Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow/Letter XV

Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow:
One of The Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

by Eliza Roxcy Snow
Letter XV
188323Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow:
One of The Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
— Letter XV
Eliza Roxcy Snow

Letter XV.




Home again. Reception by friends.

BBIGHAM CITY, JULY STH, 1873. Editor Deseret News:

About 7 p. m. yesterday, President L. Snow, on his return from the "Holy Land," was met at Brigham Junction, four miles from here, by Judge Wright, Bishop Nichols, the mayor and the city council, together with a large company of ladies and gentlemen, with the Brigham City Brass Band; also a representation of the Sunday School, the superintendent and associate teachers bearing a magnificent banner with appropriate mottoes. On arriving at the station, the Central Pacific train shortly appeared. On President Snow alighting from the cars, welcome strains of music were poured forth from the brass band. As he approached, the gentlemen took off their hats and warmly greeted him. The passengers on the Central Pacific train seemed to be inspired with the spirit of the occasion, as they waved hats and handkerchiefs in concert with those of the reception party.

After President Snow had shaken hands cordially with each one of the company, Judge Wright, in behalf of the citizens, delivered an appropriate address, welcoming him home, etc., to which he briefly responded, return- ing thanks for this unexpected honor, and alluded to his tour through many countries, and journey of some twenty-five thousand miles without a single accident; had seen much, and often highly gratified with various scenes and objects of curiosity, but nothing had impressed his feelings so pleasantly as this meeting with his Brigham City friends.

The vehicles were presently in motion, under the soul-stirring music, which loudly echoed along the Wasatch mountains; the procession pro- ceeded for three quarters of an hour in the bright moonlight evening, when it reached President Snow's residence. He was here met by a large con- course of citizens of all ages, anxious to manifest, personally, their earnest feelings of welcome. The ceremonies of reception were here closed by an appropriate tune from the brass band, when all dispersed to their homes.