE ſawe yt the wickednes of man was increaſed vpon ye earth, and that all ye thought and imaginacion of their hert was but onely euell contynually, it repented him, that he had made man vpon the earth, and he ſorowed in his hert, and ſayde: I wyll deſtroye man kynde which I haue made, from the earth: both man, beeſt, worme, and foule vnder the heauen: for it repenteth me, that I haue made them.[crossref 36] Neuertheles Noe founde grace in the ſight of the LORDE.[crossref 37]

This is ye generacion of Noe. Noe was a righteous and parfecte mā, and led a godly life in his tyme, and begat thre ſonnes: Sem, Ham and Japhet.[crossref 38] Notwithſtondinge ye earth was corrupte in ye ſight of God, and full of myſchefe. Then God loked vpon ye earth: and lo, it was corrupte(for all fleſh had corrupte his waye vpon the earth.)


Then ſayde God vnto Noe: Then ende of all fleſh is come before me, for the earth is full of myſchefe before them. And lo, I wyll deſtroye them with the earth. Make the an Arcke of Pyne tre, and make chambers in it, and pitch it within and without with pitch and make it after this faſhion: The length ſhal be thre hundreth cubites, the bredth fiftie cubites, and the heyght thirtie cubites. A wyndow ſhalt thou make aboue of a cubyte greate: but the dore ſhalt thou ſet in the myddeſt in the ſyde of it: And the Arke ſhalt thou make with thre loftes one aboue another. For lo, I wyll bringe a floude of water vpon the earth, to deſtroye all fleſh(wherin the breth of life is) vnder the heauē: All that is vpon earth, ſhal periſhe.


But with the wyll I make a couenaunt, and thou ſhalt go in to the Arcke with thy ſonnes, with thy wyfe, and with thy ſonnes wyues. And of all creatures what ſo euer fleſh it be, thou ſhalt bringe in to the Arcke, euen a payre: the male and the female, that they maye lyue wt the: Of foules after their kynde, of beaſtes after their kynde, and of all maner wormes of the earth after their kynde. Of euery one of theſe ſhal there a payre go in vnto the, that they maye lyue. And thou ſhalt take vnto the all maner of meate that maye be eaten, and ſhalt laye it vp in ſtoare by the, that it maye be meate for the and them. And Noe dyd acordinge to all that God commaunded him.

The VII. Chapter.


ANd ye LORDE ſayde vnto Noe: Go in to the Arcke thou ⁊ thy whole houſe: for the haue I ſene righteous before me at this tyme.[crossref 39] Of all cleane beaſtes take vnto the ſeuen and ſeuen, the male and his female.[crossref 40] Like wyſe of the foules vnder the heauen, ſeuen and ſeuen, the male and his female, that there maye be ſede left a lyue vpon the hole earth.

For yet after ſeuen dayes, I wil ſende raine vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, and wyll deſtroye all maner of thinges that I haue made, from the face of the earth.


And Noe dyd all that the LORDE commaunded him. Sixe hūdreth yeare olde was he, whan the water floude came vpon earth. And he wente in to the Arcke, with his ſonnes, his wyfe, and his ſonnes wyues, for the waters of the floude.[crossref 41] Of cleane beaſtes and of vncleane, of all fethered foules, ⁊ of all that crepeth vpon earth, wente in vnto him to the Arcke by pares, a male and a female, as ye LORDE cōmaunded him. And whan the ſeuen dayes were paſt, the water floude came vpon the earth.

In the ſixe hundreth yeare of Noes age, vpon the ſeuentene daye of the ſeconde moneth, that ſame daye were all ye fountaynes of the greate depe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened, and there came a rayne vpon ye earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes.


Vpon the ſelfe ſame daye wēte Noe into the Arcke, with Sem, Ham and Japhet his ſonnes, and with his wyfe, and the thre wyues of his ſonnes, and all maner of beaſtes after their kynde, all maner oſ catell after their kynde, all maner of crepynge thinges(that crepe vpō the earth) after their kynde, and all maner of foules(what ſo euer coude flye ⁊ what ſo euer had fethers) after their kynde: Theſe wente all vnto Noe in to the Arcke by cooples, of all fleſh in whom was the breth of life. And theſe were the male ⁊ the female of all maner of fleſh, and wente in, acordinge as God commaūded him. And the LORDE ſhut(the dore) vpon him.


Then came the water floude fourtie dayes vpon the earth, and the water increaſed, and bare vp the Arcke, and lift it vp ouer ye earth.[crossref 42] Thus the water preuayled, and increaſed ſore vpon the earth, ſo that the arcke wente vpon the waters. Yee the waters preuayled and increaſed ſo ſore vpon earth, that all the hye mountaynes vnder the whole heauen were couered. Fyftene cubytes hye preuayled ye waters ouer the mountaynes, which were couered.

Then all fleſh that crepte vpon the earth periſhed, both foules, catell, beaſtes, and all yt moued vpon earth, and all men. What ſo euer had the breth of life vpon the drye londe, dyed.

Thus was deſtroyed all that was vpon the earth, both man and beaſt, both wormes and foules vnder ye heauē: all theſe were deſtroyed from the earth, Saue Noe onely remayned, and they that were with him in the Arcke.[crossref 43] And the waters preuayled vpon the earth, an hundreth and fiftie dayes.

The VIII. Chapter.


THen God remembred Noe and all the beaſtes, and all the catell that were with him in the Arcke, and cauſed a wynde to come vpon the earth: an ye waters ceaſſed, and the fountaynes of the depe and the wyndows of heauen were ſtopte, and the rayne of heauē was forbydden, and the waters ranne ſtyll awaye from ye earth, and decreaſed after an hundreth and fiftye dayes.

Vpon the ſeuentene daye of the ſeuenth moneth reſted the Arcke vpon the mountaynes of Ararat. And the waters wēte awaye and decreaſed vntyll the tenth moneth: for the firſt daye of the tenth moneth, the toppes of the mountaynes appeared.

After fourtie dayes Noe opened ye wyndow of the Arcke which he had made, ⁊ ſent forth a rauen, which flew out, and [footnote 7]came agayne, vntyll the waters were dryed vp vpō the earth.


Then ſent he forth a doue from him, to wete, whether the waters were fallē vpon the earth. But when ye doue coude fynde no reſtynge place for hir fete, ſhe came agayne vnto him in to the Arcke, for the waters were yet vpon the face of all the earth. And he put out his hande, and toke her to him in to the Arke.

Then he abode yet ſeuen dayes mo, ⁊ ſent out the doue agayne out of the Arke: ⁊ ſhe returned vnto him aboute the euen tyde: and beholde, ſhe had broken of a leaf of an olyue tre, ⁊ bare it in hir nebb. Then Noe perceaued, that the waters were abated vpon the earth. Neuertheles he taried yet ſeuen other dayes, and ſent forth the doue, which came nomore to him agayne In the the ſixte hundreth and one yeare of Noes age, vpon the firſt daye of ye firſt moneth, the waters were dryed vp vpon the earth. Then Noe toke of the hatches of the Arke, and ſawe yt the face of the earth was drye. So vpon the ſeuen and twentye daye of the ſeconde moneth the whole earth was drye.


Then ſpake God vnto Noe, and ſayde: Go out of the Arke, thou and thy wyfe, and thy ſonnes, and thy ſonnes wyues with the. As for all the beaſtes that are with the, what ſo euer fleſh it be(both foule ⁊ catell and all maner of wormes that crepe vpon the earth) let them go out with the, and be ye occupied vpon the earth, growe and multiplye vpon the earth.[crossref 44]

So Noe wente out, with his ſonnes, and with his wife, and with his ſonnes wyues. All the beaſtes alſo and all the wormes, and all the foules, and all that crepte vpon the earth, wente out of the Arke, euery one vnto his like.


