2382488Wycliffe's Bible — II. Kyngis

Þe ſecounde boke of Kynges

Capitulum I.


Forſoþe it is doon, after þat Saul is deed, þat Dauid is turned aȝen fro þe ſlauȝter of Amalech, and dwellide in Sichelech two days. Forſoþe in þe þridde day aperide a ȝong man, of þe tentis of Saul, wiþ to-rent clooþ, and ſprengid þe heed wiþ powdre; and as he came to Dauid, he felle vpon his face, and lowtide. And Dauid ſeide to hym, Whens comyſt þou? Þe which ſeiþ to Dauid, Fro þe tentis of Yrael I fleiȝ. And Dauid ſeide to hym, What is þe word þat is doon; ſhewe to me. Þe which ſeiþ, Þe puple fleiȝ fro þe batail, and many fallynge of þe puple ben deed; but and Saul, and Jonaþas, his ſone, han died. And Dauid ſeide to þe ȝong man, þat toolde to hym, Wherbi woſt þou, þat Saul is deed, and Jonaþas, his ſone? And þe ȝong man ſeiþ, þat toolde to hym, Bi hap I cam into þe hil of Gelboe, and Saul lenyde vpon his ſpeer; forſoþe chaaris and horſis neiȝeden to hym; and turned bihynde his rigge, and ſeynge clepide me. To whom whanne I hadde anſwerde, I am niȝ; he ſeide to me, Forſoþe who art þou? And I ſeide to hym, Amalechite I am. And he ſpak to me, Stoond vpon me, and ſle me; for anguyſhis holden me, and ȝit al my ſoule is in me. And ſtondynge vpon hym I ſlewȝ hym; forſoþe I wiſte þat he myȝte not lyue after þe fallynge; and I took þe diademe þat was in his heed, and þe beeȝ fro his arm, and I haue brouȝte it to þee, my lord, hidyr. Forſoþe Dauid takynge his cloþis kitte, and alle þe men þat weren wiþ hym; and þei weileden, and wepten, and faſtiden vnto þe euen, vpon Saul, and Jonaþan, his ſone, and vpon þe puple of þe Lord, and vpon þe hows of Irael, forþi þat þei weren faln wiþ ſwerd. And Dauid ſeide to þe ȝonge man, þat toolde to hym, Whens ert þou? Þe which anſwerde, I am þe ſone of an Amalechit man comlynge. And Dauid ſeiþ to hym, Whi draddiſt þou not to putte þin hoond for to ſlee þe criſt of þe Lord? And Dauid clepynge oon of his children ſeiþ, Goynge nyȝ fal into hym. Þe which ſmoot hym, and he is deed. And Dauid ſeiþ to hym, Þi blood vpon þin heed; forſoþe þi mouþ haþ ſpoken aȝens þee, ſeiynge, I ſlewȝ þe criſt of þe Lord. Forſoþe Dauyd weilide þis maner a weilynge vpon Saul, and vpon Jonaþas, his ſone. And he comaundide, þat þei techen þe ſones of Juda weilynge, as it is writen in þe Book of Riȝtwiſe Men; and ſeiþ, Bihold, Irael, for, þes þat ben deed, vpon þin heiȝe þingis woundide; þe noble men of Yrael vpon þin hillis ben ſlayn. What maner wiſe fellen þe ſtrengþful? woleþ ȝe not telle in Geþ, ne telle ȝe in þe gedryngis togidre of þe many weyes of Aſchalon; leſt perauenture þe douȝtres of Philiſteis gladen, ne ioyen þe douȝtris of þe vncircumcidid. Hillis of Gelboe, ne dewe ne reyn come vpon ȝow, ne be þei feeldis of firſt fruytis; for þere is þrowen a wey þe ſheelde of ſtronge men, þe ſheelde of Saul, as þouȝ he hadde not ben anoyntid wiþ oyle. Fro þe blood of þe ſlayn, fro þe talwȝ of ſtronge men, þe arowe of Jonaþas neuer turnede aȝen bacward, and þe ſwerd of Saul is not turned aȝen in ydel. Saul and Jonaþas loueli, and feyr in her lyif, forſoþe in deeþ þei ben not deuydide; ſwifter þan eglis, ſtronger þan liouns. Douȝtris of Yrael, vpon Saul wepiþ, þe which cloþide ȝou wiþ reed in delicis, þe which ȝaf golden ournementis to ȝoure worſhipynge. What maner fellen ſtrong men in batayl? Jonaþas in þin heiȝ þingis is ſlayn. I ſorwe vpon þee, broþer myn Jonaþa, ful myche feir, and loueli ouere þe loue of wymmen; as a moder louiþ hir oneli ſone, ſo Y louede þee. What maner wiſe fellen ſtronge men, and perſhiden aarmes to fiȝten wiþ in batayl?

Capitulum II.


Therfor after þes þingis Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge, Wheþer I ſhal goon vp into oon of þe cytees of Juda? And þe Lord ſeiþ to hym, Go vp. And Dauid ſeide to hym, Whedir ſhal I go vp? And he anſwerde to hym, Into Ebron. Þanne Dauid ȝede vp, and his two wyues, Achynoem Jezraelite, and Abigail, þe wijf of Naabal of Carmele. But and þe men þat weren wiþ hym, Dauid ladde echon wiþ her hows; and þei dwelliden in þe burȝ touns of Ebron. And þe men of Juda camen, and anoyntiden þere Dauid, for he ſhulde regne vpon þe hows of Juda. And it is toold to Dauid, þat þe men of Jabes Galaad hadden biryede Saul. Þanne Dauid ſente meſſageris to þe men of Jabes Galaad, and he ſeide to hem, Bleſſid be ȝe of þe Lord, þe whiche diden þis mercy wiþ ȝoure lord Saul, and biryeden hym. Forſoþe and nowe þe Lord ſhal ȝeelde to ȝou merci and treuþ, but and Y ſhal ȝeelde grace, forþi þat ȝe diden þis word. Be ȝoure hoondis coumfortid, and be ȝe ſones of ſtrengþ; forſoþe þouȝ ȝoure lord Saul be deed, neuerþelater þe hows of Juda haþ anoyntid me into a kyng to hem. Abner forſoþe, þe ſone of Ner, prince of þe ooſt of Saul, took Hiſboſech, þe ſone of Saul, and ladde hym about bi þe tentis, and ſette hym kyng vpon Galaad, and vpon Jeþſuri, and vpon Jezrael, and vpon Effraym, and vpon Beniamyn, and vpon al Yrael. Of fourti ȝeer was Hiſboſeþ, þe ſone of Saul, whanne he bigan to regne vpon Irael; and two ȝeer he regnede. Forſoþe oneli þe hows of Juda folwide Dauid. And þe noumbre of dais, þe which Dauid dwellide comaundynge in Ebron vpon þe hows of Juda, was of ſeuen ȝeris and of ſexe moneþis. And Abner, þe ſone of Ner, wente out, and þe children of Hiſboſeþ, þe ſone of Saul, fro þe tentis into Gabaon. Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, and þe children of Dauid wenten out, and aȝen camen to hem biſide þe fiſh poond in Gabaon. And whanne þei weren comen togidir in oon forn aȝens oþer, þeſe ſeeten on þe too parti of þe fiſh poond, and þei on þe toþer. And Abner ſeide to Joab, Riſe children, and pleye þei before vs. And Joab anſwerde, Riſen. Þanne ryſen and wenten twelue bi noumbre of Beniamyn, of þe parti of Hyſboſeþ, þe ſone of Saul; and twelue of þe children of Dauid. And taken of echon þe heed of his peere, he piȝte doun a ſwerd in þe ſide of þe contrarie; and þei fellen doun to gidre. And þe name of þat place is clepid Þe Feelde of ſtronge men in Gabaon. And þere is ſprongen an hard batail ynowȝ in þat day; and Abner is dryuen, and þe men of Yrael, of þe children of Dauid. Forſoþe þere weren þere þe þre ſones of Saruye, Joab, and Abiſay, and Aſahel; ceertis Aſahel was a mooſt ſwift renner, as oon of þe caprettis þat dwellen in wodis. Forſoþe Aſahel purſuede Abner, and bowide not aſide, ne fro þe riȝt ne fro þe left, leeuynge to purſue Abner. And ſo Abner bihelde bihynde his bak, and ſeiþ, Wheþer art þou not Aſahel? Þe which anſwerde, Y am. And Abner ſeide to hym, Go to þe riȝt, or to þe left; and tak oon of þe ȝonge men, and tak to þee þe ſpoilis of hym. Forſoþe Aſahel wolde not leeue, but he conſtreynede hym. And eft Abner ſpak to Aſahel, Go a wey, and wole þou not ſue me, leſt I be conſtreyned to ſtike þee into þe erþe, and I ſhal not mowe rere my face to Joab, þi broþer. Þe which diſpiſide to here, and wolde not bowe aſide. Þanne Abner, þe ſpeer turned a wey, ſmoot hym in þe ſheer, and ſtikide hym þurȝ, and he is deed in þe ſame place; and alle þat wenten bi þe place, in þe which Aſahel hadde fallen, and was deed, biden ſtille. Forſoþe Joab and Abiſay purſuynge Abner fleynge, þe ſunne wente doun; and þei camen to þe hil of þe water kundit, þat is fro aȝens of þe valey, and of þe weye of deſeert in Gabaon. And þe ſones of Beniamyn ben gederid to Abner, and cluſtrid to gidir in o cumpanye þei ſtoden in þe cop of a litil hil. And Abner criede to Joab, and ſeiþ, Wheþer vnto ſlauȝter þi ſwerd ſhal be cruel? Wheþer knowiſt þou not, þat perilous be deſpeir? How long þou ſeiſt not to þe puple, þat he leeue to purſue his briþeren? And Joab ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ, for if þou haddiſt ſpoken eerli, þe puple purſuynge his briþeren hadde goon awey. Þanne Joab fulſownede wiþ þe trompe, and al þe ooſt ſtood; and nomore þei purſueden Yrael, ne wenten in ſtrijf. Forſoþe Abner and his men wenten awey bi þe wijlde feeldis of Moab al þat niȝt, and þei wenten ouer Jordan; and, paſſid alle Beþoron, þei camen to þe tentis. But Joab turned aȝen, Abner laft, gederide al þe puple; and þere failiden of þe children of Dauid ten and nyn men, out taken Aſahel. Forſoþe þe ſeruauntis of Dauid ſmyten of Beniamyn, and of þe men þat weren wiþ Abner, þre hundred and ſexti, and þe whiche ben deed. And þei token Aſahel, and biryeden hym in þe biriels of his fader in Beþleem. And Joab, and þe men þat weren wiþ hym, wenten al niȝt, and in þat bigynnynge of day þei camen into Ebron.

Capitulum III.


There is maad þanne a longe ſtryuynge togidre bitwixe þe hows of Dauid and þe hows of Saul; Dauid profitynge and euermore ſtrenger þan hym ſelf, forſoþe þe hows of Saul decreſynge eche dai. And þere ben born ſones of Dauid in Ebron; and his firſt geten was Amon, of Achinoem Jezraelite; and after hym Ȝeliab, of Abigail, þe wijf of Naabal Carmeel; forſoþe þe þridde, Abſolon, þe ſone of Maacha, þe douȝter of Tholomay, þe kyng Jeþſure; forſoþe þe feerþe, Adonyas, þe ſone of Agiþ; and þe fifþe, Saphacias, þe ſone of Abital; forſoþe þe ſexte, Jeþraam of Egla, þe wijf of Dauid. Þes ben born to Dauid in Ebron. Þanne whanne þere was a batail bytwixe þe hows of Saul and þe hows of Dauid, Abner, þe ſone of Ner, gouernde þe hows of Saul. Forſoþe þere was to Saul a ſecoundarie wijf, Reſpha bi name, þe doȝter of Achay; and Abner wente into hir. And Hiſboſeþ ſeide to Abner, Whi wentiſt þou in to þe ſecoundarie wijf of my fader? Þe which, ful miche wrooþ for þe wordis of Hiſboſeþ, ſeiþ, Wheþer þe heed of a dog Y am aȝens Juda to day, þe which haue doon merci vpon þe hows of Saul, þi fadre, and vpon briþeren, and þe next kyn of hym, and I haue not takyn þee into þe hondis of Dauid, and þou haſt aȝen ſouȝt in me þat þou vndurnyme for a womman to day? Þes þingis doo God to Abner, and þes þingis adde to hym, but what maner wiſe þe Lord haþ ſwore to Dauid, ſo ſhal I doo wiþ hym, þat þe kyngdom be ouerborn fro þe hows of Saul, and þe trone of Dauid be rerid vpon Irael and vpon Juda, fro Dan vnto Berſabe. And he myȝte not anſwere to hym eny þing, for he dradde hym. Þanne Abner ſente meſſageris to Dauid for hym ſelf, ſeiynge, Whos is þe loond? and for þei ſhulden ſpeke, Mak wiþ me frenſhips, and myn hoond ſhal be wiþ þee, and I ſhal brynge aȝen to þee al Irael. Þe which ſeiþ, Alþerbeſt I ſhal doo wiþ þee frenſhips, but o þing I aſke of þee, ſeiynge, Þou ſhalt not ſe my face, before þat þou brynge Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, and ſo þou ſhalt come, and ſe me. Þanne Dauid ſente meſſagers to Hiſboſeþ, þe ſone of Saul, ſeiynge, Ȝeeld my wijf Mychol, þat I weddide to me for an hundrid terſis of Philiſteis. Þanne Hiſbotſeþ ſente, and took hir fro hir man, Faltiel, þe ſone of Lais; and hir man folwide hir wepynge vnto Bahurym. And Abner ſeide to hym, Go and turn aȝen; þe which turnede aȝen. Forſoþe Abner brouȝte in a word to þe eldris of Irael, ſeiynge, Boþ ȝiſterday and þe þridde dai hens ȝe ſouȝten Dauyd, þat he regne vpon ȝou. Nowe þanne doþ; for þe Lord ſpak to Dauid, ſeiynge, In þe hoond of my ſeruaunt Dauid I ſhal ſaue my puple Yrael fro þe hoond of Philiſteis, and of alle his enemyes. Forſoþe Abner ſpak alſo to Beniamyn, and wente, for to ſpeke to Dauid, in Ebron, alle þingis þat pleſiden to Irael and to al Beniamyn. And he cam to Dauid, in Ebron, wiþ twenti men. And Dauid made to Abner, and to his men þat camen wiþ hym, a feeſt. And Abner ſeide to Dauid, Y ſhal ryſe, þat I gedre to þee, my lord kyng, al Yrael, and I goo in wiþ þe boond of pees, and þou comaunde to al, as þi ſoule deſiriþ. Þanne whanne Dauid hadde ladde out Abner, and he was goon in pees, anone þe children of Dauid and of Joab camen, þe þeuis ſlayn, wiþ ful miche greet pray; forſoþe Abner was not wiþ Dauid, in Ebron, for nowe he hadde laft hym, and he was goon forþ in pees. And Joab, and þe ooſt þat was wiþ hym, aftirward camen; and ſo it is toold to Joab of tellers, Abner, þe ſone of Ner, cam to þe kyng, and he lafte hym, and he wente awey in pees. And Joab wente yn to þe kyng, and ſeiþ, What haſt þou doon? Loo! Abner cam to þee; whi haſt þou laft hym, and he ȝede, and wente a wey? Knowiſt þou not Abner, þe ſone of Ner, for to þat he cam to þee, þat he deſſeyue þee, and knowe þin outgoynge and þin incomynge, and he ſhal knowe alle þingis þat þou doſt? And ſo Joab, goon out fro Dauid, ſente meſſageris after Abner; and brouȝte hym aȝen fro þe ciſtern of Cyra, vnknowynge Dauid. And whanne Abner was turned aȝen into Ebron, Joab ladde hym aſide to þe mydil of þe ȝaat, þat he ſpeke to hym in trecherye; and he ſmoot hym þere in þe ſheer, and he is deed, into wreche of þe blood of his broþer Aſahel. Þat whanne Dauid hadde herd þe þing doon, ſeiþ, Clene I am and my kyngdam anentis God vnto wiþ outen ende fro þe blood of Abner, þe ſone of Ner; and come it vpon þe heed of Joab, and vpon al þe hows of his fader; ne fail þere fro þe hows of Joab oon ſuffrynge flux of ſeed, and a leprous, holdynge a ſpyndle, and a fallynge wiþ ſwerd, and a nedi breed. Þerfor Joab, and Abiſay, his broþer, ſlewen Abner, forþi þat he hadde ſlayn Aſahel, þe broþer of hem, in Gabaon, in þe batail. And Dauid ſeide to Joab, and to al þe puple þat was wiþ hym, Kittiþ ȝoure cloþis, and beþ gird wiþ ſackis, and weileþ before þe exequies of Abner. Forſoþe Dauid folwide þe beere. And whanne þei hadden biryden Abner in Ebron, kyng Dauyd reride his voys, and wepte vpon þe toumbe of Abner; forſoþe and al þe puple wepte. And þe kyng, weilynge and mournynge Abner, ſeiþ, Not as ſlow men ben went to dye, þou diediſt, Abner. Þin hoondis ben not boundun, and þi feet ben not greued wiþ fettris, but as men ben wont to fal before þe ſonys of wickidnes þou felle. And doublynge togidre al þe puple wepte vpon hym. And whanne al þe multitude was comen to taak meet wiþ Dauid, ȝit cleer day, Dauid ſwore, ſeiynge, Þes þingis doo to me God, and þes þingis adde, if before þe ſunne goynge doun I ſhal taaſt breed or eny oþer þing. And al þe puple herde; and alle þingis pleſiden to hem þat þe kyng dide in þe ſiȝt of al þe puple; and al þe comoun knewe, and al Irael in þat dai, for it was not doon of þe kyng, þat Abner, þe ſone of Ner, were ſlayn. And þe kyng ſeide to his ſeruauntis, Wheþer ȝe knowen not, for a prince and þe mooſt to dai in Irael haþ fallen? Forſoþe I ȝit delicate and anoyntid kyng; greetli þes men, ſonis of Saruye, ben hard to me; þe Lord ȝeeld to þe doynge yuel after his malice.