And Noe buylded an altare vnto ye LORDE, and toke of all maner of cleane beaſtes ⁊ of all maner of cleane foules, and offred brēt ſacrifices vpon ye altare.[crossref 45] And ye LORDE ſmelled the ſwete ſauor, ⁊ ſayde in his hert: I wyl hence forth curſe the earth nomore for mās ſake, for the ymaginacion of mans hert is euell, euen from the very youth of him. Therfore from hēce forth I wil nomore ſmyte all that lyueth, as I haue done. Nether ſhall ſowynge tyme and harueſt, colde and heate Sommer and wynter, daye and night ceaſſe ſo longe as the earth endureth.

The IX. Chapter.


ANd God bleſſed Noe and his ſonnes, and ſayde vnto them: increace ⁊ multiplye, and fyll the earth. The feare alſo and drede of you be vpon all beaſtes of the earth, vpon all foules vnder the heauen, and vpon all that crepeth on the earth, and all fyſhes of the ſee be geuen in to youre hādes. All that moueth and hath life, be youre meate. Euen as the grene herbe, ſo haue I geuē you all.[crossref 46] Onely eate not the fleſh with the bloude, wherin the ſoule is:[crossref 47] For the bloude of you wherin youre ſoule is, wyll I requyre of the hande of all beaſtes: and the ſoule of mā wyll I requyre of mans hande, yee euery mans ſoule of anothers hande.[crossref 48]

He that ſheddeth mās bloude, his bloude ſhal be ſhed by man agayne, for God made man after his owne lickneſſe.[crossref 49] As for you, be ye frutefull, and increaſe, and be occupied vpon the earth, that ye maye multiplye therin.[crossref 50]


[crossref 51]Farthermore, God ſayde vnto Noe and to his ſonnes wt him: Beholde, I make my couenaunt with you, and with youre ſede after you, and with euery lyuynge creature that is with you, both foule, catell, and all beaſtes vpon the earth with you, of all that is gone out of the Arke, what ſo euer beaſt of the earth it be: And thus I make my couenaunt with you, thet hence forth all fleſh ſhal not be deſtroyed with the waters of eny floude, and from hence forth there ſhall come no floude to deſtroye the earth.[crossref 52]

And God ſayde: This is the token of my couenaunt which I haue made betwene me and you, and all lyuynge creatures amonge you for euermore: My bowe will I ſet in the cloudes, and it ſhal be the token of my couenaunt betwene me and ye earth: ſo that whā I brynge cloudes vpon the earth, the bowe ſhal appeare in the cloudes. And then wyll I thynke vpon my couenaunt betwixte me and you and all lyuynge creatures in all maner of fleſh: ſo that from hence forth there ſhall nomore come eny floude of water to deſtroye all fleſh. Therfore ſhall my bowe be in the cloudes, that I maye loke vpon it, and remembre the euerlaſtynge couenaunt, betwixte God and all liuynge creatures in all fleſh that is vpon earth. God ſayde alſo vnto Noe: This is the tokē of the couenaunt, which I haue made betwene me and all fleſh vpon earth.


The ſonnes of Noe which wente out of the Arke, are theſe: Sem, Ham and Japhet. As for Ham, he is the father of Canaā. Theſe are Noes thre ſonnes, of whom all londes were ouerſpred.


Noe beganne to take hede vnto ye tyllinge of the grounde, ⁊ planted a vyniarde.[crossref 53] And dranke of the wyne, and was dronken, and laye vncouered in his tente. Now when Hā the father of Canaan ſawe his fathers preuities, he tolde his two brethren without. Thē toke Sem and Japhet a mantell and put it vpō both their ſhulders, and wente backwarde, and couered their fathers ſecretes: ⁊ their faces were turned aſyde, yt they ſhulde not ſe their fathers preuyties.

So whan Noe awaked from his wyne, and perceaued what his yonger ſonne had done vnto him, he ſayde: Curſed be Canaan, and a ſeruaunt of ſeruauntes be he vnto his brethren. He ſayde morouer: Prayſed be the LORDE God of Sem, and Canaan be his ſeruaunt. God increaſe Japhet, and let him dwell in the tentes of Sem, and Canaan be his ſeruaunt.

And Noe lyued after the floude thre hundreth ⁊ fiftie yeare, ſo yt his whole age was ix. hūdreth and fyftie yeare, and so he dyed.

The X. Chapter.


THis is the generacion of the childrē of Noe, Sem, Ham, and Japhet, ⁊ they begat children after the floude.[crossref 54] The children of Japhet are theſe: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Jauan, Tubal, Meſech and Thyras. The childrē of Gomer are theſe: Aſcenas, Riphat and Togarma. The children of Jauan are theſe: Eliſa, Tharſis, Cithim and Dodanim: Of theſe are deuided the Iles of ye Heithen in their countrees, euery one after his ſpeach, kynred and people.

The childrē of Ham are theſe: Chus, Miſraim, Phut and Canaan. The children of Chus are theſe: Seba, Heuila Sabtha, Reyma and Sabthecha.


The children of Reyma are theſe: Sheba and Dedā. Chus also begat Nemrod, which beganne to be mightie in the earth, and was a mightie hunter in the ſight of the LORDE. Therof commeth the prouerbe: This is a mightie hunter before the LORDE like as Nemrod. And the origenall of his kyngdome was Babel, Erech, Acad ⁊ Chalne in ye londe of Synear.[crossref 55] Out of that lōde came Aſſur, and buylded Niniue, and ye ſtretes of ye cite, and Calah, and Reſſen betwene Ninyne ⁊ Calah: This is a greate cite.[crossref 56]


Mizraim begat Ludim, Enamim, Leabim, Naphtuhim, Pathruſim ⁊ Caſluhim, from whence came the Philiſtynes and Capthorims. Canaā alſo begat Zidon his eldeſt ſonne, ⁊ Heth, Jebuſi, Emori, Girgoſi, Hiui, Arki, Sini, Aruadi, Zemari ⁊ Hamati: frō whence ye kynreds of ye Cananites are diſperſed abrode. And ye Coaſtes of ye Cananites were frō Sidō forth thorow Gerar vnto Gaſa, tyll thou cōmeſt vnto Sodoma, Gomorra, Adama, Zeboim, ⁊ vnto Laſa. Theſe are the children of Ham in their kynreds, tunges, londes ⁊ people. And Sem which is ye father of all the children of Eber, ⁊ the elder brother of Japhet, begat childrē alſo. And theſe are his children: Elā, Aſſur, Arphachad, Lud ⁊ Aram. The childrē of Aram are theſe: Vz, Hul, Gether ⁊ Mas.


And Arphachſad begat Sala, and Sala begat Eber. Eber begat two ſonnes: the name of the one was Peleg, becauſe that in his tyme the worlde was deuyded, and his brothers name was Jaketan, And Jaketan begat Almodad, Saleph, Hazarmaphet, Jarah, Hadoram, Vſal, Dikela, Obal Abimael, Seba, Ophir, Heuila ⁊ Joabab: All theſe are ye childrē of Jaketan. And their dwellynge was from meſa, tyll thou come vnto Sephara a mountayne of ye eaſt. Theſe are ye children of Sem in their generacions, tunges, londes and people.

This is now ye generacion of ye children of Noe in their kynreds ⁊ people. Of theſe were ye people vpon earth ſpred a brode after ye floude.

The XI. Chapter.


MOrouer all the worlde had one tonge ⁊ language. Now as they wente [footnote 8]towarde the Eaſt, they founde a playne in ye londe of Synear, ⁊ there they dwelt, ⁊ ſaide one to another: Come on, let vs make bryck ⁊ burne it. And they toke bryck for ſtone, ⁊ ſlyme for morter, And ſayde: Come, let vs buylde a cite ⁊ a tower, whoſe toppe maye reach vnto heauē, yt we maye make vs a name, afore we be ſcattred abrode in all londes. Then came ye LORDE downe, to ſe ye cite ⁊ tower, yt ye childrē of mē had buylded. And ye LORDE ſaide: Beholde, the people is one, ⁊ haue one maner of language amōge thē all, ⁊ this haue they begonne to do, ⁊ wil not leaue of from all yt they haue purpoſed to do. Come on, let vs go downe, ⁊ cōfounde their tonge euē there, yt one vnderſtonde not what another ſaieth.[crossref 57] Thus ye LORDE ſcatred thē frō thēce in all lōdes, ſo yt they left of to buylde the cite. Therfore is it called Bebell, becauſe the LORDE cōfounded there the language of all the worlde, and from thēce ſcatred them abrode in to all londes.