Capitulum IIII.


Forſoþe Hiſboſeþ, þe ſone of Saul, herde þat Abner hadde faln in Ebron; and þe hondis of hym ben feblid, and al Irael is diſturblid. Forſoþe two men, princis of þeuys, weren to þe ſone of Saul; name to þe toon Baana, and name to þe toþir Reechab, þe ſones of Remmon Beroþit, of þe ſonys of Beniamyn; forſoþe and Beroþ is told into Beniamyn. And Beroþitis flowen into Jeþaym; and þei weren þere comelingis into þat tyme. Forſoþe þere was to Jonaþe, þe ſone of Saul, a ſone feble in feete; forſoþe he was fyue ȝeer oolde, whanne a meſſager cam fro Saul and Jonaþa, of Jezrael. And ſo his nuriſh takynge hym fleiȝ; and whanne ſhe hiede for to flee, he felle, and is maad halt; and he hadde name Myphiboſech. Comynge þanne þe ſones of Remmon Beroþit, Reechab and Baana, wenten in, þe brennynge dai, þe hows of Hiſboſeþ, þat ſlepte vpon his bed þe myddai; and þe womman þat kepte þe doris of þe hows purgynge whete, ſlepte faſt. Forſoþe þei wenten into þe hows vnwityngly, takynge eeris of whete; and Reechab, and Bana, his broþer, ſmyten hym in þe ſheer, and flowen. Forſoþe whanne þei weren goon into þe hows, he ſlepte vpon his bed in þe priue chaumbre; and ſmytynge þei ſlewen hym; and his heed taken of, þei wenten bi þe weie of deſeert al nyȝt. And þei brouȝten þe heed of Hiſboſeþ to Dauid, in Ebron, and þei ſeiden to þe kyng, Loo! þe heed of Hiſboſeþ, þe ſone of Saul, þin enemye, þat ſouȝte þi lijf; and þe Lord haþ ȝyuen to oure lord þe kyng veniaunce to dai of Saul and of his ſeed. Forſoþe Dauid anſwerynge to Reechab, and Bana, his broþir, ſones of Remmon Beroþei, ſeide to hem, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat haþ delyuerd my ſoule fro al angwiſſh; for hym þat toolde to me and ſeide, Deed is Saul, þe whych wende hym ſelf welſum þingis to telle, I heelde, and ſlewȝ hym in Sichelech, to whom it hadde behouid me to ȝeue mede for þe meſſage; miche more nowe, whanne wickid men han ſlayn a giltles man in his hows vpon his bed, now I ſhal ſeche his blood fro ȝoure hoond, and doo a wey ȝou fro þe erþe. And ſo Dauid comaundide to his children, and þei ſlewen hem; and kyttynge of þe hoondis and þe feet of hem, þei hongeden hem ouer þe fiſh poond in Ebron. Forſoþe þe heed of Hiſboſeþ þei token, and biryeden it in Ebron, in þe ſepulcre of Abner.

Capitulum V.


And alle þe lynagis of Irael camen to Dauid, in Ebron, ſeiynge, Loo! we ben þi boon and þi fleſh. But and ȝiſtirdai and before ȝiſterdai, whanne Saul was kyng vpon vs, þou were ledynge out and bryngynge aȝen Yrael; forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to þee, Þou ſhalt fede my puple Irael, and þou ſhalt be duyk vpon Irael. Forſoþe and þe eldris of Irael camen to þe kyng, in Ebron; and kyng Dauid ſmoot wiþ hem couenaunt of pees in Ebron, before þe Lord; and þei anoyntiden Dauid into kyng vpon Irael. A ſone of þretti ȝeer was Dauid, whanne he bigan to regne, and fourti ȝeer he regnede; in Ebron he regnyde vpon Juda ſeuen ȝeer and ſixe moneþis; forſoþe in Jeruſalem he regnede þretti and þree ȝeer, vpon al Irael and Juda. And þe kyng ȝeede, and al þe men þat weren wiþ hym, into Jeruſalem, to Jebuſe, dweller of þe loond. And it is ſeid to Dauid of hem, Þou ſhalt not go in hidre, but if þou take a wey þe blynde and þe halt, ſeiynge, Dauid ſhal not goo yn hidre. Forſoþe Dauid took þe tote hil Syon; þat is þe citee of Dauid. Forſoþe he purpoſide in þat dai mede to hym þat ſmoot Jebuſe, and touchide þe goters of þe hows eues, and took a wey þe halt and þe blynde, hatynge þe lijf of Dauid. Þerfore it is ſeid in prouerbe, Þe blynde and þe halt ſhulen not goon into þe temple. Forſoþe Dauid dwellide in þe tote hil, and clepide it þe citee of Dauid; and he bieldide bi enuyroun fro Mello, and wiþ in forþ. And he wente profitynge and vndre growynge; and þe Lord God of ooſt was wiþ hym. Forſoþe Yram, þe kyng of Tiry, ſente meſſagers to Dauid, and cedre trees, and crafty men of trees, and crafti men of ſtonys to þe wallys; and þei beeldiden þe hows of Dauid. And Dauid knewe, for þe Lord hadde confermyd hym kyng vpon Irael, and for he hadde arerid out his kyngdam vpon his puple Yrael. Þanne Dauid took ȝit ſecundarye wyues, and wyues of Jeruſalem, after þat he was comyn fro Ebron; and þere ben born to Dauid and oþer ſones and douȝtris. And þes þe names of hem þat ben born to hym in Jeruſalem; Samua, and Sobab, and Naþan, and Salomon, and Jobaar, and Eliſua, and Repheg, and Japhia, and Elizama, and Helida, and Heliphelech. Þanne Philiſteis herden, þat þei hadden anoyntid Dauid kyng vpon Yrael, and þei alle ſtieden vp for to ſeche Dauid. Þe which þing whanne Dauid hadde herd, wente doun in to a ſtrengþ. Forſoþe Philiſteis comynge ben heeld out in þe valey of Raphaym. And Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge, If I ſhal ſtie vp to Philiſteis, and if þou ſhalt ȝyue hem in myn hoond? And þe Lord ſeide to Dauid, Sty, for takyng I ſhal ȝyue Philiſteis in þin hoond. Þanne Dauid cam in Baal Pharaſym, and ſmoot hem þere, and ſeide, Þe Lord haþ dyuidid myn enemyes before me, as watris ben dyuidid. Þerfor þe name of þat place is clepid Baal Pharaſym. And þei laften þere her grauen þingis, þe whiche Dauid took, and his men. And ȝit þe Philiſteis addiden for to ſtie vp, and þei ben held out in þe valey of Raphaym. Forſoþe Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge, If I ſhal ſtye aȝens þe Philiſteis, and if þou ſhalt take hem into myn hoondis? Þe which anſwerde, Þou ſhalt not ſtye vp aȝens hem, but goo about bihynde þe bak of hem, and comynge to hem fro aȝens of þe peer trees. And whanne þou heriſt noiſe of cry goynge in þe cop of þe peer trees, þanne þou ſhalt goo into batail; for þanne þe Lord ſhal goo out before þi face, þat he ſmyte þe tentis of Philiſteis. And ſo Dauid dide as þe Lord comaundide to hym; and he ſmoot Philiſteis fro Gabaa vnto þou come to Jezer.

Capitulum VI.


Forſoþe Dauid eft gedrede alle þe choſen men of Irael, þretti þouſandis. And Dauid roos, and wente, and al þe puple þat was wiþ him of þe men of Juda, for to brynge þe arke of God, vpon þe which is inwardli clepid þe name of þe Lord of ooſtis, ſittynge in cherubyn vpon it. And þei puttiden þe arke of God vpon a newe wayn, and þei token it fro þe hows of Amynadab, þat was in Gabaa. Forſoþe Oza and Hayon, þe ſones of Amynadab, dryuen þe newe wayn. And whanne þei hadden taken it fro þe hows of Amynadab, þat was in Gabaa, Hayon kepynge þe arke of God, wente before þe arke. Forſoþe Dauid and al Yrael pleiden before þe Lord, in alle forgid trees, and harpis, and ſyngynge inſtrumentis, and tymbris, and trumpis, and cymbalis. Forſoþe after þat þei camen to þe corn flore of Nachor, Oza ſtrauȝte out þe hoond to þe arke of God, and heelde it, for þe oxen wynſeden, and boweden it. And þe Lord is wrooþ bi indignacioun aȝens Ozam, and he ſmoot hym vpon þe fool hardynes; þe which is þere deed biſide þe arke of God. Forſoþe Dauid ſorwide, forþi þat þe Lord hadde ſmyten Ozam; and þe name of þat place is clepid þe Smytynge of Oze into þis dai. And Dauid dradde þe Lord in þat dai, ſeiynge, What maner wiſe ſhal goon into me þe arke of þe Lord? And he wolde not turne aſide to hym þe arke of þe Lord in þe cite of Dauid, but he turnede it aſide into þe hows of Obeþedon Jeþei. And þe arke of þe Lord dwellid in þe hows of Obeþedon Jeþei þre moneþis; and þe Lord bleſſide Obeþedon, and al his hows. And it is toold to þe kyng Dauid, þat þe Lord hadde bleſſid Obeþedon, and alle þingis of hym, for þe arke of God. And Dauid ſeide, I ſhal goo, and brynge aȝen wiþ bleſſynge into myn hows. Þanne Dauid wente, and brouȝte þe arke of God fro þe hows of Obeþedon into þe cytee of Dauid wiþ ioy; and þere weren wiþ Dauid ſeuen holi companyes, and þe ſlayn ſacrifice of a calf. And whanne þei hadden ſtied ouer, þat baren þe arke of þe Lord, ſexe paas, þei offreden an oxe and a weþer. And Dauid ſmoot in orgayns bounden to þe ſhuldres; and he lepe wiþ al his ſtrengþ before þe Lord; forſoþe Dauid is gird wiþ a ſurplees. And Dauid, and al þe hows of Irael, brouȝten þe arke of þe teſtament of þe Lord in ioy, and in ſown of trompe. And whanne þe arke of þe Lord was comen into þe cite of Dauid, Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, biholdynge bi þe wyndow, ſawȝ þe kyng vndurgoynge and lepynge before þe Lord; and ſhe diſpyſide hym in hir herte. And þei brouȝten in þe arke of þe Lord, and þei puttiden it in his place, in þe myddis of þe tabernacle, þat Dauid hadde ſtrauȝt out to hym; and Dauid offrede brent ſacrifice and peſible before þe Lord. And whanne offrynge brent ſacrifice and peſible he hadde ful endid hem, he bleſſide to þe puple in þe name of þe Lord of ooſtis. And he partide to al þe multitude of Yrael, as wel to man as to womman, to echon o kaake of breed, and o roſtid gobet of oxe fleſh, and tried floure fried wiþ oyle; and al þe puple wente echon into his hows. And Dauid turned aȝen, þat he bleſſe to his hows, and Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, goon out into aȝen comynge of Dauid, ſeiþ, How glorious was þe kyng of Irael to dai diſcouerynge hym ſelf before þe hoond wymmen of his ſeruauntis, and is maad nakid as if were maad nakid oon of þe knauys? And Dauid ſeide to Mychol, Þe Lord lyueþ, for I ſhal pleye before þe Lord, þat haþ choſen me raþer þan þi fader, and þan al þe hows of hym, and he haþ comaundid to me, þat Y were a ledere vpon þe puple of þe Lord of Irael; and I ſhal pleye, and fowlere Y ſhal be maad more þan I am maad, and I ſhal be meke in myn eyen, and wiþ hoond wymmen, of þe whiche þou haſt ſpoken, more glorious Y ſhal apere. Þerfor to Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, is not born a ſone vnto þe day of hir deeþ.

Capitulum VII.


Forſoþe it is doon, whanne þe kyng hadde ſeeten in his hows, and þe Lord hadde ȝeuen to hym reſt on al ſide fro alle his enemyes, he ſeide to Naþan þe prophete, Seeſt þou not, þat I dwelle in a cedre hows, and þe ark of God is put in þe mydil of ſkynnes? And Naþan ſeide to þe kyng, Al þat is in þin herte goo and do, for þe Lord is wiþ þee. Forſoþe it is doon in þat nyȝt, and loo! þe word of þe Lord to Naþan, ſeiynge, Go, and ſpek to my ſeruaunt Dauid, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Wheþer þou ſhalt bilde to me an hows to dwelle yn? Forſoþe ne in an hows I haue dwellid fro þe day þat I ladde out þe ſones of Yrael fro þe loond of Egipt vnto þis dai; but I wente in tabernacle and in tente, þurȝ out alle placis, to þe whiche I paſſide wiþ alle þe ſones of Irael? Wheþer ſpekynge I haue ſpokyn to oon of þe lynagis of Irael, to whom I haue comaundid, þat he fede my puple Irael, ſeiynge, Whi haſt þou not bildid to me a cedre hows? And now þes þingis þow ſhalt ſeye to my ſeruaunt Dauid, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, I took þee fro þe leſews folwynge flockis, þat þou were a duyk vpon my puple Irael, and I was wiþ þee in alle þingis, whidir euere þou wentiſt, and I ſlewȝ alle þin enemyes fro þi face, and I made to þee a greet name after þe name of greet men þat ben in erþe; and Y ſhal putt a place to my puple Irael, and I ſhal plaunte hym, and I ſhal dwelle wiþ hym, and he ſhal namore be diſturblid, ne þe ſones of wickidnes ſhulen adde þat þei tourmenten hym as before, fro þe day þat I ordeynede iugis vpon my puple Irael; and I ſhal ȝyue reſt to þee fro alle þin enemyes. And þe Lord before ſeiþ to þee, þat þe Lord ſhal make to þee an hows; and whanne þi dais weren ful endyd, and þou ſlepiſt wiþ þi fadris, Y ſhal rere þi ſeed after þee, þat ſhal go out of þi wombe, and Y ſhal faſtne þe kyngdom of hym. And he ſhal beelde an hows to my name, and Y ſhal ſtable þe troon of his rewme vnto eueremore; I ſhal be to hym into a fader, and he ſhal be to me into a ſone; þe which if eny þing wickidli ſhal doo, I ſhal vndirnymme hym in þe ȝeerd of men, and in þe veniaunces of þe ſonys of men. Forſoþe my mercy I ſhal not take a weye fro hym, as I took a weye fro Saul, whom I meuyde a weye fro my face. And þin hows ſhal be feiþful, and þi kyngdam vnto wiþ outen eende before my face, and þi troon ſhal be ſtedefaſt contynuli. After alle þes wordis, and after al þis viſioun, þus ſpak Naþan to Dauid. Forſoþe Dauid þe kyng wente in, and ſat before þe Lord, and ſeide, Who am I, Lord God, and what myn hows, for þou haſt brouȝt me hidir to? But and þis litil is ſeen in þi ſiȝt, Lord my God; þat haſt louyd me, but þou ſpeke alſo of þe hows of þi ſeruaunt into ferre hens. Forſoþe þis is lawe fro Adam, Lord God; what þanne ȝit Dauid ſhal mowe adde, þat he ſpeke to þee? Forſoþe þow knowiſt þi ſeruaunt, Lord God; for þi word, and aftir þin herte, þou haſt doon alle þes greet þingis, ſo þat þou ſhuldiſt make knowen to þi ſeruaunt. Þerfor þou art magnified, Lord God, for þere is not lijk of þee, ne þere is God wiþ out þee, in alle þingis þe whiche we han herd wiþ oure eeris. Forſoþe what is þere folk of kynde as þe puple of Irael in þe loond, for þe which God wente, þat he bie it to hym into a puple, and ſette to hym a name, and make to hym greet þingis, and orrible vpon þe erþe, fro þe face of þi puple, whom þou haſt bouȝt to þee fro Egipt folk and þe god of it? And þow haſt faſtned to þee þi puple Irael into a puple euermore, and þou, Lord, art maad to hem into a God. Nowe þanne, Lord God, þe word þat þou haſt ſpoken vpon þi ſeruaunt and vpon his hows, rere vnto euermore, and do as þou haſt ſpoken; and þi name be magnyfied vnto euermore, and be it ſeid, Lord of ooſtis God vpon Irael; and þe hows of þi ſeruaunt Dauid ſhal be ſtablid before þe Lord; for þou, Lord of ooſtis, God of Irael, haſt openyd þe eer of þi ſeruaunt, ſeiynge, An hows I ſhal bilde to þee; þerfor þi ſeruaunt haþ founden his herte, þat he preye þee bi þis preyer. Now þanne, Lord God, þou ert verrey God, and þi wordis ſhulen be ſooþ; forſoþe þou haſt ſpokyn to þi ſeruaunt þeſe good þingis; bigyn þerfor, and bleſſe to þe hows of þi ſeruaunt, þat it be before þee into euermore; for þou, Lord God, ſpakiſt þes þingis, and bi þi bleſſynge þe hows of þi ſeruaunt ſhal be bleſſid into euermore.

Capitulum VIII.


Forſoþe it is doon after þes þingis, Dauid ſmoot Philiſteis, and mekide hem; and Dauid took a bridil of tribut of þe hoond of Philiſteis. And he ſmoot Moab, and he metide hem wiþ a litil coord euenynge to þe erþe; forſoþe he metid two litil coordis, oon to ſlee, and anoþer to quykne. And Moab is maad to Dauid ſeruynge vndir tribute. And Dauid ſmoot Adadezer, þe ſone of Roob, þe kyng of Soba, whanne he wente forþ þat he take lordſhip vpon þe flood of Effraten. And take to Dauyd on his partye a þouſand and ſeuene hundrid horſmen, and twenti þouſand of feet men, kut of bi þe knee alle þe ȝockis of charis; forſoþe he lafte of hem an hundrid charis. Forſoþe Ciria of Damaſc cam to bere ſocour to Adadezer, þe kyng of Soba; and Dauid ſmoot of Ciria two and twenti þouſand of men. And Dauid putte a ſtrengþ in Cirya of Damaſk, and Cirya is maad to Dauid ſeruynge vndir tribute. And þe Lord kepte Dauid in alle þingis, to what euere þingis he wente forþ. And Dauid took goldun aarmys and beeȝis, þat hadden þe ſeruauntis of Adadezer, and brouȝte hem into Jeruſalem. And Dauid þe kyng took fro Beþe, and fro Beroþ, citees of Adadezer, ful myche braſſe; of þe which Salomon made alle þe braſen veſſels in þe temple, and þe braſen ſee, and pilers, and auter. Forſoþe Thou, þe kyng of Emaþ, herde þat Dauid hadde ſmyten al þe ſtrengþ of Adadezer. And Thou ſente Joram, his ſone, to kyng Dauid, þat he ſalute hym, þankynge to gidre, and he doo gracis, forþi þat he haþ ouercomen Adadezer, and ſmyten hym; forſoþe Thou was enemye to Adadezer; and in his hoond weren ſilueren veſſels, and golden veſſels, and braſen veſſels. Þe whiche and þoo halwide kyng Dauid to þe Lord, wiþ þe ſiluer and gold, þe whiche he hadde halwid of alle þe gentils, þe whiche he hadde dreuen out of Cyrie, and Moab, and þe ſones of Amon, and of Philiſteis, and Amalech, and of þe ſpoylis of Adadezer, þe ſone of Roob, kyng of Soba. Forſoþe Dauid made to hym a name, whanne he turnyde aȝen, Cirye taken, in þe valey of wodis ſlayn eiȝteen þouſandis, and in Jebelem, at þre and twenti þouſand. And he putte in Ydume kepers, and ſette a ſtrengþ, and al Ydume is maad ſeruynge to Dauid; and þe Lord kept Dauid in alle þingis, to what euer þingis he wente forþ. And Dauid regnyd vpon al Yrael, and Dauid dide dome, and riȝtwyſnes to al þe puple. Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, was vpon þe ooſt; aftirward Joſaphat, þe ſone of Achilud, was chaunſeleer; and Sadoch, þe ſone of Achitob, and Achimalech, þe ſone of Abiaþar, weren preſtis; and Saraias a ſcribe. Forſoþe Banaias, þe ſone of Joiade, was vpon archeris and alblaſters, þat ben clepid Cereþi and Phereþi; forſoþe þe ſones of Dauid weren preſtes.

Capitulum IX.


And Dauid ſeide, Wheþer weniſt þou þat þere be eny man, þat is laft of þe hows of Saul, þat I do wiþ hym mercy for Jonaþa? Forſoþe þere was of þe hows of Saul a ſeruaunt, Cyba bi name; whom whanne þe kyng hadde clepid to hym ſilf, ſeide to hym, Ert þou not Cyba? And he anſwerde, Y am þi ſeruaunt. And þe kyng ſeiþ, Wheþer is þere on lyue eny man of þe hows of Saul, þat I doo wiþ hym merci of God? And Ciba ſeide to þe kyng, Þe ſone of Jonaþa is on lyue, feble þe feet. Where, he ſeiþ, is he? And Ciba ſeide to þe kyng, Loo! he ſeiþ, he is in þe hows of Machir, þe ſone of Amyel, in Lodobar. Þanne kyng Dauid ſente, and took hym fro þe hows of Machir, þe ſone of Amyel, fro Lodobar. Forſoþe whanne Myphiboſech, þe ſone of Jonaþan, þe ſone of Saul, was comen to Dauid, he felle into his face, and lowtide. And Dauid ſeide, Myphiboſech! Þe which anſwerde, I am nyȝ, þi ſeruaunt. And Dauid ſeiþ to hym, Ne dreed þow, for doynge I ſhal do wiþ þee merci for Jonaþan, þi fader; and I ſhal reſtore to þee alle þe feeldis of Saul, þi fader, and þou ſhalt eete breed in my bord euermore. Þe which honouringe him ſeiþ, Who am I, þi ſeruaunt, whom þou haſt biholdyn vpon a deed hownd lijk of me? And ſo þe king clepide Cibam, þe child of Saul; and ſeide to hym, Alle þingis, what euere weren of Saul and al his hous, I haue ȝeuen to þe ſone of þi lord; wyrk þanne þe erþe to hym, þou, and þi ſones, and þi ſeruauntis, and þou ſhalt brynge yn meetis to þe ſone of þi lord, þat he be nurſhid; Myphiboſech forſoþe, þe ſone of þi lord, ſhal eete euermore breed vpon my bord. Forſoþe þere weren of Ciba fifteen ſonys and twenti ſeruauntis. And Ciba ſeide to þe kyng, As þou haſt comaundid, my lord kyng, to þi ſeruaunt, ſo þi ſeruaunt ſhal doo; and Myphiboſech ſhal eete vpon þi bord, as oon of þe ſonys of þe kyng. Forſoþe Myphiboſech hadde a litil ſone, Mycha bi name; forſoþe al þe kynrede of þe hows of Ciba ſeruede to Myphiboſech. But Myphiboſech dwellide in Jeruſalem; for of þe bord of þe kyng contynueli he eete, and he was halt eiþer foot.

Capitulum X.


Forſoþe it is doon after þes þingis, þat Naas, þe kyng of þe ſonys of Amon, diede; and Anon, his ſone, regnede for hym. And Dauid ſeide, I ſhal doo mercy wiþ Anon, þe ſone of Naas, as his fader dide merci wiþ me. Þanne ſente Dauid comfortynge hym bi his ſeruauntis vpon þe fader deþ. Forſoþe whanne þe ſeruauntis of Dauid weren comen into þe loond of þe ſonis of Amon, þe princis of þe ſones of Amon ſeiden to Anon, her lord, Wenyſt þou þat for þe worſhip of þi fader Dauid haþ ſente to þee coumfortours; and not þerfor þat he aſpie, and ſerche þe citee, and turne it vpſedoun, Dauid haþ ſente his ſeruauntis to þee? And ſo Anon took þe ſeruauntis of Dauid, and ſhooue þe half part of þe beerd of hem, and he kittide of þe mydil cloþis of hem vnto þe arſis; and he lafte hem. Þe which whanne was toold to Dauid, he ſente into aȝen comynge of hem, forſoþe þei weren men ful foul confoundid. And Dauid ſente to hem, Dwelliþ in Jericho, to þe tyme þat ȝoure beerd growe, and þanne turneþ aȝen. Forſoþe þe ſones of Amon, ſeynge þat þei hadden doo wronge to Dauid, þei ſenten, and hireden bi mede Cyrie of Roob, and Cirye of Soba, twenty þouſandis of foot men, and of þe kyng of Maacha a þouſand men, and of Iſtob twelue þouſandis of men. Þe which þing whanne Dauid hadde herd, he ſente Joab and al þe ooſt of fiȝters. Þanne þe ſonys of Amon wenten out, and dreſſiden ſheltrun before hym in þe entree of þe ȝate. Forſoþe Cire of Soba, and Roob, and Iſtob, and Maacha weren aſide in þe feeld. Þanne Joab ſeynge þat a batail was maad redi aȝens hym, and fro aȝens and bihynde þe bac, he cheeſe to hym of alle þe choſen of Irael, and ordeynde ſheltrun aȝens Cyre. Forſoþe þe toþer partye of þe puple he took to Abiſai, his broþir, þe which dreſſide ſheltrun aȝens þe ſones of Amon. And Joab ſeiþ, If Cyres han þe ouerhoond aȝens me, þou ſhalt be to me into help; forſoþe if þe ſones of Amon han þe ouerhoond aȝens þee, I ſhal help to þee; be þou a ſtrong man, and fiȝte we for oure puple, and for þe citee of oure God; forſoþe þe Lord ſhal do þat is good in his ſiȝt. And ſo Joab wente yn, and his puple þat was wiþ hym, ſtrijf aȝens Cyres, þe whiche anoon flowen fro þe face of hym. Forſoþe þe ſones of Amon, ſeynge þat þe Cyres weren flowen, and þei flowen fro þe face of Abiſai, and wenten into þe citee; and Joab is turned aȝen fro þe ſonis of Amon, and cam into Jeruſalem. Forſoþe ſeynge þe Cires þat þei hadden fallen before Irael, ben gadrid togidre. And Adidazer ſente, and brouȝte out þe Cirys þat weren beȝonde þe flood, and brouȝte forþ þe ooſt of hem; forſoþe Sabaþ, þe maiſtre of chyualrye of Adadezer, was þe prince of hem. And whanne it was toold to Dauid, he drewȝ to gidre al Irael, and paſſide ouere Jordan, and cam into Helama. And þe Cires dreſſeden ſheltrun fro aȝens Dauid, and fouȝten aȝens hym. And Cyres flowen fro þe face of Irael; and Dauid ſlowȝ of Cires ſeuen hundrid chares, and fourti þouſandis of horſmen; and he ſmoot Sobach, þe prynce of chyualrye, þe which anoon is deed. Forſoþe ſeynge alle þe kyngis, þat weren in þe ſtrengþ of Adadezer, hem to be vencuſſhid of Yrael, maden pees wiþ Irael, and ſerueden to hem; and Cires dradden to ȝeue help to þe ſones of Amon.

Capitulum XI.


Forſoþe it is doon, turnynge þe ȝeer þat tyme þe which kyngis ben wont to goo forþ to batails, Dauid ſente Joab, and wiþ hym his ſeruauntis, and al Irael; and þei waſtiden þe ſones of Amon, and biſegeden Raba; forſoþe Dauid abood ſtille in Jeruſalem. While þeſe þingis weren doo, it felle, þat Dauid roos on a dai fro his bed aftir mydday, and wente in þe ſolere of þe kyngis hows; and he ſawȝ a womman waſſhynge hir fro aȝens vpon hir ſolere; forſoþe ſhe was a ful feyr womman. Þan Dauid ſente, and aſerchede, what was þe womman; and it is toold to hym, þat ſhe was Berſabee, þe douȝter of Elyam, þe wijf of Vrye Eþei. And ſo Dauid ſente meſſagers, and took hir; þe which whanne ſhe was goon in to hym, he ſlepte wiþ hir, and anoon ſhe is halwid fro hir vnclennes. And ſhe turnede aȝen to hir hows, þe fruyt of hir wombe conſeyued; and ſhe ſendynge toold to Dauid, and ſeiþ, I haue conſeyued. Forſoþe Dauid ſente to Joab, ſeiynge, Send to me Vrie Eþee; and Joab ſente Vrye to Dauid. And Vrye cam to Dauid; and Dauid aſkide, how riȝt dide Joab and þe puple, and what maner wiſe þe batail was ſerued. And Dauid ſeide to Vrye, Go into þin hows, and waſſh þi feet. And Vrye wente out of þe kyngis hows, and hym folwide þe kyngis meet. Forſoþe Vrye ſlepte before þe ȝate of þe kyngis hows wiþ oþere ſeruauntis of his lord, and he wente not down to his hows. And it is toold to Dauid of ſeieris, Vrye wente not to his hows. And Dauid ſeiþ to Vrye, Wheþer not fro a ferre weye þou cam? whi deſendiſt þou not into þin hows? And Vrie ſeiþ to Dauid, Þe arke of God, and Yrael and Juda dwellen in tentis, and my lord Joab, and þe ſeruauntis of my lord biden vpon þe face of þe erþe, and I ſhal go in to myn hous, þat I ete, and drinke, and ſlepe wiþ my wijf? Bi þin helþ, and bi þe helþ of þi ſoule, I ſhal not doo þis þing. Þanne Dauid ſeiþ to Vrie, Bijd here alſo to dai, and to morwe Y ſhal leeue þee. Vrye bode in Jeruſalem þat day and þe toþere. And Dauyd clepide hym, þat he eete before hym and drynk, and he made hym drunke; þe which goon out at euen, ſlepte in his bedde wiþ þe ſeruauntis of his lord; and he deſendide not into his hows. And it is doon þanne eerli, and Dauid wroot a lettre to Joab, and ſente bi þe hoond of Vrye, wrytynge in þe lettre, Puttiþ Vrie fro aȝens of þe batail, where þe batail is mooſt ſtrong, and forſakiþ hym, þat he ſmyten die. Þanne whanne Joab biſegide þe citee, he putte Vrye in þe place where he wiſte mooſt ſtronge men to ben. And þe men gon out fro þe cite, fouȝten aȝen Joab, and þei ſlewen of þe puple of þe ſeruauntis of Dauid, and alſo Vrie Eþee is deed. And ſo Joab ſente, and toolde alle þes wordis of þe batail; and comaundide to þe meſſageer, ſeiynge, Whanne þou haſt ful endid alle þe wordis of þe batail to þe kyng, if þou ſeeſt hym to han indignacioun, and ſeye, Whi neȝeden ȝe to þe wal for to fiȝte? wheþer knewen ȝe not, þat aboue fro þe wal ben ſent manye dartis? who ſmoot Achymalech, þe ſone of Jeroboal? wheþer not a womman ſente vpon hym a gobet of a myln ſtoon fro þe wal, and ſlewȝ hym in Thebes? whi biſide þe wal ȝe wenten to? þow ſhalt ſeye, Alſo þi ſeruaunt, Vrye Eþee, is ſlayn. Þanne þe meſſager wente, and cam, and toolde to Dauid alle þingis þat Joab comaundide to hym. And þe meſſager ſeide to Dauid, Þe men hadden þe ouer hoond aȝens vs, and þei wenten out to vs into þe feeld; forſoþe we, þe bure made, purſueden hem vnto þe ȝate of þe citee. And þe ſheeters dreſſeden dartis to þi ſeruauntis fro þe wal aboue, and þere ben deed of þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng; but alſo Vrie Eþee, þi ſeruaunt, is deed. And Dauid ſeide to þe meſſager, Þes þingis þou ſhalt ſeye to Joab, Þis þing breke þee not; forſoþe dyuerſe is þe hap of batail, and now þis, now hym waſtiþ þe ſwerd; coumfort þi fiȝters aȝens þe cytee, þat þou diſtroye it, and enhurte hem. Forſoþe þe wijf of Vrye herde, þat Vrie her houſeboond was deed, and ſhe weilide hym. And þe weilynge ouere doon, Dauid ſente, and brouȝte hir into his hows; and ſhe is maad wijf to hym, and ſhe bare to hym a ſone. And þe word þat Dauid dide diſpleſide before þe Lord.