Theſe are ye generacions of Sem. Sem was an hundreth yeare olde, and begat Arphachſed two yeare after the floude, and lyued therafter fyue hūdreth yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.

Arphachſad was fiue ⁊ thirtie yeare olde, and begat Salah, and lyued therafter foure hundreth and thre yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.


Salah was thirtie yeare elde, and begat Eber, ⁊ lyued therafter foure hūdreth ⁊ thre yeare, ⁊ begat ſonnes and doughters.

Eber was foure and thirtie yeare olde, ⁊ begat Peleg, and lyued therafter foure hundreth and thirtie yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.

Peleg was thirtie yeare olde, and begat Regu, and lyued therafter two hūdreth and nyene yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.

Regu was two and thirtie yeare olde, and begat Serug, and lyued therafter two hundreth and ſeuen yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.

Serug was thirtie yeare olde, and begat Nahor, and lyued therafter two hundreth yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.

Nahor was nyene and twentye yeare olde, and begat Terah, and lyued herafter an hundreth and nyentene yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.


Terah was ſeuentie yeare olde, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

Theſe are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nabor and Haran. And Haran begat Lot, but Harā dyed before Terah his father in ye londe where he was borne, at Vr in Chaldea.[crossref 58]

Then Abram and Nahor toke them wyues. Abrams wife was called Sarai, ⁊ Nahors wyfe Milca the doughter of Haran, which was father of Milca and Jiſca. But Sarai was baren, and had no childe.[crossref 59]

Then toke Terah Abrā his ſone, ⁊ Lot his ſonne Harans ſonne, ⁊ Sarai his doughter in lawe, his ſonne Abrams wife, ⁊ caried them wt him from Vr in Chaldea, to go in to the lande of Canaan.[crossref 60] And they came to Haran, ⁊ dwelt there. And Terah was two hundreth ⁊ fyue yeare olde, and dyed in Haran.

The XII. Chapter.


ANd ye LORDE ſayde vnto Abram: Get the out of thy countre, and from thy kynred, and out of thy fathers houſe, in to a londe which I wil ſhew the. And I wil make of the a mightie people, and wyll bleſſe the, and make the a greate name, yee thou ſhalt be a very bleſſynge. I wil bleſſe them that bleſſe the, and curſe them that curſe the: and in the ſhal all the generacions of the earth be bleſſed.[crossref 61]

Then wente Abram out, as the LORDE commaunded him, and Lot wente with him. Fyue ⁊ ſeuentie yeare olde was Abrā, whan he wente out of Haran. So Abram toke Sarai his wife, and Lot his brothers ſonne, wt all their goodes which they had gotten, and ſoules which they begat in Harā, and departed to go in to ye londe of Canaan.[crossref 62] And whē they were come in to the ſame londe, he wente thorow, tyll he came vnto the place of Sichem, and vnto the Oke groue of More: for ye Cananites dwelt in ye lōde at ye ſame time.[crossref 63]


Then the LORDE appeared vnto Abrā, ⁊ ſayde: This londe wil I geue vnto yi ſede.[crossref 64] And there he buylded an aulter vnto ye LORDE, which appeared vnto him. Thē brake he vp frō thēce, vnto a mountayne yt laye on ye eaſt ſyde of the cite of Bethel, ⁊ pitched his tent: ſo yt he had Bethel on the weſt ſide, and Ay on ye eaſt ſyde: ⁊ there buylded he an altare alſo vnto the LORDE, ⁊ called vpon the name of the LORDE. Afterwarde departed Abram farther, ⁊ toke his iourneye ſouthwarde. But there came a derth in the londe.


Then wente Abram downe in to Egipte to kepe himſelf there as a ſtraunger, for the derth was ſore in the londe. And whan he was come nye for to entre in to Egipte, he ſayde vnto Sarai his wife: Beholde, I knowe yt thou art a fayre woman to loke vpon. Now whan the Egipcians ſe the, they wil ſaye: She is his wife, and ſo ſhal they ſlaye me, and ſaue the alyue.[crossref 65] Therfore(I pray ye) ſaye thou art my ſiſter, that I maye fare the better by reaſon of the, and that my ſoule maye lyue for thy ſake.


Now whan he came in to Egipte, ye Egipcians ſawe ye woman, yt ſhe was very faire: ⁊ Pharaos prynces ſawe her alſo, ⁊ prayſed her before him. Then was ſhe brought in to Pharaos houſe, and Abram was well intreated for hir ſake: and he had ſhepe, oxē, and he Aſſes, ſeruauntes, maydēs, ſhe Aſſes and Camels.

But ye LORDE plaged Pharao ⁊ his houſe wt greate plages, becauſe of Sarai Abrās wife.[crossref 66] Then Pharao called Abrā vnto him, and ſayde: Why haſt thou dealt thus wt me? Wherfore toldeſt thou not me at the firſt, yt ſhe was thy wife? Why ſaydeſt thou then, that ſhe was yi ſiſter? Wherfore I toke her to my wife. And now lo, there is yi wife, take her, and go thy waye. He gaue his officers alſo a charge ouer him, to conveye him out, and his wife, and all that he had.

The XIII. Chapter.


SO Abrā departed out of Egipte, wt his wife, ⁊ with all yt he had, ⁊ Lot wt him alſo, towarde ye ſouth. Abram was very rich in catell, ſiluer ⁊ golde. And he wente on forth from the ſouth vnto Bethel, vnto the place where his tent was at ye firſt, betwene Bethel and Ay: euen vnto ye place where he had made the altare before, ⁊ where he called vpon the name of the LORDE.[crossref 67] Lot alſo which wente with him, had ſhepe, greate catell ⁊ tentes: ſo yt the londe was not able to receaue them, that they might dwell together: for the ſubſtaunce of their riches was ſo greate, that they coude not dwell together.[crossref 68] And there fell a ſtrife betwene the hirdmen of Abrams catell, and the hirdmen of Lots catell. The Cananites alſo and the Phereſites dwelt at that tyme in the londe.[crossref 69]


Then ſayde Abram vnto Lot: O let there be no ſtrife betwene me and the, and betwene my hyrdmen and thine, for we are brethrē. Is not all the whole londe open before the?[crossref 70] Departe fro me, I praye the. Yf thou wilt go to the left hande, I wil take the right: Or yf thou wilt go to the right hande, I wil take the left. Then Lot lift vp his eyes, and behelde all the countre rounde aboute Jordā, that it was a plenteous countre of water. For before the LORDE deſtroyed Sodoma and Gomorra, it was rounde aboute Zoar, euen as the pleaſaunt garden of the LORDE, and as the londe of Egipte.


Then Lot choſe all the coaſtes of Jordā, and toke his iourney towarde ye Eaſt.[crossref 71] And ſo the one brother departed from the other. Abram dwelt in the lande of Canaan, and Lot in the cities of the ſame coaſtes, and pitched his tent towarde Sodome. But ye men of Sodome were wicked, and ſynned exceadingly agaynſt the LORDE.[crossref 72]

Now whan Lot was departed from Abram, the LORDE ſaide vnto Abram: Lift vp thine eyes, and loke from the place where thou dwelleſt, northwarde, ſouthwarde, eaſtwarde, and weſtwarde: for all the londe that thou ſeiſt, wyll I geue vnto the and to thy ſede for euer, and wyll make thy ſede as the duſt of the earth: ſo that yf a man can nombre the duſt of the earth, he ſhall nombre thy ſede alſo.[crossref 73] Ariſe, and go thorow the londe, in the length and bredth, for I wyl geue it vnto the.

So Abram remoued his tent, and wente and dwelt in ye Okegroue of Mamre, which is in Ebron, and buylded there an altare vnto the LORDE.[crossref 74]

The XIIII. Chapter.