Capitulum XII.


Thanne þe Lord ſente Naþan to Dauid; þe which whanne he was comen to hym, ſeide to hym, Anſwere to me doom; two men weren in o cytee; oon ryche, and anoþer pore. Þe riche hadde ſheep and oxen ful manye; forſoþe þe pore hadde no þing vtterly, ſaaf o litil ſheep, þe which he bouȝte, and norſhide, and þe which wexe anentis hym wiþ his ſonys, togidre of his breed etinge, and of his cup drynkynge, and in his boſum ſlepynge; and it was to hym as a douȝter. Forſoþe whanne a maner pylgrym was comen to þe riche man, he ſparynge to take of þe ſheep and of his oxen, þat he ȝeue a meetſhipe to þat pilgrym, þat cam to hym, took þe ſheep of þe pore man, and maade redi meetis to þe man þat cam to hym. Forſoþe Dauid wrooþ ful myche bi indignacioun aȝens þat man, ſeide to Naþan, Þe Lord lyueþ, for þe ſone of deeþ is þe man, þe which dide þat; þe ſheep he ſhal ȝeelde into foure foold, forþi þat he haþ doo þis word, and haþ not ſparyd. Forſoþe Naþan ſeide to Dauid, Þou ert þilk man, þat didiſt þis þing. Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, I haue anoyntid þee into kyng vpon Irael, and I haue delyuerde þee fro þe hoond of Saul, and ȝeue to þee þe hows of þi lord, and þe wyues of þi lord in þi boſum, and ȝeuen to þee þe hows of Irael, and of Juda; and if þes þingis ben litil, I ſhulde adde to þee myche more. Whi þanne haſt þou diſpiſid þe word of þe Lord, þat þou doo yuel þingis in my ſiȝt? Vrye Eþei þou haſt ſmyten wiþ ſwerd, and þe wijf of hym þou haſt takyn to þee into wijf, and þou haſt ſlayn hym bi þe ſwerd of þe ſones of Amon. For what þing ſwerd of þin hows ſhal not goo a wey fro þee vnto wiþ outen ende; forþi þat þou haſt diſpiſed me, and took þe wijf of Vrie Eþei, þat ſhe were þi wijf. And ſo þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! I ſhal rere vpon þee yuel of þin hows, and I ſhal taak awey þi wyues in þin eyen, and ȝyue to þin neiȝbour, and he ſhal ſleepe wiþ þi wyues in þe eyen of þis ſunne. Forſoþe þou didiſt hidyngli; forſoþe I ſhal doo þis word in ſiȝt of al Irael, and in þe ſiȝt of þis ſunne. And Dauid ſeide to Naþan, I haue ſynned to þe Lord. And Naþan ſeide to Dauid, Forſoþe þe Lord haþ ouerborn þi ſynne; þou ſhalt not die. Neuerþelater for þou haſt maad þe enemyes to blaſpheme þe name of þe Lord, for þat word þe ſone þat is born to þee bi deeþ ſhal die. And Naþan is turned aȝen into his hows. And þe Lord ſmoot þe litil child, whom þe wijf of Vrye bare to Dauid, and he is diſpeyrid. And Dauid preyde þe Lord for þe litil child; and Dauid faſtide wiþ faſtynge, and wente in aſide, and laye vpon þe erþe. Forſoþe þe eldris of his hows camen, conſtreynynge hym þat he ſhulde ryſe fro þe erþe; þe whiche wolde not, and eete not wiþ hem meete. Forſoþe it felle þe ſeuenþe dai, þat þe child diede; and þe ſeruauntis of Dauid dradden to telle to hym, þat þe child was deed; þei ſeiden forſoþe, Loo! whanne þe lityl child lyuede, we ſpeken to hym, and he herde not oure voys; how mych more if we ſeyn þe child is deed, he ſhal turment hym ſelf? Whanne þanne Dauid hadde herd his ſeruauntis muſynge, he vndirſtood þat þe lytyl faunt was deed; and he ſeide to his ſeruauntis, Wheþer þe child is deed? Þe whiche anſwerden vnto hym, He is deed. Þanne Dauid roos fro þe erþe, and he is waſſhid, and anoynt; and whanne he hadde chaungid cloþinge, he wente into þe hows of þe Lord, and honourde, and cam into his hows; and he aſkyde, þat þei ſhulden ſette to hym breed, and he eete. Forſoþe his ſeruauntys ſeiden to hym, What is þe word þat þou haſt doon? For þe litil faunt, whanne he ȝit lyuede, þou faſtidiſt and weptiſt; forſoþe þe child deed, þou roos and eete breed? Þe which ſeiþ, For þe faunt whanne he ȝit lyuede I faſtide and wepte; forſoþe I ſeide, Who woot, if perauenture þe Lord ȝyue hym to me, and þe faunt lyue? Forſoþe now for he is deed, whi faſt I? wheþer ſhal I mowe more ouer clepe hym aȝen? I ſhal more goo to hym, forſoþe he ſhal not turne aȝen to me. And Dauid coumfortide Berſabe, his wijf, and wente into hir, and ſlepte wiþ hir. Þe which gat a ſone, and clepide þe name of hym Salomon; and þe Lord louyde hym. And he ſente hym in þe hoond of Naþan, þe prophet; and he clepide þe name of hym Loueli to þe Lord, forþi þat þe Lord ſhulde loue hym. Þanne Joab fauȝt aȝens Rabaþ, kyng of þe ſones of Amon, and he haþ ouercomen þe kyngis citee. And Joab ſente meſſagers to Dauid, ſeiynge, I haue fouȝten aȝens Rabaþ, and þe citee of watres is to be taken. Now þanne gadre þe toþer parti of þe puple, and biſege þe citee, and tak it, leſt whanne þe citee were waſtid of me, to my name þe victorie be aſcriued. And ſo Dauid gadride al þe puple, and wente forþ aȝens Rabaþ; and whanne he hadde fouȝten, he took it. And he took þe diademe fro þe mawmet, þat is clepid þe kyng of hem, fro his heed, in weiȝt of gold a talent, hauynge mooſt precious gemmys; and it is put vpon þe heed of Dauid; but and ful myche praye of þe cyte he bare out. And bryngynge forþ ſawede þe puple of it, and ladde about vpon hem booſtful yren carris, and he dyuydide wiþ ſharys, and he piȝt þurȝ in þe ſhap of þe ſidis; þus he dide to alle þe citees of þe ſonys of Amon. And Dauid is turned aȝen, and alle þe ooſt of hym, into Jeruſalem.

Capitulum XIII.


Forſoþe it is doon after þes þingis, þat Amon, þe ſone of Dauid, louede þe ſiſter of Abſolon, þe ſone of Dauid, mooſt fayre, Thamar by name; and peyrede for hir ful myche, ſo þat for þe loue of hir he wexe ſijk. Þe which for ſhe was a mayde, hard to hym it ſemede, þat eny þing vnhoneſtly he ſhulde do wiþ hir. Forſoþe þere was to Amon a freende, Jonadab bi name, þe ſone of Semaa, broþer of Dauid, a ful ſleiȝ man. Þe which ſeide to hym, Whi þus ert þou waaſtid bi leeneſſe, þou ſone of þe kyng, bi ech dai? whi ſhewiſt þou not to me? And Amon ſeide to hym, I loue Thamar, þe ſiſter of my broþer Abſolon. To whom anſwerde Jonadab, Ly vpon þi bedde, and feyn ſijknes; and whanne þi fader comeþ, þat he viſite þee, ſey to hym, Come, I preye, Thamar, my ſiſter, þat ſhe ȝyue to me meet, and make ſowil, þat I eete of hyr hoond. And ſo Amon laye doun, as þouȝ he wexe ſijk. And whanne þe kyng was comen to viſite hym, Amon ſeiþ to þe kyng, Come, I preye, Thamar, my ſiſter, þat ſhe make in myn eyen two maner of potagis, and þe meet maad redi I take of hir hoond. Þanne Dauid ſente to þe hous of Thamar, ſeiynge, Go in to þe hows of Amon, þi broþir, and mak to hym potage. And Thamar cam into þe hows of Amon, hir broþir. Forſoþe he laye; þe which takynge meele mengide togidir, and meltynge in his eyen ſhe ſeþide þe ſupettis; and takynge þat ſhe hadde ſoþen, ſhe helte out, and ſette before hym, and he wolde not eete. And Amon ſeide, Doo ȝe a wey alle men fro me. And whanne alle weren doon awey, Amon ſeide to Thamar, Beer yn þe meet in þe priue chaumbre, þat I eete of þin hoond. Þanne Thamar took þe ſewis þat ſhe hadde maad, and brouȝte to Amon, hir broþer, in þe priue chaumbre. And whanne ſhe hadde brouȝte hym meet, he cauȝte hir, and ſeiþ, Come, ly wiþ me, my ſiſter. Þe which anſwerde to hym, Wole þou not, my broþer, wole þou not oppreſſe me, ne forſoþe it is leeueful in Irael; wole þou not doo þis foli. Forſoþe I ſhal not mowe bere my reproof, and þou ſhalt be as oon of þe vnwiſe men in Irael; but raþer ſpek to þe kyng, and he ſhal not denye me to þee. Forſoþe he wolde not aſſent to þe preyers of hir, but more myȝti bi ſtrengþis oppreſſide hir, and laye wiþ hir. And ful haatſum Amon hadde hir wiþ to myche greet haate, ſo þat þe haat was more, þat he hatide hir, þanne þe loue þat he louede hir before. And Amon ſeide to hir, Ryſe, and goo. Þe whych anſwerde to hym, Þis yuel is more þat þou now doſt aȝens me, caſtynge me out, þan þat þou didiſt before. And he wolde not here hir; but þe child clepide, þat ſeruede to hym, he ſeide, Þrow out þis fro me, and cloſe þe dore after hir. Þe which was cloþid wiþ a coote doun to þe heele; forſoþe ſich maner cloþis vſeden þe douȝtris of þe kyng maydens. And ſo his ſeruaunt putte hyre out, and cloſide þe dore after hire. Þe which ſpryngynge aſſhen to hire heed, þe heele coot kyt, and þe hoondis put on hire heed, ſhe ȝede goynge yn and criynge. Forſoþe Abſolon, hir broþer, ſeide to hyre, Wheþer Amon, þi broþer, haþ lyen wiþ þee? And now, ſiſter, hold þi pees; þi broþir he is, ne turment þin herte for þis þing. And ſo Thamar aboode languyſſhynge þere wiþ ynne þe hows of Abſolon, hir broþir. Forſoþe whanne Dauid hadde herd þes wordis, he greetli ſorwide, and he wolde not make ſori þe ſpirite of Amon, his ſone; for he louide hym, for he was þe firſte goten of hym. Forſoþe Abſolon ſpak not to Amon, ne yuel ne good; but Abſolon hatide Amon, forþi þat he hadde defoulid Thamar, his ſiſter. Forſoþe it is doon after þe tyme of two ȝeer, þat þe ſheep of Abſolon weren clippid in Baalaſſor, þat is biſide Effraym. And Abſolon clepide alle þe ſonys of þe kyng. And he cam to þe kyng, and ſeiþ to hym, Loo! þe ſheep of þi ſeruaunt ben clippid; come, I preye, þe kyng wiþ his ſeruauntis to his ſeruaunt. And þe kyng ſeide to Abſolon, Wole þou not, ſone myn, preye, wole þou not, þat we comen alle, and greuen þee. Forſoþe whanne he conſtreynede him, and wolde not come, he bleſſide to hym. And Abſolon ſeiþ to Dauid, If þou wolt not come, come algate wiþ vs, I biſeche, Amon, my broþer. And þe kyng ſeide to hym, It is no nede, þat he goo wiþ þee. And ſo Abſolon conſtreynede hym; and he lafte wiþ hym Amon, and alle þe ſones of þe kyng. And Abſolon made a feeſt as þe feeſt of a kyng. Forſoþe Abſolon hadde comaundid to his children, ſeiynge, Weitiþ wel, whanne Amon were dronken wiþ wyn, and I ſhal ſeye to ȝou, Smitiþ hym, and ſleeþ. Wole ȝe not drede, forſoþe I am þat comaunde to ȝou; be ȝe maad ſtronge, and beþ ſtronge men. Þanne þe children of Abſolon diden aȝens Amon, as Abſolon hadde comaundid to hem; and alle þe ſones of þe kyng ryſynge, eche ſtyede vpon her mulis, and flowen. And whanne ȝit þei wenten in þe weye, fame cam fulli to Dauyd, ſeiynge, Abſolon haþ ſmytyn alle þe ſones of þe kyng, and þere lafte not of hem nameli oone. And ſo þe kyng roos, and kytte his cloþis, and felle vpon þe erþe; and alle his ſeruauntis þat ſtoden nyȝ to hym, cutten her cloþis. Forſoþe Jonadab, þe ſone of Semmaa, broþer of Dauid, anſwerynge ſeide, Ne eyme, my lord þe kyng, þat alle þe children, ſones of þe kyng, ben deed; Amon alone is deed, for in haat Abſolon was ſett, fro þe day þat he oppreſſide Thamar, his ſiſter. Now þanne, my lord kyng, ſette not on his herte þis word, ſeiynge, Alle þe ſones of þe kyng ben ſlayn; for Amon aloon is deed. Forſoþe Abſolon fleiȝ. And þe child weyter heuede vp his eyen, and bihelde, and loo! myche puple cam bi þe out weye fro þe ſide of þe hil. And Jonadab ſeide to þe kyng, Loo! þe ſones of þe kyng ben nyȝ; after þe word of þi ſeruaunt, ſo it is doon. And whanne he hadde ceſide to ſpeke, aperiden and þe ſones of þe kyng; and comynge yn þei rereden her vois, and wepten; but and þe kyng and alle his ſeruauntis wepten wiþ ful myche greet wepynge. Forſoþe Abſolom fleynge wente to Tholamay, ſone of Amyur, kyng of Geþſur. Þanne Dauid weylide Amon, his ſone, manye dais. Forſoþe Abſolon, whanne he was flowen, and comen into Geþſur, he was þere þre ȝeer. And kyng Dauid ceſede to purſue Abſolon, forþi þat he was coumfortid vpon þe deeþ of Amon.

Capitulum XIIII.


Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruy, vndurſtondynge, þat þe herte of þe kyng was turned to Abſolon, he ſente to Thekuam, and took þens a wiſe womman, and he ſeide to hir, Feyne þee to weil, and be cloþid wiþ þe weilynge clooþ, and be þou not anoynt wiþ oyle, þat þou be as a womman now myche tyme weilynge þe deed. And þou ſhalt goo in to þe kyng, and þou ſhalt ſpeek to hym þes maner wordis. Forſoþe Joab putte þe wordis in hire mouþ. And ſo whanne þe Thekuyd womman was goon out to þe kyng, ſhe felle before hym vpon þe erþe, and lowtide, and ſeide, Keep me, þou king. And þe kyng ſeide to hire, What haſt þou of cauſe? Þe which anſwerde, Alas! a womman widowe I am, forſoþe my man is deed; and of þin hoond womman weren two ſones, þe whiche wraþþeden aȝens hem ſelf in þe feeld, and no man was þat hem myȝte defende, and þe toon ſmoot þe toþer, and ſlowȝ hym. And loo! al þe kynrede riſynge aȝens þin hoond womman ſeiþ, Tak hym þat haþ ſmytyn his broþir, þat we ſleen hym for þe lijf of his broþer whom he ſlowȝ, and þe eyr doo we a wey; and þei ſechen to quench my ſpark þat is laft, þat þere be not laft name to my man, and relikis vpon erþe. And þe kyng ſeiþ to þe womman, Go into þin hows, and I ſhal ordeyn for þee. And þe Thekuyt womman ſeide to þe kyng, In me, my lord kyng, be þis wickidnes, and into þe hows of my fader; forſoþe þe kyng and his trone be innocent. And þe king ſeiþ, Who ſo aȝen ſeiþ þee, bryng hym to me, and he ſhal no more adde þat he touche þee. Þe which ſeiþ, Þe kyng recoorde of þe Lord his God, and be þere not multiplied þe kyn of þe blood to wreche, and þei ſhulen not ſle my ſone. Þe which ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ, for þere ſhal not falle of þe erys of þi ſone vpon þe erþe. Þanne þe womman ſeyde, Spek þin hoond womman to my lord kyng a word. And he ſeiþ, Spek. And þe womman ſeide, Whi haſt þou þouȝt ſiche a maner þing aȝens þe puple of God? and þe kyng haþ ſpoken þis word, þat he ſynne, and þat he brynge not aȝen his caſten out? Alle we dyen, and as watres we ſliden into þe erþe, þat ſhulen not be turned aȝen; and God wole not periſhe þe lijf, but wiþdrawiþ, þenkynge leſt fulli he periſhe, þat is caſt awey. Now þann come, þat I ſpek to my lord kyng þis word, preſent þe puple; and þin hondwomman ſeide, I ſhal ſpeke to þe kyng, if eny maner þe kyng doo þe word of his hoond womman. And þe kyng herde þe word, þat he delyuer his hondwomman fro þe hoond of alle, þat wolden fro þe erytage of þe Lord doo me a wey, and my ſone to gidre. Sey þanne þin hondwomman, þat þe word of my lord þe kyng be maad as ſacrifice; forſoþe as þe aungel of þe Lord, ſo is my lord kyng, þat neþer bi bleſſynge ne bi curſynge he be meuyd. Wherfor and þe Lord þi God is wiþ þee. And þe kyng anſwerynge ſeide to þe womman, Ne hijd þou fro me þe word þat I aſke. And þe womman ſeide to hym, Spek, my lord kyng. And þe kyng ſeiþ, Wheþer þe hoond of Joab is wiþ þee in alle þeſe? Þe womman anſwerde, and ſeiþ, Bi þe helþ of þi ſoule, my lord kyng, ne at þe left ne at þe riȝt he is of alle þes þingis, þe whiche my lord kyng haþ ſpoken. Forſoþe þi ſeruaunt Joab he comaundide to me, and he putte in þe mouþ of þin hoond womman alle þes wordis, þat I turne þe figure of þis word; forſoþe þi ſeruaunt Joab comaundide þis. Forſoþe þou, my lord kyng, ert wiſe, as þe aungel of God haþ wiſdom, þat þou vndirſtonde alle þingis vpon erþe. And þe kyng ſeiþ to Joab, Loo! pleſid I haue doo þi word; go þanne, and cleep aȝen þe child Abſolon. And Joab fallynge vpon his face into þe erþe, honourde, and bliſſide to þe kyng; and Joab ſeide, To dai haþ þi ſeruaunt vndurſtonde, for I haue foundun grace in þin eyen, my lord kyng; forſoþe þou haſt doon þe word of þi ſeruaunt. Þanne Joab roos, and wente into Geþſur, and brouȝte Abſolon into Jeruſalem. Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide, Turne he aȝen into his hows, and ſe he not my face. And ſo Abſolon is turned aȝen into his hows, and þe face of þe kyng he ſawȝ not. Forſoþe þere was not a man as feyr as Abſolon in al Irael, and ful miche ſemeli; fro þe ſtap of þe foot vnto þe top, þere was not in hym eny ſpot; and þe more þat he doddide þe heeris, ſo mych more þei wexen; forſoþe onys in þe ȝeer he was doddid, for þe heere heuyde hym. He weiede þe heeris of his heed wiþ two hundred ſiclis bi þe comoun weiȝt. Forſoþe þere been born to Abſolon þre ſones, aud o douȝter, Thamar bi name, of ſembli ſhap. And Abſolon dwellide in Jeruſalem two ȝeer, and ſawȝ not þe face of þe kyng. And ſo he ſente to Joab, þat he ſhulde ſende hym to þe kyng; þe which wolde not come to hym. And whanne þe ſecounde he hadde ſent, and he wold not come, he ſeide to his ſeruauntis, Ȝe knowen þe feelde of Joab biſide my feelde hauynge barli corn; gooþ þanne, and brenneþ it vp wiþ fier. Þanne þe ſeruauntis of Abſolon brenten þe corn wiþ fier. And þe ſeruauntis of Joab comynge, her cloþis kut, ſeiden, Þe ſeruauntis of Abſolon han brent vp a partie of þe feelde wiþ fier. And Joab roos, and cam to Abſolon into his hows, and ſeide, Whi han þi ſeruauntis brente vp my corn wiþ fier? And Abſolon anſwerde to Joab, I haue ſente to þee, preiynge þat þou come to me, and I ſende þee to þe kyng, þat þou ſeie to hym, Whi cam I fro Geþſur? Betere it was to me to be þere; I biſeche þanne, þat I ſee þe face of þe kyng, þat if he haue mynde of my ſhrewidnes, he ſlee me. Joab goon yn to þe kyng tolde to hym. And Abſolon clepid wente yn to þe kyng, and he lowtide upon þe face of þe erþe before hym, and þe kyng kiſſide Abſolon.

Capitulum XV.


Thanne after þes þingis Abſolon made to hym a chaar, and horſmen, and fifti men þat ſhulden goo before hym. And eerli riſynge Abſolon ſtood biſide þe entre of þe ȝate in þe weye; and eche man, þat hadde a neede þat he com to þe dom of þe kyng, Abſolon clepide to hym ſelf, and ſeide, Of what citee ert þou? Þe which anſwerynge ſeide, Of a lynage of Yrael I am, þi ſeruaunt. And Abſolon anſwerde to hym, To me þi wordis ſemen good and iuſt, but þere is not þe which þee heere ordeyned of þe kyng. And Abſolon ſeide, Who ordeyneþ me domeſman vpon þe loond, þat to me comen alle þat han neede, and riȝtwiſly Y deme? But whanne a man neiȝede to hym for to ſalute hym, he ſtrauȝte out his hoond, and takynge he kiſſide hym; and þat he dide to al Yrael, þe which cam to dom þat he were herd of þe king; and he biſide þe hertis of þe men of Yrael. Forſoþe aftir fourti ȝeer Abſolon ſeide to kyng Dauid, I ſhal go, and ȝeelde my vowis, þat I vowide to þe Lord in Ebron; forſoþe vowynge þi ſeruaunt vowide, whanne he was in Geþſur of Syrie, ſeiynge, If þe Lord brynge me aȝen into Jeruſalem, I ſhal ſacrifie to þe Lord. And þe kyng ſeide to hym, Goo in pees. And he roos, and wente into Ebron. Forſoþe Abſolon ſente aſpies into alle þe lynagis of Yrael, ſeiynge, Anoon þat ȝe heren þe noyſe of þe trumpe, ſeiþ, Abſolon ſhal regne in Ebron. Forſoþe wiþ Abſolon wenten two hundred men clepid of Jeruſalem, goynge wiþ ſymple herte, and þe cauſe fulli vnknowynge. Forſoþe Abſolon clepide Achitophel Gilonyte, þe counſelour of Dauid, fro his cite Gilo. And whanne he hadde offrid ſlayn ſacrifice, þere is maad a ſtrong coniuryſoun, and þe puple rennynge togidre encreſide wiþ Abſolon. Þanne cam a meſſager to Dauid, ſeiynge, Wiþ al þe herte al Yrael folowiþ Abſolon. And Dauid ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis þat weren wiþ hym in Jeruſalem, Riſiþ, and flee we; forſoþe ne þere ſhal be to vs fliȝt fro þe face of Abſolon; hieþ to goon out, leſt perauenture he comynge ocupie vs, and fulfille vpon vs fallynge, and ſmyte þe cite in mouþ of ſwerd. And þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng ſeiden to hym, Alle þingis, what euere comaundiþ oure lord þe kyng, gladli we folowen out, þi ſeruauntis. Þanne þe kynge wente out, and al hys hows, on her feet; and þe kyng lafte ten ſecoundarie wyues to þe hows to be kept. And þe kyng goon out, and al Yrael, on her feet, ſtoode afer fro þe hows. And alle his ſeruauntis wenten biſide hym, and þe legiouns Cereþi and Phereþi, and al Geþei ſtronge fiȝters, þe ſexe hundrid men, þat hadden folwid hym fro Geþ on foot, wenten before þe kyng. Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to Eþei Geþee, Whi comyſt þou wiþ vs? Turn aȝen, and dwel wiþ þe kyng for a pilgrime þou art, and wentiſt out fro þi place. Ȝiſterday þou cam, and to day þou ert compellid to goo out wiþ vs. Forſoþe I ſhal goo, whider I am to goo; turn aȝen, and leede aȝen wiþ þee þi briþeren, and þe Lord doo wiþ þee merci and trewþ, for þou haſt ſhewid grace and feiþ. And Eþei anſwerde to þe kyng, ſeiynge, Þe Lord lyueþ, and my lord þe kyng lyueþ, for in what euere place þou were, my lord kyng, oþer in deeþ or in lijf, þere ſhal be þi ſeruaunt. And Dauid ſeiþ to Eþai, Come, and paſſe forþ. And Eþei Geþee paſſide forþ, and þe kyng, and alle þe men þat wiþ hym weren, and þe toþer multitude. And alle þei wepten wiþ a greet voys, and al þe puple paſſide forþ; þe kyng forſoþe wente ouer þe ſtreem of Cedron, and al þe puple wente aȝens þe weye of þe olyue, þat biholdiþ to deſeert. And Sadoch þe preeſt cam, and alle þe Leuytis wiþ hym, berynge þe arke of þe boond of pees of God, and þei ſetten doun þe arke of God; and Abiaþar ſtiede vp, to þe tyme þat alle þe puple weren ful comen þat was goon out fro þe citee. And þe kyng ſeide to Sadoch, Beer aȝen þe arke of God into þe citee; if I ſhal fynde grace in þe eyen of þe Lord, he ſhal leede me aȝen, and ſhewe to me it and his tabernacle. Forſoþe if he ſhal ſeye, Þou pleſiſt not to me; preſt I am, do he þat is good before hym. And þe kyng ſeide to Sadoch þe preeſt, O ſeere, turne aȝen into þe cite in pees, and Achymaas, þi ſone, and Jonaþan, þe ſone of Abiaþar, ȝoure two ſonys, be þei wiþ ȝou. Loo! I ſhal be hid in þe wijlde feeldis of deſeert, to þe tyme þat þe word come from ȝou, ſhewynge to me. Þanne Sadoch and Abiaþar beren aȝen þe arke of God into Jeruſalem, and dwelliden þere. But Dauid ſtiede vp þe hil of olyues, ſtiynge and wepynge, þe heede couerde, and þe feet nakid goynge; but and al þe puple þat was wiþ hym, þe heed couerde, ſtieden vp wepynge. Forſoþe it is toold to Dauid, þat Achitophel was in þe coniurynge wiþ Abſolon; and Dauid ſeide, Lord, I biſeche, mak foli þe counſeil of Achitophel. And whanne Dauid ſtiede vp þe cop of þe hil, in þe which he was to preye þe Lord, loo! Cuſy Arachites aȝen cam to hym, þe cloþing kut, and þe heed ful of erþe. And Dauid ſeide to hym, If þou comyſt wiþ me, þou ſhalt be to me to chargynge; forſoþe if þou turneſt aȝen into þe citee, and ſeiſt to Abſolon, Þi ſeruaunt I am, kyng, ſuffre me to lyue; as I was þe ſeruaunt of þi fadre, ſo I ſhal be þi ſeruaunt; þou ſhalt ſcatyr þe counſeyl of Achitophel. Forſoþe þou haſt wiþ þee Sadoch and Abiaþar, preeſtis; and eche word, what euere þou heriſt in þe hows of þe kyng, þou ſhalt ſhewe to þe preſtis, Sadoch and Abiaþar. Forſoþe þere ben wiþ hem her two ſonys, Achymaas, þe ſone of Sadoch, and Jonaþan, þe ſone of Abiaþar; and ȝe ſhulen ſeende bi hem to me al þe word þat ȝe ſhulen here. Þanne comynge Chuſa, þe freend of Dauid, into þe citee, forſoþe Abſolon is comen into Jeruſalem.

Capitulum XVI.


And whanne Dauid hadde goon a litil þe cop of þe hil, Ciba, þe child of Myphiboſech, aperide into aȝen comynge of hym, wiþ two aſſis, þat weren chargid wiþ two hundrid loouys, and an hundred bundels of dried grapis, and an hundred peyſis of fijgis preſſid, and wiþ two botels of wyn. And þe kyng ſeide to Cyba, What to hem wolen þes þingys? And Ciba anſwerde, My lord kyng, þe aſſis, þat þe hoomli men of þe kyng ſitten on; þe loouis and þe fijgis, to þi children for to eete; forſoþe þe wyn, þat he drynke, who ſo failiþ in deſeert. And þe kyng ſeiþ, Where is þe ſone of þi lord? And Ciba anſwerde to þe kyng, He abood ſtille in Jeruſalem, ſeiynge, To day ſhal þe hows of Yrael reſtore to me þe kyngdam of my fader. And þe kyng ſeiþ to Cyba, Alle þingis þat weren of Miphiboſech ben þin. And Cyba ſeide, I preye, fynde I grace before þee, my lord kyng. Þanne kyng Dauid cam into Bahurym, and loo! þere wente out a man þens of þe kynrede of þe hows of Saul, Semei bi name, þe ſone of Gera; he wente forþ goynge out, and curſyde. And he ſente ſtonus aȝens Dauid, and aȝens alle þe ſeruauntis of king Dauid; forſoþe al þe puple, and alle þe fiȝters fro þe riȝt and fro þe left ſide of þe kyng wenten. Forſoþe þus ſpak Semei, whanne he curſide to þe kyng, Go out, go out, þou man of bloodis, and man of Belial! Þe Lord haþ ȝoldyn to þee al þe blood of þe hows of Saul, for þou haſt reued þe kyngdam fro hym; and þe Lord haþ ȝouun þe kyngdam in þe hoond of Abſolon, þi ſone; and loo! þin euels beren þee doun, for a man of blodis þou art. Forſoþe Abiſai, þe ſone of Seruye, ſeide to þe kyng, Whi curſiþ þis dog to diynge to my lord kyng? I ſhal goo, and girde of his heed. And þe kyng ſeiþ, What is to me and to ȝou, ȝe ſonys of Saruye? Letiþ hym, þat he curſe; forſoþe þe Lord comaundide to hym þat he curſe Dauid; and who is þat dar ſeie, Whi þus he doþ? And þe kyng ſeiþ to Abiſai, and to alle his ſeruauntis, Loo! my ſone, þat is goon out fro my wombe, ſechiþ my lijf; mych more now þis ſone of Geminy curſiþ to me? Letiþ hym, þat he curſe after þe heeſt of þe Lord; if perauenture þe Lord beholde my tourmentynge, and ȝeelde to me good for þis curſynge to dai. And ſo Dauid wente, and his felawis, bi þe weie wiþ hym; forſoþe Semei wente curſynge aȝens hym bi þe cop of þe hil aſide, and ſendynge ſtoonus aȝens hym, and þe erþe ſprengynge. And ſo kyng Dauid cam, and al þe puple wiþ hym wery, and þere þei ben refreſhid. Forſoþe Abſolon, and al þe puple of Irael wenten into Jeruſalem, but and Achitophel wiþ hym. Forſoþe whann Cuſay Arachites, þe freend of Dauid, was comen to Abſolon, he ſpak to hym, Heil, kyng! heil, kyng! To whom Abſolon, Þis is, he ſeiþ, þi grace to þi freend; whi haſt þou not goo wiþ þi freend? And Cuſai anſwerde to Abſolon, Nay, for of hym I ſhal be, whom þe Lord cheſiþ, and al þis puple, and al Yrael; and wiþ hym Y ſhal dwelle. But and þis I ſhal brynge yn, to whom am I to ſerue? wheþer not to þe ſone of þe kyng? as I obeyſſhide to þi fadir, ſo and I ſhal obeiſhe to þee. Forſoþe Abſolon ſeide to Achiþophel, Goo ȝe into counſeyl, what we owen to doon. And Achiþophel ſeiþ to Abſolon, Go into þe ſecundarye wyues of þi fadre, þe whiche he haþ laft at þe hows to be kept; þat whanne al Yrael heriþ, þat þou haſt defoulid þi fader, þe hoondis of hem ben ſtrengþid wiþ þee. Þanne þei ſtrauȝten out to Abſolon a tabernacle in þe ſolere, and he wente into þe ſecundarye wyues of his fader before al Irael. Forſoþe þe counſeil þat Achiþophel ȝaf in þoo dais, as if a man counſeilde God; ſo was al þe counſeil of Achiþophel, and whanne he was wiþ Dauid, and whanne he was wiþ Abſolon.

Capitulum XVII.