ANd it chaunſed in the tyme of Amraphel the kynge of Synear, Arioch the kynge of Ellaſar, Redorlaomer the kinge of Elam, ⁊ Thydeal the kynge of ye Heithen, That they made warre wt Birſa the kynge of Gomorra, ⁊ with Sineab the kynge of Adama, ⁊ with Semeaber the kynge of Zeboim, and with the kynge of Bela, which is called Zoar. Theſe came all together in to the brode valley, where now the ſalt ſee is: for twolue yeares were they ſubiectes vnto kinge Redorlaomer, ⁊ in the thirtenth yeare they fell from him. Therfore in the fourtenth yeare came Redorlaomer, and the kynges yt were with him, ⁊ ſmote the Giauntes in Aſtaroth Rarnaim, ⁊ Suſim at Ham, ⁊ Emim in the felde of Ririathaim, and yt Horites in their owne mount Seir vnto the playne of Pharan, which bordreth vpō the wildernes. And then they turned, ⁊ came to the well of iudgment(which is Cades) ⁊ ſmote all the countre of the Amalechites, and alſo the Amorites, that dwelt in Hazez on Thamar.


Then wente out the kynge of Sodome, ⁊ the kynge of Gomorra, ⁊ the kynge of Adama, and the kynge of Zeboim, and the kynge of Bela(called Zoar) ⁊ prepared them ſelues to fight in the brode valley wt Redorlaomer the kynge of Elam, ⁊ with Thideal ye kynge of the Heithen, ⁊ with Amraphel ye kynge of Synear, ⁊ with Arioch the kynge of Ellaſar: foure kynges wt fyue. And ye brode valley had many ſlyme pyttes. But the kynge of Sodoma and Gomorra were putte flight, ⁊ fell there, ⁊ the reſidue fled vnto ye mountaynes. Then toke they all the goodes at Sodoma and Gomorra, ⁊ all their vytales, ⁊ wente their waye. They toke Lot alſo Abrams brothers ſonne, ⁊ his good(for he dwelt at Sodome) and departed.


Then came one that had eſcaped, and tolde Abram the Aleaunt, which dwelt in the Okegroue of Mamre the Amoryte, which was the brother of Eſcol ⁊ Aner: for theſe were confederate with Abram.[crossref 75]

Now whan Abram herde yt his brother was taken, he harneſſed his bonde ſeruauntes borne in his owne houſe, thre hundreth ⁊ eightene, ⁊ folowed after them vntill Dan,[crossref 76] ⁊ deuyded thē, ⁊ fell vpō them by night wt his ſeruauntes, and ſmote thē, and chaſed them awaye vnto Hoba, which lieth on ye left hande of the cite of Damaſcos, and brought agayne all the goodes, and allſo his brother Lot, and his goodes, ye wemen alſo and the people.[crossref 77] And as he came agayne from the ſlaughter of Redorlaomer ⁊ of the kinges that were with him, the kynge of Sodome wente to mete him in to the playne felde, which is called kynges dale.[crossref 78]


But Melchiſedech the kynge of Salem brought forth bread and wyne. And he beynge the preſt of the moſt hye God, bleſſed him and ſayde: Bleſſed be thou Abram vnto the moſt hye God poſſeſſor of heauen and earth.[crossref 79] And prayſed be God the Hyeſt, which hath delyuered thine enemies in to thy handes. And Abram gaue him tythes of all.

Then ſayde the kynge of Sodome vnto Abram: Geue me the ſoules, and take ye goodes vnto thy ſelf. But Abram ſayde vnto the kinge of Sodome: I lift vp my honde vnto the LORDE the moſt hye God, poſſeſſor of heauen and earth, that I wyll not take, of all that is thyne, ſo moch as a threde or a ſhue lachet, leſt thou ſhuldeſt ſaye: I haue made Abram ryche: Saue onely that which the yonge men have ſpent, and the men Aner Eſcol and Mamre, that wente with me, let them take their parte.

The XV. Chapter.


IT happened after theſe actes, yt the worde of ye LORDE came vnto Abrā in a vyſion and ſayde: Feare not Abram, I am thy ſhylde and thy exceadinge greate rewarde. But Abram ſayde: LORDE LORDE, what wilt thou geue me? I go childles, and the ſeruaunt of my houſe(this Eleaſar of Damaſcos) hath a ſonne. And Abram ſayde morouer: Beholde, vnto me haſt thou geuen no ſede: and lo, the ſonne of my houſholde ſhal be myne heyre. And beholde, the worde of the LORDE ſpake vnto him, and ſaide: He ſhal not be thine heyre, but one that ſhal come out of thine owne body, he ſhal be thine heyre. And he had him go forth, and ſayde: Loke vp vnto heauen, and tell ye ſtarres: Canſt thou nombre them:? And he ſayde vnto him:[crossref 80] *Euen ſo ſhal thy ſede be.


Abram beleued the LORDE and yt was counted vnto him for righteouſnes. And he ſayde vnto him: I am ye LORDE,*[crossref 81] yt brought the from Vr out of Chaldea, to geue ye this londe to poſſeſſe it. But Abram ſayde: LORDE LORDE, Wherby ſhall I knowe, that I ſhall poſſeſſe it? And he ſayde vnto him: Take a cow of thre yeare olde, and a ſhe goate of thre yeare olde, and a ramme of thre yeare olde, and a turtyll doue, and a yonge pigeon.[crossref 82] And he toke all theſe, and deuyded them in the myddes, and layde the one parte ouer agaynſt the other, but the foules deuyded he not. And the foules fell vpō the fleſh, but Abram droue them awaye.


Now whan the Sonne beganne to go downe, there fell an heuy ſlepe vpō Abram. And lo, feare and greate darcknes fell vpon him. And he ſayde vnto Abram: knowe this of a ſuertye, that thy ſede ſhalbe a ſtraūger, in a londe that is not theirs.[crossref 83] And they ſhall make bonde men of them, and intreate them euell foure hundreth yeares. But the people whō they ſhal ſerue, wyl I iudge.[crossref 84] Afterwarde ſhall they go forth with greate ſubſtaunce: and thou ſhalt departe vnto thy fathers in peace, and ſhalt be buried in a good age.[crossref 85] And after the fourth generacion they ſhall come hither agayne for the wickedness of ye Amorites is not yet full.[crossref 86]

So whan the Sonne was downe, and it was waxed darcke: Beholde, there ſmoked a fornace, and a fyre brande wente betwene ye partes.[crossref 87] The ſame daye made the LORDE a couenaūt with Abram, and ſayde: Vnto thy ſede wil I geue this lōde, from the water of Egipte, vnto the greate water Euphrates: the Renytes, the Renizites, the Rydmonites, the Hethites, the Pherezites, the Giauntes, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Gergeſites, and the Jebuſites.

The XVI. Chapter

SArai Abrams wife bare him no children: but ſhe had an handmayde an Egipcian, whoſe name was Agar, and ſayde vnto Abram: Beholde, the LORDE hath cloſed me, that I can not beare.[crossref 88] Go in(I praye the) vnto my mayde: peraduenture I ſhalbe multiplied by her, more then by myſelf.[crossref 89] And Abram herkened vnto the voyce of Sarai. Than Sarai Abrams wife toke Agar hir mayde ye Egipcian(after they had dwelt ten yeare in the londe of Canaan) and gaue her vnto hir hußbande Abrā, to be his wife. And he wente in vnto Agar, and ſhe conceaued. Now whan ſhe ſawe yt ſhe had conceyued, ſhe deſpyſed hir maſtreſſe.

Then ſayde Sarai vnto Abram: I muſt ſuffre wronge for thy ſake. I layde my mayde by the: but now becauſe ſhe ſeyth, that ſhe hath conceaued, I muſt be deſpyſed in hir ſight: the LORDE be iudge betwene me and the. And Abram ſayde vnto Sarai: Beholde, thy mayde is vnder thine auctorite, do with her, as it pleaſeth the.