Thanne ſeide Achitophel to Abſolon, I ſhal cheſe to me twelue þouſandis of men, and ryſynge I ſhal purſue Dauid þis niȝt. And fallynge forſoþe vpon hym þat is wery, and þe hoondis feblid, I ſhal ſmyte hym; and whanne al þe puple fleeþ þat is wiþ hym, I ſhal ſmyte þe kyng deſolate. And I ſhal brynge aȝen al þe puple, what maner o man is wont to be turned aȝen; forſoþe o man þou ſechiſt, and al þe puple ſhal ben in pees. And his word pleſide to Abſolon, and to alle þe more þurȝ birþ of Yrael. Forſoþe Abſolon ſeiþ, Clepe ȝe and Cuſai Arachite, and here we what alſo he ſeiþ. And whan Cuſai was comen to Abſolon, Abſolon ſeiþ to hym, Siche a maner word ſpak Achitophel; ſhul we doo, or nay? what counſeil ȝyueſt þou? And Cuſay ſeide to Abſolon, It is not good þis counſeil, þat Achiþophel haþ ȝouun at þis tyme. And eft Cuſay brouȝte yn, Þou haſt knowen þi fader, and þe men þat wiþ hym ben, to ben mooſt ſtronge, and in bitter wil, as if a ſhe bere wexe feers in þe wijlde wode, rauyſſhid þe whelpis; but and þi fader is a man fiȝter, and he ſhal not dwelle wiþ þe puple. Perauenture now he lurkiþ in dichis, or in a place where he wole; and whanne oon falliþ, eche in þe bigynnynge ſhal here, who ſo euere heriþ, and ſhal ſeye, Þere is maad veniaunce in þe puple þat purſuede Abſolon. And eche mooſt ſtrong, whos is þe herte as of a lioun, ſhal be feblid for drede; forſoþe al þe puple of Yrael woot þi fader to be ſtrong, and alle ſtronge, þat wiþ hym ben. But þis ſemeþ to me to be riȝt counſeil; be gedrid to þee al þe puple, fro Dan vnto Berſabe, vnnoumbrable as þe grauel of þe ſee; and þou ſhalt be in þe myddis of hem. And we ſhulen falle vpon him, in what euer place he were foundun, and we ſhulen couer hym, as dewe is wont to falle on þe erþe; and we ſhulen not leeue of þe men þat wiþ hym ben, forſoþe not oone. And if he were goon in eny citee, al Yrael ſhal wyynde aboute þat citee coordis, and we ſhulen drawe it into þe ſtreem, þat þere be not foundun forſoþe of it not a litil ſtoon. And Abſolon ſeide, and alle þe men of Irael, Betere is þe counſeil of Cuſai Arachite þanne þe counſeil of Achiþophel; forſoþe þurȝ þe wil of þe Lord is ſcaterid þe profitable counſeil of Achiþophel, þat þe Lord brynge yn yuel vpon Abſolon. And Cuſay ſeiþ to þe preeſtys, Sadoch and Abiaþar, Þis and þis maner Achiþophel ȝaf counſeil to Abſolon, and to þe eldres of Yrael, and I ȝaf ſich counſeil and ſich. Now þanne ſendiþ ſoone, and telliþ to Dauid, ſeiynge, Ne abide þou þis niȝt in þe wijlde feeldis of deſeert, but wiþ out tariynge weende ouer; leſt perauenture þe kyng be ſoopen a wey, and al þe puple þat is wiþ hym. Forſoþe Jonaþan and Achymas ſtoden biſide þe welle of Rogel; an hondwomman ȝede, and toolde to hem, and þei wenten forþ, þat þei tellen to kyng Dauid þe meſſage; forſoþe þei myȝten not be ſeen, or go into þe cytee. Forſoþe a maner child ſawȝ hem, and toolde to Abſolon; forſoþe þei wenten in a ſwift paaſe in þe hows of a maner man in Bahurym, þat hadde a pit in his veſtiarye, and þei deſcendiden into it. Forſoþe a womman took, and ſtrauȝte out a couerynge vpon þe mouþ of þe pit, as driynge pild barli, and ſo þe þing is hid. And whanne þe ſeruauntis of Abſolon weren comen into þe hows, þei ſeiden to þe womman, Where is Achymas and Jonaþan? And þe womman anſwerde to hem, Þei wenten hiyngli, a litil wiȝt water taaſtid. And þes þat ſouȝten, whanne þei founden not, þei turneden aȝen into Jeruſalem. And whanne þei weren goon, þey ſtieden vp fro þe pit; and goynge toolden to kyng Dauid, and ſeiden, Ryſeþ, and ſoone goþ ouer þe flood, for ſich maner counſeil ȝaf Achiþophel aȝens ȝou. Þanne Dauid roos, and al þe puple þat was wiþ hym, and þei paſſiden Jordan, to þe tyme þat þe dai were liȝtid, or þe word were pupliſhid; and not oone forſoþe was laft, þat paſſide not þe flood. Forſoþe Achitophel ſeynge, þat his counſeil was not doon, made redi his aſſe, and roos, and wente into hys hows, and into his citee; and his hows diſpoſid, he diede bi hoongynge, and is biried in þe ſepulcre of his fader. Forſoþe Dauid cam into ſtronge placis, and Abſolon paſſide ouer Jordan, he and alle þe men of Yrael wiþ hym. Forſoþe Abſolon ſette Amaſan for Joab vpon þe ooſt; forſoþe Amaſan was þe ſone of a man þat was clepid Geþra of Jezreli, þat wente into Abigayl, þe douȝter of Naas, ſiſter of Saruye, þat was þe moder of Joab. And Irael ſette tentis wiþ Abſolon in þe loond of Galaad. And whanne Dauid was comen into þe defenſable placis, Sobi, þe ſone of Naas of Rabaþ, of þe ſonys of Amon, and Machir, þe ſone of Amyel, of Lodobar, and Berzellay Galadite, of Rogelym, offreden to hym couerynge cloþis, and tapetis, and erþen veſſels, whete, and barli, and meele, and powned corn, and benen, and potage, and fryed gederynge of corns, þat is clepid cycer, and hony, and bottre, and ſheep, and fatte calues. And þei ȝyuen to Dauid, and to þe puple þat was wiþ hym, for to ete; forſoþe þei ouertroweden þe puple to be feyntid in þe deſeert bi hungre and þreſt.

Capitulum XVIII.


Dauid þanne, his puple biholden, ordeynde vpon hem leders of þouſandis, and leders of hundridis. And he ȝaf þe þridde parti of þe puple vndir þe hoond of Joab; and þe þridde vndur þe hoond of Abiſai, þe ſone of Seruye, þe broþir of Joab; and þe þridde vndur þe hoond of Eþay, þat was of Geþ. And þe kyng ſeide to þe puple, And I ſhal goon out wiþ ȝou. And þe puple anſwerde, Þou ſhalt not goo out; forſoþe wheþer we fleen, it ſhal not perteyne to hem in greet forſe of vs; or þe half partie falle fro vs, þei ſhulen not retche anow, for þou oone for ten þouſandis ert countyd; beter it is þanne, þat þou be to vs in þe cytee to ſocour. To whom ſeiþ þe kyng, Þat to ȝou ſemeþ riȝt, þat I ſhal doo. Þanne þe kyng ſtoode biſide þe ȝaate, and þe puple wente out bi her cumpanyes, bi hundredis and þouſandis. And þe kyng comaundide to Joab, and Abiſai, and Eþay, ſeiynge, Kepiþ to me þe child Abſolon. And al þe puple herde þe kyng comaundynge to alle þe princis for Abſolon. And ſo þe puple wente into þe feelde aȝens Yrael; and a batail is doon in þe wijld wode of Effraym. And þe puple of Irael is þere hewen doun of þe ooſt of Dauid, and þere is doon a greet ſlauȝter in þat day of twenti þouſand. Forſoþe þere was þe batail ſparpoild vpon þe face of al þe loond, and manye mo weren whom þe wijlde wode waaſtide of þe puple, þan þei whom þe ſwerd deuowrede in þat day. Forſoþe it felle, þat Abſolon aȝencam to þe ſeruauntis of Dauid, ſittynge vpon a muyl; and whanne þe muyle wente yn vndur a þik ook, and a greet, þe heed of hym cleuyde to þe ook; and hym hongid bitwix heuene and erþe, þe muyle, to þe which he ſatte in, paſſide forþ. Forſoþe a maner man ſawȝ þat, and toolde to Joab, ſeiynge, I ſawȝ Abſolon hongynge fro an ook. And Joab ſeiþ to þe man þat toolde hym, If þou ſawȝ, whi ſtikiſt þou not hym wiþ þe erþe, and I ſhulde haue ȝyue to þee ten ciclis of ſiluer, and a knyȝtis girdil? Þe which ſeide to Joab, If þou peyſediſt in myn hoondis a þouſand ſilueren platis, I ſhulde not putte myn hoond into þe ſone of þe kyng; forſoþe herynge vs, þe kyng comaundide to þee, and to Abiſai, and to Eþai, ſeiynge, Kepiþ to me þe child Abſolon. But and if I hadde doon aȝens my ſoul foolhardili, þat myȝte not þe kyng vnknowe, and þou ſhuldiſt ſtoond forn aȝens. And Joab ſeiþ, Not as þou wolt, but I ſhal goo to hym before þee. Þanne Joab took þree ſperis in his hoond, and piȝte hem in þe herte of Abſolon. And whanne ȝit he qwappide cleuynge in þe ook, ten ȝonge ſquyers of Joab runnen, and ſmytynge ſlowen hym. Forſoþe Joab ſownede wiþ þe trumpe, and wiþ heelde þe puple, þat he purſuede not Irael fleynge, wylnynge to ſpare to þe multitude. And þei token Abſolon, and caſten hym in þe wijld wode in to a greet diche, and þei beren togidir vpon hym a greet heep of ſtoonus ful myche; forſoþe al Irael fleeȝ into her tabernaclis. Forſoþe Abſolon hadde arerede vp to hym, whanne he ȝit lyuede, a title, þat is in þe valey of þe kyng; he ſeide forſoþe, I haue not a ſone, and þis ſhal be in mynde of my name; and he clepide þe title bi his name, and it is clepid þe Hoond of Abſolon into þis day. Forſoþe Achymas, þe ſone of Sadoch, ſeiþ, I ſhal renne and telle to þe kyng, for þe Lord dide doom to hym fro þe hoond of þe enemyes of hym. To whom Joab ſeide, Þou ſhalt not be meſſager in þis dai, but þou ſhalt telle in þe toþer; to day I wole not þee to telle, forſoþe þe ſone of þe kyng is deed. And Joab ſeiþ to Cuſi, Go, and tel to þe kyng what þou haſt ſeen. Cuſi lowtide to Joab, and ranne. Eft Achymas, þe ſone of Sadoch, ſeide to Joab, What lettiþ, if I alſo renne after Cuſi? And Joab ſeide to hym, What wolt þou renne, ſone myn? Come hidir, þou ſhalt not be berer of good meſſage. Þe which anſwerde, What forſoþe if I ſhal renne? And he ſeiþ to hym, Renn. Þanne Achymaas rennynge bi þe weye of þe good ſhort weye ouerpaſſide Cuſai. Dauid forſoþe ſat bitwix two ȝatis; þe weyter forſoþe, þat was in þe heiȝt of þe ȝate vpon þe walle, rerynge vp þe eyen, ſawȝ a man aloone rennynge; and cryinge out ſhewide to þe kyng. And þe kyng ſeide to hym, If he is aloone, gode meſſage is in þe mouþ of hym. Forſoþe hym goynge and neiȝynge nerre, þe wayter ſawȝ anoþir man rennynge; and criynge out in þe cop ſeiþ, Þere ſemeþ to me anoþer man rennynge aloone. And þe kyng ſeide to hym, And þis is a good meſſager. Forſoþe þe weyter ſeiþ, I biholde þe rennynge of þe former, as þe rennynge of Achymaas, þe ſone of Sadoch. And þe kyng ſeiþ, A good man he is, and comeþ berynge good meſage. Forſoþe Achymaas cryinge, ſeide to þe kyng, Hail kyng! And lowtynge þe kyng before hym bowide into þe erþe, ſeiþ, Bleſſid be þe Lord þi God, þat haþ concludid þe men, þat rereden her hoondis aȝens my lord þe kyng. And þe kyng ſeiþ, Is þere not pees to þe child Abſolon? And Achymaas ſeide, I ſawȝ a greet towmbe, whanne Joab þi ſeruaunt ſente me, O kyng, þi ſeruaunt; oþer þing I knowe not. To whom þe kyng, Paſſe, he ſeiþ, and ſtoond here. And whanne he was paſſid, and ſtoode, Cuſi aperide; and comynge ſeiþ, I brynge good meſſage, my lord king; forſoþe þe Lord haþ demyde for þee to day fro þe hoond of alle þat riſen aȝens þee. Þe kyng forſoþe ſeide to Cuſi, Is þere not pees to þe child Abſolon? To whom anſwerynge Cuſi, Be þei maad, he ſeiþ, as þe child, þe enemyes of my lord þe kyng, and alle þat riſen aȝens hym into yuel. And ſo þe kyng cauȝt wiþ ſorwe, ſtiede vp to þe ſowpynge place of þe ȝaate, and wepte, and þus he ſpak goynge, Sone myn, Abſolon! Abſolon, ſone myn! who to me ȝyueþ, þat I dye for þee? Abſolon, ſone myn! ſone myn, Abſolon!

Capitulum XIX.