Now whan Sarai dealt hardly wt her, ſhe fled from her. But the angell of the LORDE founde her beſyde a well of water in the wilderneſſe(euen by the well in the waye toSur) and ſayde vnto her: Agar Sarais maide, whence commeſt thou? ⁊ whyther wylt thou go? She ſayde: I fle fro my maſtreſſe Sarai. And the angel of the LORDE ſayde vnto her: Returne to thy maſtreſſe agayne, and ſubmitte thyſelf vnder hir hande.

And the angel of the LORDE ſayde vnto her: Beholde, I wil ſo encreace yi ſede, that it ſhall not be nombred for multitude. And the angel of the LORDE ſayde further vnto her: Beholde, thou art with childe, ⁊ ſhalt bringe forth a ſonne, and ſhalt call his name Iſmael, becauſe the LORDE hath herde yi trouble.[crossref 90] He ſhal be a wylde man. His hande agaynſt euery man, and euery mans hande agaynſt him: and he ſhal dwel ouer agaynſt all his brethren.

And ſhe called the name of the LORDE yt ſpake vnto her: Thou art the God that ſeiſt me. For ſhe ſayde: Of a ſuertye I haue ſene the back partes of him that ſawe me. Therfore called ſhe the well: The well of the liuinge that ſawe me. Which(well) is betwene Cades and Bared.

And Agar bare Abram a ſonne, and Abram called his ſonnes name which Agar bare him, Iſmaell.[crossref 91] And Abram was foure ſcore yeare olde and ſixe, whan Agar bare him Iſmael.

The XVII. Chapter.

NOw whan Abram was nyentye yeare olde and nyene, the LORDE appeared vnto him, ⁊ ſayde vnto him:[footnote 9] I am the allmightie God, walke before me, ⁊ be vncorrupte. And I wyll make my couenaunt betwene me ⁊ the, and wyl multiplye the exceadyngly. Then fell Abram vpon his face.

And God talked furthur with him and ſayde: Beholde, It is I, and haue my couenaūt with the, and thou ſhalt be a father of many people.[crossref 92] Therfore ſhalt thou nomore be called Abram, but thy name ſhal be Abraham: For I haue made the a father of many nacions, ⁊ I wil multiplye the exceadingly, and wil make people of ye,[crossref 93] yee and kynges alſo ſhal come out of the. Morouer I wil make my couenaūt betwene me and the, and thy ſede after the thorow out their poſterities, that it maye be an euerlaſtinge couenaunt, ſo that I wyll be the God of the, and of thy ſede after the. And vnto the and to thy ſede after the, will I geue the lande, wherin thou art a ſtraunger: euen all the lande of Canaan for an euerlaſtinge poſſeſſion, and will be their God.

And God ſayde morouer vnto Abraham: Repe my couenaunt then, thou and they ſede after the.[crossref 94] This is my couenaunt which ye ſhal kepe betwene me and you, and thy ſede after ye thorow out their poſterites. Euery manchilde that is amonge you ſhalbe circumcyded: and ye ſhall circumcyde the forſkynne of yor fleſh This ſame ſhalbe a token of the couenaunt betwene me and you. Euery manchilde whan it is eight dayes olde, ſhalbe circūcyded thorow out youre poſterities: In like maner all houßholde folkes borne at home, or bought, or eny other alſo that is a ſtraūger and not of thy ſede.[crossref 95] Thus ſhall my couenaunt be in youre fleſh for an euerlaſtinge couenaunt. And yf there ſhalbe any manchilde vncircumcided in the foreſkinne of his fleſh, his ſoule ſhalbe roted out from his people, becauſe he hath broken my couenaunt.

And God ſayde vnto Abraham: Sarai thy wyfe ſhall nomore be called Sarai, but Sara ſhal be hir name: for I will bleſſe her, and people ſhall come of her, yee and kynges of many people.[crossref 96] Then fell Abrahā vpō his face, and laughed, and ſayde in his hert: Shal a childe be borne vnto me that am an hundreth yeare olde? And ſhall Sara yt is nyentie yeare olde, beare? And Abrahā ſayde vnto God: O that Iſrael might lyue in thy ſight. Then ſayde God: Yee euen Sara thy wyfe ſhall beare the a ſonne, and thou ſhalt call his name Iſaac: for with him wil I make my euerlaſtinge couenaunt, and with his ſede after him.[crossref 97] And as concernynge Iſmael alſo, I haue herde thy requeſt: Beholde, I haue bleſſed him, and will increaſe him, and multiplye him exceadingly.[crossref 98] Twolue prynces ſhal he beget, and I wyll make a greate nacion of him.

But my couenaunt wyll I make wt Iſaac, whom Sara ſhall beare vnto the, euē this tyme twolue moneth. And he left of talkynge with him, and God wente vp from Abraham. Than toke Abraham his ſonne Iſmael, and all the ſeruauntes borne in his houſe, and all that were bought,(as many as were men children in his houſe,) and circumcyded the foreſkynne of their fleſh, euen the ſame daye, as God had ſayde vnto him. And Abraham was nyentie yeare olde and nyne, whan he cut of the foreſkynne of his fleſh. As for Iſmael, he was thirtene yeare olde, whan the foreſkynne of his fleſh was circumcyded. Euen vpon one daye were they all circumcyded. Abraham, and Iſmael his ſonne, and all the men in his houſe,(whether they were borne at home, bought, or eny other ſtraunger:) they were all circumcyded with him.

The XVIII. Chapter.

ANnd the LORDE apeared vnto him in the Okegroue of Mamre, as he ſat in his tent dore in the heate of of ye daie.[crossref 99] And as he lift vp his eyes, and loked, beholde, there ſtode thre men ouer agaynſt him. And whan he ſawe them, he ranne to mete them from his tent dore, and bowed him ſelf downe vpon the grounde, and ſayde: LORDE, yf I haue founde fauoure in thy ſight, go not by yi ſeruaūt.[crossref 100] There ſhalbe brought you a litle water, ⁊ ye ſhall waſh yor fete, ⁊ reſt youre ſelues vnder the tre.[crossref 101] And I wyll fet you a morſell of bred, to comforte youre hertes withall, and then ſhall ye go youre wayes, for therfore are ye come to youre ſeruaunt. They ſayde: do euen ſo as thou haſt ſpoken:

Abraham wente a pace in to the tent to Sara, and ſayde: Make haiſt, ⁊ meingle thre peckes of fyne meele, knede it, and bake cakes.[crossref 102] And he ranne to the beaſtes, ⁊ fet a calf that was tender and good, and gaue it vnto a yonge man, which made it ready at once. And he toke butter and mylke and of the calfe that he had prepared, and ſet it before thē, ſtode him ſelf by them vnder the tre, ⁊ they ate.[crossref 103] Then ſayde he: aboute this tyme twole moneth,[footnote 10](yf I lyue) I will come to the agayne, and Ezara thy wyfe ſhal haue a ſonne: And Sara herde that out of the tent dore, which was be hynde his backe. And Abraham and Sara were both olde, ⁊ well ſtryken in age: ſo that it wente nomore with Sara after ye maner of wemen: therfore laughed ſhe with in hir ſelf, and ſayde: Now that I am olde ⁊ my [crossref 104]lorde olde alſo, ſhal I yet geue my ſelf to luſt?

Then ſayde ye LORDE vnto Abraham: Wherfore doth Sara laugh, and ſaye: Is this true in dede, that I ſhal beare, and yet am olde?[crossref 105] Shulde eny ſoch thinge be to harde for the LORDE? Aboute this tyme(yf I lyue) I wil come to the agayne, ⁊ Sara ſhal haue a ſonne. Then Sara denyed it, and ſayde: I laughed not, for ſhe was afrayed. But he ſayde: Is it not ſo, thou dyddeſt laughe. Then the men ſtode vp from thence, and turned them towarde Sodome: and Abraham wente with them, to brynge them on their waye.