Forſoþe it is toold to Joab, þat þe kyng wept, and weilide his ſone; and þe victorye is turned in þat dai into weilynge to al þe puple; forſoþe þe puple herde in þat day to be ſeid, Þe kyng ſorwiþ vpon his ſone. And þe puple bowide aſide in þat dai to goo in to þe citee, what maner wiſe a puple turnede and fleynge fro þe batail is wont to bowe aſide. Forſoþe þe kyng couerde his heed, and criede wiþ a greet vois, Sone myn, Abſolon! Abſolon, ſone myn! Þanne goon yn Joab to þe kyng into þe hows, ſeide, Þou haſt confoundid to day þe cheeris of alle þi ſeruauntis, and þat han maad ſaaf þi lijf, and þe lijf of þi ſonys and of þi douȝtris, and þe lijf of þi wyues, and þe lijf of þi ſecoundarye wyues. Þou loueſt þe hatynge þee, and þou haſt in haate þe louynge þee; and þou haſt ſhewid to day, for þou reckiſt not of þi leeders and of þi ſeruauntis; and verreily I haue knowen now, þat if Abſolon lyuede, and alle we hadden diede, þanne it ſhulde pleſe to þee. Now þan ryſe, and go forþ, and ſpekynge do aſeeþe to þi ſeruauntis; forſoþe I ſwere to þee bi þe Lord, þat if þow goſt not out, þat oon forſoþe be not to abidynge ſtill wiþ þee þis nyȝt; and werſe ſhal be to þee þis, þan alle þe yuels þat camen vpon þee fro þi ȝongþ vnto þe tyme þat is now. Þanne þe kyng roos, and ſatte in þe ȝate; and to al þe puple it is toold, þat þe king ſatte in þe ȝate, and al þe multitude cam before þe king. Forſoþe Irael fleeȝ into her tabernaclis. And al þe puple ſtroof in alle þe lynagis of Irael, ſeiynge, Þe kyng haþ delyuerd vs fro þe hoond of oure enemyes, and he haþ ſaued vs fro þe hoond of Philiſteis; and now he fleeȝ fro þe loond for Abſolon. Forſoþe Abſolon, whom we anoyntiden kyng vpon vs, is deed in batail; how long be ȝe ſtille, and ȝe brengen not aȝen þe kyng? And þe counſeil of al Irael cam to þe king. Forſoþe kyng Dauid ſente to Sadoch and to Abiaþar, preeſtis, ſeiynge, Speke ȝe to þe more þurȝ birþ of Juda, ſeiynge, Whi ben ȝe comen laſt to brynge aȝen þe kyng into his hows? Forſoþe þe word of al Irael is ful comen to þe kyng, þat þei brengen hym aȝen into his hows. For þe kyng ſeide, Þes þingis ȝe ſhulen ſeye to þe puple, My briþeren ȝe, my boon and my fleſh ȝe; whi laſt brengen ȝe aȝen þe kyng? And to Amaſa ſeye ȝee, Wheþer ert þou not my boon and my fleſh? Þes þingis God do to me, and þes þingis adde, if þou were not maiſter of chiualrye after Joab before me al tyme. And he bowide þe herte of alle þe men of Juda as of o man; and þei ſenten to þe king, ſeiynge, Turn aȝen, þou and alle þi ſeruauntis. And þe kyng turnede aȝen, and cam vnto Jordan; and al Juda cam forþ into Galgala, þat he aȝen come to þe kyng, and þei ſhulden brynge hym ouer Jordan. Forſoþe Semei, þe ſone of Gera, þe ſone of Gemyny, of Bahurym, hiȝede, and cam doun wiþ þe men of Juda into aȝen comynge of kyng Dauid, wiþ a þouſand men of Beniamyn; and child Ciba of þe hows of Saul, and his fifteen ſonys, and twenti ſeruantis weren wiþ hym; and brekynge Jordan before þe kyng, paſſeden þe forþis, þat þei brengen ouer þe hows of þe kyng, and doon after his comaundynge. Forſoþe Semei, þe ſone of Gera, faln doun before þe kyng, whanne now he hadde paſſid Jordan, ſeide to hym, My lord, ne wiyt þou to me þe wickidnes, ne haue þou mynde of þe wrongis of þi ſeruaunt in þe dai, þe which þou wentiſt out, my lord kyng, fro Jeruſalem, ne ſet þou, kyng, in þin herte; forſoþe I þi ſeruaunt knowe my ſynne; and þerfor to dai firſt I cam of al þe hows of Joſeph, and cam doun into aȝencomynge of my lord þe kyng. Forſoþe anſwerynge Abiſai, þe ſone of Saruye, ſeide, Wheþer for þes wordis Semei ſhal not be ſlayn, þat curſide to þe criſt of þe Lord? And Dauid ſeiþ, What to me and to ȝou, ȝe ſonys of Saruye? Whi ben ȝe maad to me to day into Saþan? Þanne wheþer to dai ſhal not be ſlayn a man in Irael? Wheþer I knowe not me to day maad kyng vpon Irael? And þe kyng ſeiþ to Semei, Þou ſhalt not die; and he ſwore to hym. Forſoþe Myphiboſech, þe ſone of Jonaþan, þe ſone of Saul, cam doun into þe aȝencomynge of þe kyng, þe feet vnwaſſhen, and þe beerd vnſhauen. And his cloþis he hadde not waſhen, fro þe day þat þe kyng wente out vnto þe day of his turnynge aȝen in pees. And whanne he hadde aȝen comen to þe kyng, þe kyng ſeide to hym, Whi cam þou not wiþ me, Myphiboſech? And anſwerynge he ſeiþ, My lord kyng, my ſeruaunt diſpiſide me; and I þi ſeruaunt ſeide to hym, þat he ſhulde make to me redi an aſſe, and ſtiynge vp I myȝte goo wiþ þe kyng; forſoþe I þi ſeruaunt am halt. Alſo and he accuſide me, þi ſeruaunt, to þee, my lord kyng; forſoþe þou, my lord kyng, ert as þe aungel of God; do þat is pleſynge to þee. Forſoþe ne þe hows of mi fader was but gilti to þe deþ to my lord kyng; forſoþe þou puttiſt me þi ſeruaunt among þi meetfelawis of þi bord; what þanne haue I of ryȝtwiſe playnt, or what may I more be ſpoken of to þe kyng? Forſoþe þe kyng ſeiþ to hym, What more ſhalt þou ſpeke? ſtedefaſt it is þat I haue ſpoken; þou and Siba, dyuyde ȝe poſſeſſiouns. And Myphiboſech anſwerde to þe kyng, Alſo al take he, aftir þat my lord þe kyng is turned aȝen peſibli into his hows. Forſoþe Berzellay Galadite, a ful olde man, comynge down fro Rogelym, ladde þe kyng ouer Jordan, redi alſo for to folwe hym biȝonde þe flood. Forſoþe Berzellai Galadite was ful oolde, þat is, of fourſcore ȝeer, and he ȝaf food to þe kyng, whanne he dwellid in þe defenſable placis; forſoþe he was a ful mych riche man. And ſo þe kyng ſeide to Berzellai, Come wiþ me, þat þou reſte ſikir wiþ me in Jeruſalem. And Berzellai ſeiþ to þe kyng, How feele ben þe dayes of þe ȝeeris of my lijf, þat I ſtye vp wiþ þe kyng to Jeruſalem? Of foure ſcoore ȝeer I am to dai; wheþer my wittis þryuen to deme ſwote or bittir, or meet and drynk may delite þi ſeruaunt, or I may here forþermore þe vois of men ſyngers and of wymmen ſyngers? Whi þi ſeruaunt be to charge to my lord kyng? A litil I ſhal goo forþ þi ſeruaunt fro Jordan wiþ þee, ne I nede þis while ȝeeldynge; but I biſeche, þat I turne aȝen þi ſeruaunt, and die in my citee, and be biried biſyde þe ſepulcre of my fader and of my moder; forſoþe þere is þi ſeruaunt Chamaan; he go wiþ þee, my lord kyng, and do to hym þat ſemeþ to þee good. And ſo þe kyng ſeide to hym, Chamaan goo wiþ me; and I ſhal doo to hym what euer þing ſhal pleeſe to þee, and al þat þou aſkiſt of me, þou ſhalt geete. And whanne al þe puple, and þe kyng was paſſid ouer Jordan, he reſteiede; and þe king kiſſide Berzellai, and bleſſide to hym; and he turnede aȝen into his place. Þanne þe kyng wente into Galgalan, and Chamaan wiþ hym. Forſoþe al þe puple of Juda brouȝte ouer þe kyng, and of þe puple of Irael oonli þe half parti was at. And ſo alle þe men of Irael rennynge to þe kyng, ſeiden to hym, Whi oure briþeren, þe men of Juda, han ſtoln þee, and han brouȝt ouer Jordan þe kyng and his hows, and alle þe men of Dauid wiþ hym? And alle þe men of Juda anſwerden to þe men of Irael, For to me nerre is þe kyng; whi wraþþiſt þou vpon þis þing? Wheþer we han eten eny þing of þe kyng, or ȝiftis to vs ben ȝeuen? And þe man of Irael anſwerde to þe men of Juda, and ſeiþ, Bi ten parties more I am anentis þe kyng, and more to me perteneþ Dauid þan to þee; whi haſt þou doo to me wronge, and it is not toold to me former, þat I brynge aȝen my kyng? Forſoþe harder anſwerden þe men of Juda þan þe men of Irael.

Capitulum XX.


It felle forſoþe, þat þere was a man of Belial, Syba bi name, þe ſone of Botry, a man of Gemyny; and he ſonge wiþ a trumpe, and ſeiþ, Þere is not to vs paart in Dauid, ne heritage in þe ſone of Iſay; turn aȝen into þi tabernaclis, Irael. And al Irael ys ſeuered fro Dauid, and folwide Ciba, þe ſone of Botri; þe men forſoþe of Juda cleueden to her kyng, fro Jordan vnto Jeruſalem. And whanne þe kyng was comen into his hows into Jeruſalem, he took þe wymmen, and his ten ſecoundarie wyues, þe whiche he hadde laft to þe hows to be kept, and he took hem into waard, ȝyuynge foodis to hem; and he wente not into hem, but þei weren cloſid vnto þe dai of her deþ, lyuynge in widewheed. Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to Amaſe, Cleep to me alle þe men of Juda into þe þridde dai, and þou be to preſent. Þanne Amaſa wente for to clepe Juda; and he dwelte out of þe couenaunt tyme þat þe kyng ordeynde to hym. Forſoþe Dauid ſeiþ to Abiſai, Now more Siba, þe ſone of Botri, is to tourment vs þan Abſolon; tak þerfor þe ſeruauntys of þi lord, and purſue hym, leſt perauenture he fynde þe citee ſtrengþid, and flee awey fro vs. Þanne wente out wiþ hym þe men of Joab, Cereþi forſoþe and Phereþi, and alle þe ſtroonge men wenten out of Jeruſalem to purſue Siba, þe ſone of Botri. And whanne þei weren biſide þe greet ſtoon, þat is in Gabaon, Amaſa comynge aȝen cam to hem; forſoþe Joab was cloþid wiþ a ſtrait coote at þe meſure of his ſhap, and þere aboue gird wiþ a knyif hongynge vnto þe reyn gottys in þe ſheeþe, þe which forgid wiþ liȝt meuynge myȝt goon out, and ſmyte. And ſo Joab ſeide to Amaſan, Heyl, my broþer! And he heelde wiþ þe riȝt hoond þe chyn of Amaſe, as kyſſynge hym. Forſoþe Amaſa weytide not wel þe knyif þat Joab hadde, þe which ſmoot hym in þe ſide, and ſhedde out þe gottis of hym into þe erþe, and is deed; ne þe ſecounde wounde he putte to. Forſoþe Joab and Abiſay, his broþer, purſueden Siba, þe ſone of Botry. Þere among ſum men of þe children of Dauid, whanne þei hadden ſeen and ſtonden biſide þe careyn of Amaſe, of þe felawis of Joab, ſeiden, Loo! þat wolde be for Joab, leder of Dauid. Forſoþe Amaſa ſpreynd wiþ blood laye in þe myddil weye. Þat ſawȝ a man, þat al þe puple ſtood ſtille to ſeen hym, and meuede a wey Amaſa fro þe weye into þe feelde, and couerde hym wiþ a clooþ, leſt þe goers ſhulden abide ſtille for hym. Þanne hym meued fro þe weie, eche man folowynge Joab wente to purſue Siba, þe ſone of Botri. But he paſſide þurȝ out alle þe lynagis of Yrael vnto Hebelam, and into Beþmacha; and alle þe choſen men weren gedrid to hym. And ſo þei camen, and ſetten aȝens hym in Habela, and in Beþmacha, and enuyrounden þe citee wiþ ſtrengþis; and þe citee is biſegid. Forſoþe al þe puple, þat was wiþ Joab, enforſide to deſtrie þe wallis. And a wyſe womman criede out fro þe citee, Heriþ! heriþ! ſeiþ to Joab, Neiȝ hidir, and I ſhal ſpeke wiþ þee. Þe whych whanne he hadde neiȝid to hire, ſhe ſeide to hym, Þou ert Joab? And he anſwerde, I. To whom þus ſhe ſpake, Here þe wordis of þin hoond womman. Þe which anſwerde, I here. And eft ſhe, A word, ſhe ſeiþ, was ſeide in olde prouerbe, Who aſke, aſken þei in Habela; and ſo þei profiteden. Wheþer I am not, þe which anſwere þe trewþe of Yrael? and þou ſechiſt to turne vpſedoun þe citee, and to doon awey þe moder of citees in Irael? whi beriſt þou doun þe herytage of þe Lord? And Joab anſwerynge ſeiþ, Aweie be, aweie be þis fro me; I bere not doun, ne deſtrie. Not ſo þe þing haþ hym; but a man of þe hil of Effraym, bi name Siba, þe ſone of Botri, reride his hoond aȝens kyng Dauid; takiþ hym alone, and we ſhulen goo awey fro þe citee. And þe womman ſeiþ to Joab, Loo! his heed ſhal be ſente to þee bi þe walle. Þanne ſhe wente into al þe puple, and ſpak to hem wiſeli; þe which þe gird of heed of Siba, þe ſone of Botri, caſten forþ to Joab. And he ſonge wiþ þe trompe, and þei wenten a wey fro þe citee, echon into her tabernaclis; forſoþe Joab turnyde aȝen to Jeruſalem to þe kyng. Þanne Joab was vpon al þe ooſt of Irael; forſoþe Bananyas, þe ſone of Joiade, vpon Cereþeis and Phereþeis; Adhuram forſoþe vpon þe tributis; but Joſaphat, þe ſone of Achilud, þe chaunſelere; Siba forſoþe a ſcribe; forſoþe Sadoch and Abiaþar preſtis; forſoþe Hira Hiracte was þe preeſt of Dauid.

Capitulum XXI.


Forſoþe þere is doon hungre in þe dais of Dauid, þre ȝeer contynueli. And Dauid counſeilde þe heuenli anſwere of þe Lord; and þe Lord ſeide, For Saul, and þe hows of hym, and þe blood, for he ſlewȝ Gabanytes. Þanne þe Gabanytis clepid, þe kyng ſeide to hem; forſoþe Gabanytis ben not of þe ſonys of Irael, but þe relikis of Ammoreis; forſoþe þe ſonys of Yrael hadden ſworn to hem, þat þei ſhulen not ſlee hem, and Saul wolde ſmyte hem bi enuye, as for þe ſonys of Irael and of Juda; þanne Dauid ſeide to Gabanitis, What ſhal I doo to ȝou, and what ſhal be ȝoure amendys, þat ȝe bliſſen to þe heritage of þe Lord? And Gabanytis ſeiden to hym, Þere is no queſtioun to vs vpon gold and ſiluer, but aȝens Saul, and þe hows of hym; and we wolen not, þat þere be ſlayn a man of Irael. To whom þe kyng ſeiþ, What þanne wolen ȝe, þat I doo to ȝow? Þe whiche ſeiden to þe kyng, Þe man þat haþ defowlid vs, and oppreſſid wickidli, ſo we owen to doon awey, ne oon forſoþe be laft of þe lynage of hym in alle þe cooſtis of Yrael. Be þere ȝouun to vs ſeuen men of þe ſonys of hem, þat we crucifien hem to þe Lord in Gabaa of Saul, ſumtyme þe choſen of þe Lord. And þe kyng ſeiþ, I ſhal ȝeue. And þe kyng ſparide to Myphiboſech, þe ſone of Jonaþan, þe ſone of Saul, for þe ooþ of þe Lord, þat was betwix Dauid and Jonaþan, þe ſone of Saul. And ſo þe kyng took two ſonys of Reſpha, þe dowȝter of Ahia, whom ſhe bare to Saul, Armoony, and Myphiboſech; and of Mychol fyue ſones, of þe douȝter of Saul, whom ſhe gat to Adriel, þe ſone of Berzellay, þat was of Demolati. And he ȝaf hem into þe hoondis of Gabanytis, þe which crucifieden hem in þe hil before þe Lord; and þes ſeuen ſlayn togidir fellen in þe dais of þe fyrſt rijp, begynnynge þe repynge of barli. Forſoþe takynge Reſpha, þe douȝter of Ahia, ſpradde abrood an heyre to hire on a ſtoon, fro þe bigynnynge of þe ryp to þe tyme þat watir droppide vpon hem fro heuene; and ſhe ſuffride not breddis to teren hem bi þe day, ne beeſtis bi þe nyȝt. And þeſe þingis ben toold to Dauid, þe whiche dide Reſpha, þe douȝter of Ahia, þe ſecoundarye wijf of Saul. And Dauid ȝede, and took þe boonus of Saul, and þe boonus of Jonaþan, his ſone, of þe men of Jabes Galaad; þe which hadden ſtoln hem fro þe ſtreete of Beþſan, in þe which Philiſteis hadden hongid hem, whanne þei ſlewen Saul in Gelboe. And bare a wey þens þe boonus of Saul, and þe boonus of Jonaþan, his ſone; and þei gederynge togidir þe boonus of hem þat weren piȝt, birieden hem wiþ þe boonus of Saul and Jonaþan, his ſone, in þe loond of Beniamyn, in þe ſide in þe ſepulcre of Cys, his fader. And þei diden alle þingis, þat þe kyng comaundide; and þe Lord dide mercy aȝen to þe loond after þes þingis. Forſoþe þere is doon eft bateil of þe Philiſteis aȝens Irael; and Dauid cam doun, and his ſeruauntis wiþ hym, and þei fauȝten aȝens Philiſteis. Forſoþe Dauid failynge, Jeſbidenob, þat was of þe kynrede of Arapha, whoſe yren of þe ſpeere peiſide þre hundrid vnncis, and he was gird wiþ a newe ſwerd, enforſide to ſmyte Dauid. And Abiſay, þe ſone of Saruye, was to hym a ſocour; and þe Philiſtee ſmyten he ſlewȝ. Þanne þe men ſworen to Dauid, ſeiynge, Now þow ſhalt not goo out wiþ vs in to bateil, leſt þou quenche þe lanterne of Yrael. Þe ſecounde bateil forſoþe was in Gob aȝens Philiſteis; þanne he ſmoot Sobochai of Huzachizaph, of þe lynage of Arapha, of þe kynrede of geauntis. Þe þridde bateil forſoþe was in Gob aȝens þe Philiſteis; in þe which Adeodatis, þe ſone of þe wijlde wode, leyer of dyuerſe colours, Beþlamyte, ſmoot Goliaþ Geþee, whos ſhaft of þe ſpeere was as a beem of webſters. Þe ferþe bateyl was in Geþ; in þe which was an heeȝ man, þat hadde ſexe fyngris in þe hoondis and feet, þat is, foure and twenti; and he was of þe kyn of Arapha; and he blaſphemyde in Yrael; forſoþe Jonaþan, þe ſone of Samaa, þe broþer of Dauid, ſmoot hym. Þeſe foure ben born of Arapha in Jeþ, and þei fellen in þe hoond of Dauid, and of his ſeruauntis.

Capitulum XXII.