Then ſayde the LORDE: How can I hyde from Abraham, ye thinge that I wil do? ſeynge he ſhal be a greate and mightie people, and all ye people vpō earth ſhalbe bleſſed in him? For I knowe him that he wil cōmaunde his children and his houſholde after him, to kepe the waye of ye LORDE, and to do after right and conſcience, that the LORDE maye bringe vpō Abraham what he hath promiſed him. And the LORDE ſayde: There is a crie at Sodome and Gomorra, which is greate, ⁊ their ſynnes are exceadinge greuous:[crossref 106] therfore will I go downe ⁊ ſe, whether they haue done all together, acordinge to that crye, which is come before me, or not, that I maye knowe.[crossref 107] And the men turned their face, and wēte towarde Sodome. But Abraham ſtode ſtill before ye LORDE, and ſtepte vnto him, and ſayde:

Wilt thou then deſtroye the righteous with the vngodly? Peraduēture there maye be fiftie righteous within ye cite: wilt thou deſtroye thoſe, and not ſpare the place, for fiftie righteous ſake that are therin? That be farre frō the, yt thou ſhuldeſt do this, and to ſlaye the righteous with the vngodly, and that the righteous ſhulde be as the vngodly. That be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordinge to right? And the LORDE ſayde: Yf I finde fiftie righteous at Sodome in the cite, I wil ſpare all the place for their ſakes.

Abraham anſwered, and ſayde: O ſe, I haue taken vpon me to ſpeake vnto the LORDE, howbeit I am but duſt and aßſhes.[crossref 108] Peraduenture there maye be fyue leſſe then fiftie righteous therin: Wilt thou then deſtroye the whole cite becauſe of thoſe fyue? He ſayde: yf I fynde fyue and fourtie therin, I will not deſtroye them:

And he proceded further to ſpeake vnto him, and ſayde: Peraduenture there might be fourtie founde therin. And he ſayde: I wil do nothinge vnto them for thoſe fourtyes ſake. Abraham ſayde: Oh let not my LORDE be angrie, that I ſpeake yet more. Peraduēture there might be thirtie founde ther in. And he ſayde: Yf I fynde thirtie therin, I will do nothinge vnto them. And he ſayde: O ſe, I haue taken vpon me to ſpeake vnto my LORDE.

Peraduēture there might be twētie founde therin. He anſwered: I wyll not deſtroye them for thoſe twentyes ſake. And ſayde: O let not my LORDE be angrie, that I ſpeake yet once more. Peraduenture there might be ten founde therin. He ſaide: I wil not deſtroye them for thoſe ten ſake.

And the LORDE wente his waye, whan he had left talkynge with Abraham. And Abraham returned vnto his place.

The XIX. Chapter.

In the euenynge came the two angels vnto Sodome. And Lot ſat vnder the gate of the cite. And whē he ſawe them, he roſe vp for to mete them, and bowed him ſelf downe to the grounde vpon his face, ⁊ ſayde: Se lordes, turne in(I praye you) in to youre ſeruauntes houſe, and tarye all night: let youre fete be wa&#szlig;ſhen, ſo maye ye ryſe tomorow by tymes, and go youre waye. Neuertheles they ſayde: Nay, but we wyll byde in the ſtretes all night.[crossref 109] Then compelled he them ſore: and they turned in vnto him, and came in to his houſe. And he made them a feaſt, and baked ſwete cakes, and [crossref 110]they ate.

But before they wente to reſt, the men of the cite of Sodome came and compaſed the houſe rounde aboute, yonge and olde, all the people from all quarters, and called Lot, and ſayde vnto him: Where are the mē that came vnto the to night? Bringe them out here vnto vs,[crossref 111] that we maye knowe them.

And Lot went out at the dore vnto thē, and ſhut the dore after him, and ſayde: O brethren, do not ſo wickedly.[crossref 112] Beholde, I haue two doughters, which yet haue knowne no man: them will I brynge out vnto you, do with them as it liketh you. Onely do nothinge vnto theſe men of God, for therfore are they come vnder the ſhadowe of my rofe. But they ſayde: Come thou hither. Then ſayde they: Cameſt not thou onely herin as a ſtraunger, and wilt thou now be a iudge?[crossref 113] Wel, we will deale worſe with the thē with them.

And they preſſed ſore vpon ye man Lot.[crossref 114] And what they ranne to, and wolde haue broken vp the dore, the men put out their hondes, and pulled Lot vnto them in to the houſe, and ſhut to the dore.[crossref 115] And the men at ye dore of the houſe were ſmyttē with blyndneſſe both ſmall and greate, ſo that they coude not fynde the dore.

And ye men ſaide vnto Lot: Haſt thou yet here eny ſonne in lawe, or ſonnes or doughters? Who ſo euer belongeth vnto the in the cite, brynge him out of this place: for we muſt deſtroye this place, becauſe the crye of them is greate before the LORDE, which hath ſent vs to deſtroye them. Then wente Lot forth, and ſpake to his ſonnes in lawe, which ſhulde haue maried his doughters, and ſayde: O ſtonde vp, and get you out of this place, for the LORDE wyll deſtroye this cite. Neuertheles they toke it but for a ſporte.

Now whan the mornynge aroſe, the angels cauſed Lot to ſpede him, and ſayde: Stonde vp, take thy wife ⁊ thy two doughters which are at hande, that thou alſo periſhe not in the ſynne of this cite.[crossref 116] But whyle he prolonged the time, the men caught him and his wife, and his two doughters by the hande(becauſe the LORDE was mercifull vnto him,) and brought him forth, ⁊ ſet him without the cite.

And whē they had brought him out, they ſayde: Saue thy ſoule, and loke not behynde the, nether ſtonde thou in all this countre: Saue thy ſelf vpon the mountayne, that thou periſh not. Then ſayde Lot vnto thē: Oh no my LORDE beholde, in as moche as thy ſeruaūt hath founde grace in thy ſight, now make yi mercy greate, which thou haſt ſhewed vnto me, in that thou ſaueſt my ſoule alyue. I can not ſaue my ſelf vpon the mountayne. There might ſome myſfortune fall vpon me, that I ſhulde dye. Beholde, here is a cite by, that I maye flye vnto, and it is a litle one: let me ſaue myſelf there in. Is it not a litle one, that my ſoule maye lyue?

Then ſayde he vnto him: Beholde, I haue loked vpon the in this poynte alſo, that I will not ouerthrowe the cite, wherof thou haſt ſpoken. Haiſt the, and ſaue thy ſelf there: for I can do nothinge tyll thou be come thither. Therfore is the cite called Zoar. And the Sonne was vp vpon the earth, whan Lot came in to Zoar.

Then the LORDE cauſed brymſtone and fyre to rayne downe from the LORDE out of heauen vpon Sodoma and Gomorra, and ouerthrew thoſe cities, the whole region, and all that dwelt in the cities, and that that grew vpon the earth.[crossref 117] And his wife loked behynde her, and was turned into a pillar of ſalt.

Abraham roſe vp early in the mornynge, and gat him vnto the place, where he had ſtonde before the LORDE, and turned his face towarde Sodoma and Gomorra, and all ye londe of that countre, and loked.[crossref 118] And beholde, there roſe vp a ſmoke from ye countre, as it had bene ye ſmoke of a fornace. For whan God deſtroyed ye cities of the region, he thought vpon Abraham, and conueyed Lot out of the cities which he ouerthrew, wherin Lot dwelt.

And Lot departed out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountaynes with both his daughters(for he was afrayed to tary at Zoar) and ſo remayned he in a caue wt both his daughters.

Then ſayde ye elder vnto the yonger: Oure father is olde, and there is not a man more vpon earth, that can come in vnto vs after the maner of all the worlde. Come therfore, let vs geue oure father wyne to drynke, and lye with him, that we maye ſaue ſede of oure father. So they gaue their father ther wyne to drinke ſame night.[crossref 119] And the elder doughter wente in, and laye with hir father: and he perceaued it not, nether when ſhe laye downe, nether when ſhe roſe vp

On the morow the elder ſayde vnto the yonger: Beholde, yeſternight laye I with my father: let vs geue hym wyne to drynke this night alſo: that thou mayeſt go in and lye with him, that we maye ſaue ſede of oure father. So they gaue their father wyne to drynke that night alſo: And the yonger aroſe like wyſe, and laye with him: ⁊ he perceaued it not, nether when ſhe laye downe, ner when ſhe roſe vp.

Thus were both the doughters of Lot with childe by their father. And the elder bare a ſonne, and called him Moab, of whom come ye Moabytes vnto this daye. And ye yonger bare a ſonne alſo, and called him the ſonne Ammi, of whom come the children of Ammon vnto this daye.

The XX. Chapter.

AS for Abraham, he departed thence, in to the ſouth countre, and dwelt betwixte Cades and Sur, and was a ſtraunger at Gerar, and ſayde of Sara his wyfe: She is my ſiſter.[crossref 120] Then Abimelech the kinge of Gerar ſent for her, and cauſed her to be fet awaye.

But God came to Abimelech by night in a dreame, ⁊ ſayde vnto him: Beholde, thou art but a deed man, for the womans ſake which thou haſt taken, for ſhe is a mans wife. Neuertheles Abimelech had not yet touched her, and ſayde: LORDE, wilt thou ſley a righteous people? Sayde not he vnto me: ſhe is my ſiſter? Yee and ſayde not ſhe her ſelf alſo: he is my brother? With a pure hert ⁊ with innocent handes haue I done this.

And God ſayde vnto him in a dreame: I knowe that thou dyddeſt it wt a pure hert, and therfore I kepte the, that thou ſhuldeſt not ſynne agaynſt me, nether haue I ſuffred the to touch her. Now therfore delyuer the man his wife ageyne, for he is a prophet: and let him pray for ye, and thou ſhalt lyue. But and yf thou delyuer her not ageyne, be ſure, that thou ſhalt dye the death, and all that is thine.

Then Abimelech roſe vp by tymes in the mornynge, and called all his ſeruauntes, and tolde all theſe thinges in their eares, and the men were ſore afrayed, and Abimelech called Abraham, and ſayde vnto him: Wherfore haſt thou done this vnto vs? And what haue I offended ye, that thou ſhuldeſt brynge on me and on my kyngdome ſo greate a ſynne? Thou haſt not dealt with vs, as a man ſhulde deal. And Abimelech ſaide morouer vnto Abraham: What ſaweſt thou, yt thou haſt done this thinge?

Abraham ſayde: I thought: Peraduenture there is no feare of God in this place, ⁊ they ſhall ſleye me for my wifes ſake. And of a trueth ſhe is my ſiſter, for ſhe is my fathers doughter, but not my omthers doughter, and is become my wife. So whan God charged me to wādre out of my fathers houſe, I ſayde vnto her: Shew this kyndnes vpon me, that, where ſo euer we come, thou ſaye of me, that I am thy brother.[crossref 121]

Then toke Abimelech ſhepe and oxen, ſeruauntes and maydens, and gaue them vnto Abraham, and delyuered him Sara his wife agayne, and ſayde: Beholde, my londe ſtondeth open before the, dwell where it liketh the. And vnto Sara he ſayde: Beholde, I haue geuen thy brother a thouſande ſyluer pens: lo, he ſhalbe vnto the a couerynge of the eyes, for all that are with the, and euery where, and a ſure excuſe.

As for Abraham, he prayed vnto God: Then God healed Abimelech, and his wyfe, and his maydens, ſo that they bare childrē. For afore the LORDE had cloſed all the matrices of Abimelechs houſe, becauſe of Sara Abrahams wife.

The XXI. Chapter.

THe LORDE alſo vyſited Sara, acordinge [crossref 122]as he had promyſed: ⁊ dealt with her, euen as he had ſayde. And Sara was with childe, and bare Abraham a ſonne in his olde age, euen in the tyme appoynted, lyke as God had ſpoken vnto him afore. And Abraham called his ſonne which was borne vnto him(whō Sara bare him) Iſaac, and circumcided him the eight daye, [crossref 123]like as God commanded him. An hundreth yeare olde was Abrahā, whan his ſonne Iſaac was borne vnto him.

And Sara ſayde: God hath prepared a ioye for me, for who ſo euer heareth of it, wyll reioyſe with me. She ſayde morouer: Who wolde haue ſaide vnto Abraham, that Sara ſhulde geue children ſucke, and beare him a ſonne in his olde age? And the childe grew, and was weened. And Abraham made a greate feaſt, in ye daye whan Iſaac was weened.

And Sara ſawe the ſonne of Agar the Egipcian(whom ſhe had borne vnto Abraham) that he was a mocker, and ſayde vnto Abraham: Caſt out this bonde mayden and hir ſonne, for this bonde maydēs ſonne ſhall not be heyre wt my ſonne Iſaac.[crossref 124] This worde diſpleaſed Abraham ſore, becauſe of his ſonne.

Neuertheles God ſayde vnto him: let it not diſpleaſe the becauſe of the childe and the hand mayde: What ſo ever Sara hath ſayde vnto the, folowe it, for in Iſaac ſhall[crossref 125] the ſede be called vnto the. As for the honde maydens ſonne, I wyll make a people of him alſo, becauſe he is of thy ſede.

Then Abraham roſe vp early in the mornynge, and toke bred and a botell with water, and put it vpon Agars ſhulders, and gaue her the childe, and ſent her awaye. Then departed ſhe, and wandred out of the waye in ye wyldernes beſide Berſeba. Now whan the water in the botell was out, ſhe layed the childe vnder a buſh, and wente, and ſat hir downe ouer on ye other ſyde, a bowe ſhote of. For ſhe ſayde: I can not ſe the childe dye. And ſhe ſat hir downe ouer on ye other ſyde, and lifte vp hir voyce, and wepte.

Then God herde the voyce of the childe, and the angell of God called vnto Agar out of heauen, and ſayde vnto her: What ayleth the, Agar? Feare not, for God hath herde ye voyce of the childe, where he lyeth. Aryſe and take the childe, and holde him by the hande, for I wyll make a greate people of him.[crossref 126] And God opened hir eyes, that ſhe ſawe a well of water.

Then wente ſhe and fylled ye botell with water, and gaue ye childe drynke. And God was with the childe, which grew vp, and dwelt in ye wildernes, and became a connynge archer, and dwelt in ye wildernes of Pharan, and his mother toke him a wyfe out of the londe of Egipte.[crossref 127]

At the ſame tyme talked Abimelech and Phicol his chefe captayne with Abraham, and ſayde: God is with the in all that thou doeſt. Therfore ſweare now vnto me by God, that thou wilt not hurt me, ner my children: but that thou ſhalt ſhewe vnto me(and to the londe wherin thou art a ſtraunger) the ſame kyndneſſe that I haue done vnto the.[crossref 128]

Then ſayde Abraham: I wyll ſweare. And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for the well of water, which Abimelechs ſeruauntes had taken awaye by violence.[crossref 129] Then anſwered Abimelech: I knewe not who dyd it, nether dyddeſt thou tell me, and I haue not herde of it but this daye.

Thē toke Abraham ſhepe and Oxen, and gaue them vnto Abimelech, and they both made a bonde together. And Abraham ſet ſeuen lambes by them ſelues. Then ſayde Abimelech vnto Abrahā: What meane thoſe ſeuen lambes, which thou haſt ſet by them ſelues? He anſwered: ſeuē lambes ſhalt thou take of my hande, that they maye be wytnes vnto me, that I haue dygged this well. Therfore is the place called Berſeba becauſe they ſware there both together. And ſo they made the bonde at Berſeba.

Then roſe Abimelech and Phicol his chefe captayne, and departed agayne in to the londe of ye Philiſtynes. And Abraham planted trees at Berſeba, and called vpon the name of the LORDE ye euerlaſtinge God, and was a ſtraunger in ye londe of the Philiſtynes a longe ſeaſon.

The XXII. Chapter.