Forſoþe Dauid ſpak to þe Lord þe wordis of þis ditee, in þe day in þe which þe Lord delyuerde him fro þe hoond of alle his enemyes, and fro þe hoond of Saul. And ſeiþ, Þe Lord my ſtoon, and my ſtrengþ, and my ſaueour; my God, my ſtrong, and I ſhal hoop in hym; my ſheeld, and þe horn of myn heelþ, my rerer, and my refute; my ſaueour, fro wickidnes þou ſhalt delyuer me. I ſhal inwardli clepe þe preyſable Lord; and fro myn enemyes I ſhal be ſaaf. For þere han enuyround me þe defoulyngis of deeþ; þe ſtremys of Belial fereden me. Þe coordis of helle enuryrounden me; þere wenten before me þe gnaris of deeþ. In tribulacioun I ſhal inwardli clepe þe Lord, and to my God I ſhal crye; and he herde fro his hooli temple my vois, and my crye ſhal come to his eeris. Þe erþe is togidir meued, and tremblide; þe foundementis of hillis ben togidir ſmyten and ſquat, for he wraþþide to hem. Smook ſtiede vp fro þe neeſþrillis of hym, and fier fro his mouþ ſhal deuowre; þe colis ben brent vp of it. And he bowide heuenes, and cam doun; and myſtynes vndur his feet. And he ſtiede vpon cherubyn, and flowȝ; and ſlood vpon þe pennys of þe wynd. He putte derkneſſis an hidlis in his enuyroun, wynnowynge watris of þe cloudis of heuenes; for þe liȝtynge in þe ſiȝt of hym ben brent vp þe coolis of fier. Þe Lord ſhal þundre fro heuene; and þe Heiȝ ſhal ȝeue his voys. He ſente his arowis, and ſcatrede hem; leytis, and waaſtid hem. And þere apperide þe out heeldyngis of þe ſee, and ben opened þe foundementis of þe world; fro þe blamynge of þe Lord, fro þe inbreþinge of þe ſpiryt of his woodnes. He ſente fro an heiȝ, and took me; and drouȝ out me fro manye watris. He delyuerde me fro myn enemye mooſt myȝti, and fro hem þat hatiden me; for þei weren ſtronger þan I. Þei camen before me in þe day of my tourmentynge; and þe Lord is maad my faſtnynge. And he ladde me out into widnes, and delyuerde me; for I pleſide to hym. Þe Lord ſhal ȝeelde to me after my riȝtwiſnes; and after þe clenneſſe of myn hoondis he ſhal quyit to me. For I haue kept þe weyes of þe Lord; and I dide not vnpiteuouſli fro my God. Forſoþe alle þe domys of hym in my ſiȝt; and his heeſtis I mouede not a wey fro me. And I ſhal be parfijt wiþ hym; and I ſhal kepe me fro my wickidnes. And þe Lord ſhal reſtore to me after my riȝtwiſnes; and after þe clenneſſe of myn hoondis in þe ſiȝt of his eyen. Wiþ þe hooli hooli þou ſhalt be, and wiþ þe ſtronge parfite; and wiþ þe choſun choſun þou ſhalt be, and wiþ þe peruertid þou ſhalt be peruertid. And þe pore puple þou ſhalt make ſaaf; and to þin eyen heiȝ þou ſhalt make meke. For þou, Lord, my lantern, and þou, Lord, ſhalt liȝtne my derkeneſſis. Into þee forſoþe I ſhall renne, gird vp; and in my God I ſhal ouerleep þe wal. God, þe weye of hym vndefoulid; þe ſpeche of þe Lord examynyd bi fier, a ſhelde is of alle þe hopers in hym. For who is a God, ſaaf þe Lord; and who ſtrong ſaaf oure Lord? God, þat girdide me wiþ ſtrengþ, and planede perfyte my wey; euenynge my feet to hertis, and vpon my heiȝ þingis ſettynge me; techynge myn hoondis to bateil, and ſettynge togider as a braſen boow myn armys. Þou ȝaf to me a target of þin helþ; and myn hoomlynes multipliede me. Þou ſhalt enlaarge my goyngis vndur me; and myn heelis ſhulen not fayle. I ſhal purſue myn enemyes, and treden; and I ſhal not turne aȝen, to þe tyme þat I waaſt hem. I ſhal waaſt hem, and breek togidir, þat þei togidre riſen not; þei ſhulen falle vndur my feet. Þou girdiſt me wiþ ſtrengþe to batail; þow fulli bowediſt þe aȝenſtondynge to me vndur me. Myn enemyes þou ȝaf to me þe bak, hatynge me; and I ſhal ſcatere hem. Þei ſhulen crye, and þere ſhal not be þat ſaue; to þe Lord, and he ſhal not here hem. I ſhal do hem a wey as powdre of þe erþe; and as cleye of ſtreetis I ſhal breek hem, and to-flappe. Þou ſhalt ſaue me fro þe aȝenſeiyngis of my puple; þou ſhalt kepe me into þe heed of folkis of kynde; þe puple, whom I knowe not, ſhal ſerue to me. Alyen ſones ſhulen wiþ ſtoonde to me; in herynge of þe eer þei ſhulen obeiſhe to me. Alien ſones floweden doun; and þei ſhulen be drawen togidre in her angwiſhe. Þe Lord lyueþ, and bleſſide my God; and þe ſtrong God of myn heelþ ſhal be enhaunſid. God, þat ȝeueſt veniaunces to me; and þrewe doun puplis vndur me. Þe which lediſt out me fro myn enemyes, and fro þe wiþſtoondynge to me areriſt me; fro a wickid man þou ſhalt delyuer me. Þerfor I ſhal knowlech to þee in folk of kynde, Lord; and to þi name I ſhal ſynge. Magnifiynge heelþis of his kyng; and doynge mercies to his criſt Dauid, and into his ſeed euermore.

Capitulum XXIII.


Forſoþe þes ben þe laſt wordis, þat Dauid, þe ſone of Yſay, ſeide. A man ſeide, to whom þere is ordeynd of þe Criſt of God of Jacob, a ſolempne ſalm maker of Yrael; Þe ſpirite of þe Lord is ſpokyn bi me, and his word bi my tonge. He ſeyde, God of Yrael to me haþ ſpokyn, þe ſtrong of Yrael, þe lordſhipper of men, þe riȝtwiſe lordſhipper in þe dreed of God. As liȝt of morwtide, ſpringinge þe ſunne eerli wiþ out clowdis, gliteriþ; and as bi reynes buriouneþ þe eerbe of þe erþe. And not ſo mych is myn hows anentis God, þat euerlaſtynge couenaunt he ſhulde goo yn wiþ me, ſtable in alle þingis and warnyſſhit; forſoþe al myn heelþ and al wil, ne þere is eny þing of it, þat ne buriowneþ. Brekers of þe lawe forſoþe as þornys ſhulen be pullid vp alle, þe whiche ben not takyn wiþ hoondis. And if eny man wolde touche hem, he ſhal be aarmyd wiþ yren, and ſpeer tree; and wiþ fier tend vp, þei ſhulen be brent vnto nouȝt. Þes þe names of þe ſtronge men of Dauid. Dauid ſittynge in þe chayer, mooſt wiſe prynce among þree; he is as a mooſt tendre litil werme of a tree, þe which eiȝt hundrid ſlewȝ wiþ a bure. Aftir þis Eliazar, þe ſone of his vncle Abohy; among þe þree ſtronge, þat weren wiþ Dauid, whanne þei reproueden to Philiſteym, and þei ben gederid þidir into bateil. And whanne þe men of Yrael hadden ſtiede vp, he ſtood, and ſmoot þe Philiſteis, to þe tyme þat his hoond failide, and wexe heuy wiþ þe ſwerd. And þe Lord dide greet heelþ in þat day; and þe puple þat fleiȝ is turned aȝen to þe ſpoilis of þe ſleyn men to be wiþdrawen. After þis Semma, þe ſone of Age, of Arary. And Philiſteis ben gedrid in þe ſtacioun; forſoþe þere was þere a feelde ful of corn; and whanne þe puple hadde flowen fro þe face of Philiſteis, he ſtood in þe mydil of þe feeld, and reſcuwid it; and he ſmoot þe Philiſteis, and þe Lord made a greet heelþ. Alſo and before wenten doun þe þree, þat weren princis amonge þretti, and camen in tyme of rijp to Dauid into þe ſpelunk of Odollam. Forſoþe þe tentis of Philiſteis weren ſett in þe valey of geauntis. And Dauid was in þe ſtrengþ; forſoþe þe ſtacioun of Philiſtees þanne was in Beþlem. Dauid deſiride þanne þe watir of þe laak, and ſeiþ, If eny man wolde ȝyue to me drynke of þe watir of þe ſyſtern, þat is in Beþleem, biſide þe ȝaat. Þanne breken out þree ſtronge men þe tentis of Philiſteis, and drewen water of þe ſiſtern of Beþleem, þat was biſide þe ȝaat, and brouȝten to Dauid; and he wolde not drynke, but offride it to þe Lord, ſeiynge, Merciful be to me þe Lord, leſt Y doo þis; wheþer þe blood of þes men, þat ben goon forþ, and þe perile of lyues I ſhal drynke? Þanne he wolde not drynke. Þes þingis diden þe þree mooſt ſtronge. Forſoþe Abiſay, þe broþer of Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, was prince of þe þree; he is þat reride his ſpere aȝens þre hundrid, whom he ſlewȝ, nemned in þe þree, and amonge þe þree þe nobler, and he was þe prince of hem; but vnto þe þree firſt men he ful cam not. And Banayas, þe ſone of Joiade, man mooſt ſtrong of greet werkes, of Capſeel, he ſmoot þe two lyouns of Moab; and he cam doun, and ſmoot a lioun in þe mydil ciſtern in þe dais of ſnowȝ. Forſoþe he ſlewȝ an Egipcian man worþi beholdynge, hauynge in þe hoond a ſpere; and ſo whanne he was comyn doun to hym in a ȝerd, bi force he pullide out þe ſpere fro þe hoond of þe Egipcien, and he ſlewȝ hym wiþ his ſpeere. Þes þingis dide Banayas, þe ſone of Joiade; and he namyd among þe þree ſtronge, þat weren amonge þe þretti nobler; neuerþelater vnto þe þree he ful cam not. And Dauid made hym to hym a ſecretarie of pryuete. Aſahel, þe broþer of Joab, among þe þretti; Elianan, þe ſone of his eem, of Beþleem; Seruma, of Arary; Elka, of Arodi; Helias, of Phelu; Hyra, þe ſone of Aches, of Thekua; Abiazer, of Anaþoþ; Nobanay, of Vſaþi; Selmon Acoþes; Macharoy Neþophatites; Eled, þe ſone of Baana, and he Neþophatite; Hitai, þe ſone of Rabai, of Jebeeþ, of þe ſonis of Beniamyn; Banai Affrotonyte; Heddai, of þe ſtreem of Gaas; Albiabon Arbachite; Aſmanech, of Berromy; Elyala, of Sobony; þe ſones of Jonaþan, and Jeſon; Semma, of Horodi; Hayam, þe ſone of Saray, Saratite; Elipheleþ, þe ſone of Saaſbai, þe ſonys of Maachati; Heliam, þe ſone of Achitophel, Gilonyte; Eſrai, of Carmeel; Pharai, of Arbi; Igaal, þe ſone of Naþa, of Soba; Bony, of Gaddi; Selech, of Ammony; Naamy Beroþite, þe ſquyer of Joab, þe ſone of Saruye; Ira Yatrite; Gareb, and he Yatrite; Vrie Eþee; alle, ſeuen and þretti.

Capitulum XXIIII.


And þe woodnes of þe Lord addide to be wrooþ aȝens Irael, and ſtiride Dauid in hem, ſeiynge to Joab, Go, and noumbre Yrael and Juda. And þe kyng ſeide to Joab, prince of his ooſt, Go þurȝ alle þe lynagis of Irael fro Dan vnto Berſabe, and noumbreþ þe puple, þat I knowe þe noumbre of it. And Joab ſeide to þe kyng, Þe Lord þi God eeche to þi puple, as myche as it is now, and eft encrees it to þe hundred ſo myche in þe ſiȝt of my lord þe kyng; but what to hym wole my lord þe kyng in ſiche a maner þing? Forſoþe þe word of þe kyng hadde þe ouer hoond aȝens þe wordis of Joab, and of þe princis of þe ooſt; and Joab wente out, and þe princis of knyȝtis, fro þe face of þe kyng; and þei noumbren þe puple of Yrael. Whanne þei hadden paſſid ouer Jordan, þei camen into Aroer, at þe riȝt half of þe citee þat is in þe valey of Gad; and bi Jaſer þei paſſiden into Galaad, and into þe neþer loond of Odſi, and camen into þe wodi placis of Dan; and goynge about beſide Sidon þei paſſiden nyȝ þe walles of Tyri, and al þe loond of Euey, and of Chananei; and þei camen into þe ſowþ of Juda, into Berſabe. And paſſid al þe loond, þei weren after nyne moneþis and twenty dais comen into Jeruſalem. Þanne Joab ȝaf þe noumbre of þe diſcryuynge of þe puple to þe kyng. And þere ben founden of Yrael nyn hundrid þouſandis of ſtronge men, þe whiche myȝten drawe out ſwerd; and of Juda fyue hundrid þouſandis of fiȝtynge men. Forſoþe þe herte of Dauid ſmoot hym, aftir þat þe puple is noumbred; Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, I haue ſynned greetli in þis deede; but I preye, Lord, þat þou bere ouer þe wickidnes of þi ſeruaunt, for foleli I haue doo to myche. And ſo Dauid roos eerli, and þe word of þe Lord is maad to Gad, þe prophete and ſeear, ſeiynge, Go, and ſpek to Dauid, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Of þree þingis to þee is ȝouun choys; chees oon, þat þou wolt of þes, þat I doo to þee. And whanne Gad was comen to Dauid, he toold to hym, ſeiynge, Ouþer ſeuen ȝeer ſhal come to þee hungre in þi loond; or þree moneþis þou ſhalt flee þin aduerſaries, and þei ſhulen purſue þee; or certeyn þree days peſtilence ſhal be in þi loond; now þanne delyuer, and ſee, what word I ſhal anſwere to hym þat ſente me. Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Gad, I am conſtreyned ful myche on alle ſides; but beter it is þat I falle into þe hoondis of þe Lord, forſoþe manye ben þe mercies of hym, þan in þe hoondis of men. And þe Lord ſente yn peſtilence into Irael fro eerli vnto þe ſet tyme; and þere ben deed of þe puple fro Dan vnto Berſabee ſeuenti þouſandis of men. And whanne þe aungel of þe Lord hadde ſtrauȝt out his hoond vpon Jeruſalem, þat he ſcater it, þe Lord hadde rewþ vpon þe tourmentynge; and he ſeiþ to þe aungel ſmytynge þe puple, Yt ſuffiſiþ now; wiþhoold þin hoond. Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord was beſide þe corn flore of Arewna of Jebuſei. And Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, whanne he hadde ſeen þe aungel ſleynge þe puple, I am þat haue ſynnede, and I wykidli dide; þes þat ben ſheep, what diden þei? I biſeche, be þin hoond turned aȝens me, and aȝens þe hows of my fader. Forſoþe Gad, þe prophete, cam to Dauid in þat day, and ſeide to hym, Stye vp, and ordeyn an auter to þe Lord in þe corn flore of Arewna of Jebuſei. And Dauid ſtiede vp, after þe word of Gad, þe which þe Lord hadde comaundide to hym. And beholdynge Arewne vndurſtoode þe kyng and his ſeruauntis to comen ouer to hym; and, goon out, he honourde þe kyng, bowid þe cheere into þe erþe; and ſeiþ, What of cauſe is, þat my lord þe kyng comeþ to his ſeruaunt? To whom Dauid ſeiþ, Þat I bye of þee þe corn flore, and bilde an auter to þe Lord, and cees þe ſlauȝter, þat is ful plenteuous in þe puple. And Arewna ſeiþ to Dauid, Tak, and offre my lord kyng, as it pleſiþ to him; haſt þou oxen into brent ſacrifice, and a wayn, and ȝockis of oxen into þe vſe of trees? Arewna ȝaf alle þingis to þe king. And Arewna ſeide to þe king, Þe Lord þi God take þi vowe. To whom anſweringe þe king ſeiþ, Not as þou wolt, but I ſhal bye bi prijs of þee, and I ſhal not offre to þe Lord my God brent ſacrifice freeli ȝeuen. Þan Dauid bouȝte þe corn flore for ſexe hundrid ſiclis of gold, and þe oxen for fifti ſiclis of ſiluer. And Dauid bilde þere an auter to þe Lord, and he offride brent ſacrifices and peſible; and þe Lord is pleſid aȝen to þe loond, and þe veniaunce is forfendyd fro Yrael.

Here endiþ þe ſecounde book of Kingis, and bigynneþ þe þridde book.