AFter theſe actes God tempted Abraham, and ſayde vnto him: Abraham. And he anſwered: I am here.[crossref 130] And he ſayde: Take yi ſonne, this onely ſonne of thyne, euē Iſaac whom thou loueſt, and go thy waye in to the londe of Moria, ⁊ offre him there for a burnt offerynge, vpon a mountayne that I ſhal ſhew the. Then Abraham ſtode vp by tymes in the mornynge, and ſadled his Aſſe, and toke with him two yonge men, and his ſonne Iſaac, and cloue wodd for the brent offerynge, gat him vp, and wente on vnto the place, wherof the LORDE had ſayde vnto him. Vpon the thirde daye Abraham lift vp his eyes, and ſawe the place a farre of, and ſayde vnto his yonge mē: Tary ye here with the Aſſe: as for me and the childe, we wyl go yonder: and whan we haue worſhipped, we wyll come to you againe. And Abrahā toke the wodd to the brent offerynge, and layed it vpon Iſaac his ſonne. As for him ſelf, he toke the fyre and a knyfe in his hande, and wente on both together.

Then ſayde Iſaac vnto his father Abraham: My father. Abraham anſwered: here I am my ſonne. And he ſayde: lo, here is fyre and wodd, but where is the ſhepe for the brent offerynge? Abraham anſwered: My ſonne, God ſhall prouyde him a ſhepe for the brent offerynge. And they wente both together.

And whan they came to the place which God ſhewed him, Abraham buylded there an altare, and layed the wodd vpon it, and bande his ſonne Iſaac, layed him on the altare, aboue vpō the wodd, and ſtretched out his hande, and toke the knyfe, to haue ſlayne his ſonne.

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  1. *Some call it Sehoham
  2. Some reade: *To ſtōde nerre by him.
  3. Some reade: *whyle it made wyſe.
  4. Some reade: *Thou ſhalt
  5. bowe downe thy ſelf before thy huſbande.
  6. Some reade: *Let it be ſubdued vnto the, & rule thou it.
  7. Some reade: *came not agayne
  8. Some reade: *frō the eaſt
  9. Some reade *I am the God Schadai(that is: plenteous in power, abundaunt, ſufficiēt, and full of all good)
  10. Some reade: *As ſoone as the frute cā lyue.


  1. 4. Eſd. 6. d
    Eccli. 15. a
    Iere. 10. b
    Heb. 11. a
    Eſa. 44. c
  2. Iob. 26. b
    Pro. 8. c
  3. Pſal. 135. a
  4. Deut. 4. c
  5. Iere 31. f
  6. 4. Eſd. 6. e
  7. Sap. 2. d and 10. a
    Eccli. 13. a
    Mat. 10. a
  8. Iere 19. b
    Sap 9. a
    Pſal 5. b
  9. Gene. 5. a
  10. Pſal. 103. b
  11. Deu. 32. a
    Eccli 39. c
  12. Exo. 20. b
    Heb. 4. a
  13. Sap. 10. a
    Tob. 8. b
    1. Cor. 15
  14. Pro. 3. b
    Apo. 2. a
  15. Eccll. 24
  16. Eccli. 15. c
  17. Cor. 11. a
  18. Matt. 19. a
    Mar. 10. a
    Ephe. 5. c
    1. Cor. 6. c
    Gen. 3. b
  19. Eccli. 25. d
  20. 2. Cor. 11. a
  21. Iere. 14. b and 23. c
  22. Gene. 2. d
  23. Apo. 12. c
  24. Matt. 4. a
    *Col. 2. b
  25. Eccl. 40. b
    Iob. 34. b
  26. Heb. 11. a
  27. Sap. 10. a
  28. 1. Ioh. 3. b
  29. Heb. 12. d
  30. Gen. 4.
  31. 1. Par. 1. a
  32. Eccli. 44. b
    Heb. 11. a
  33. Sap. 4. b
    4. Re. 2. a
  34. Gen. 3. d
  35. 1. Pet. 3. c
  36. 1. Re. 35. c
  37. Eſa. 42. c
  38. Eccl. 44. b
  39. 2. Pet. 2. b
  40. Leuit. 11. a
  41. Matt. 24. d
    Luc. 17. c
  42. Eccli. 35. d
  43. Sap. 10. a
  44. Gene. 1. d
  45. Leui. 11.
  46. Gen. 1. d
  47. Leui. 7. c and 17. d
  48. Exo. 21. a
  49. Tren. 4. b
    Mat. 26. c
    Apo. 13. b
  50. Gen. 1. d
  51. Eſa. 54. a
  52. Eccleſiaſtici. 44. b
  53. Eſa. 5. a
    Matt. 21. a
  54. 1. Par. 1. a
  55. Gene. 11. a
  56. Ionæ 1. a
  57. Deu. 32. a
  58. Ioſu. 24. a
    1. Par. 1. b
  59. Gen. 20. c
    Gen. 22. d
  60. Ioſu. 24. a
    2. Eſd. 9. b
    Iudit. 5. b
  61. Gen. 17. d
    Gene. 18. c
    Gen. 22. c
    Acto. 3. d
  62. Gen. 14. c
  63. Gen. 10. d and 13. a
  64. Gen. 17. a
  65. Gen. 20. a and 15. a
  66. Eſa. 43. a
  67. Gen. 12. b
  68. Gen. 36. a
  69. Gene. 12. b
  70. Eccli. 25. a
    Iere. 40. a
  71. Deut. 2. b
  72. Eze. 16. e
  73. Acto. 7. a
  74. Gen. 14. c
  75. Gen. 13. d
  76. Ioſu. 10. b
    1. Re. 30. b
    Iere. 41. c
  77. Iob. 39. b
  78. Num. 31. b
  79. Hebr. 7. a
  80. Deu. 10. d
    Eſa. 49. d
    Iere. 33. d
    *Ro. 4. d
  81. Pſal. 105. d.
    Rom. 4. a
    Gala. 3. a
    Iaco. 2. c
    *Gen. 11. d
  82. Iere. 34. d
  83. Act. 7. a
    Exod. 12. f
    Iudit. 5. b
    Gala. 3. c
  84. Exo. 12. c.
  85. Gene. 25. a
  86. Deut. 20. c
  87. Gen. 24. a
    3. Re. 4. b
  88. Eſa. 46. b
  89. Gen. 30. a
  90. Gen. 17. c
    Iudi. 33. b
  91. Gal. 4. c
  92. Rom. 4. c
  93. Mat. 1. a
  94. Act. 7. a
  95. Luc. 2. c
    Leui. 12. a
    Gen. 21. a
  96. Matt. 1. a
  97. Gen. 16. c
    Iud. 13. b
    4. Re. 13. a
    Luc. 1. c
  98. Gen. 25. b
  99. Gen. 19. a
  100. 1. Re. 28. c
  101. Iudi. 19. b
    Pſal. 103. b
  102. Matt. 11. c
    Luc. 11. b
  103. Tob. 12. b
    Iud. 13. c
  104. 1. Pet. 3. a
    Eccli. 25. a
  105. 4. Re. 4. b
    Ro. 9. a
  106. Eze. 16. e
  107. Ion. 1. a
  108. Gen. 2. b
  109. Luc. 14. c and 24. c
  110. Tob. 12. c
  111. Leui. 18. c
  112. Iudic. 19. c
  113. Exo. 3. b
  114. 2. Pet. 2. b
  115. 4. Re. 6. d
    Sap. 19. d
  116. Sap. 10. b
  117. Eſa. 13. d
    Iere. 50. g
    Oſe. 11. b
    Amos 4. c
  118. Gen. 18. c
  119. Leui. 18. a
  120. Gen. 12. c and 26. a
  121. Gen. 12. c
  122. Gen. 18. b
    Heb. 11. c
  123. Matt. 1. a
    Ioſu. 34. a
    Gen. 17. d
  124. Iudic. 11. b
    Galat. 4. c
  125. Rom. 5. c
    Gen. 17. c
  126. Gen. 17. c
    Eſa. 41. c
  127. Gen. 26. d
  128. Gen. 30. d
  129. Gen. 26. b
  130. Iudit. 8. d
    Eccl. 44. d
    Heb. 11. d