Blackwood's Magazine/Volume 1/Issue 2/Act of the Lords of Council

3088982Blackwood's Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 2 (May 1817) — Act of the Lords of Council1817


Respecting John Faw, &c. Jun. 6. 1511.

(Referred to at page 161.)

The quhilk day anentis the complaintis gevin in be Jhone Faw and his brether, and Sebastiane Lowlaw, Egiptianis, to the Kingis Grace, ilkane pleinzeand vpoun vther of diverse faltis and Iniuris; And that It is aggreit amang thame to passe hame, and to haue the samyn decydit before the Duke of Egipt. The Lordis of Counsale being avisit with the pointis of the saidis compluiutis, and vnderstanding perfitlie the gret thiftis and scathis done be the saidis Egiptianis vpoun our soverane Lordis lieges, quhairuer thae cum or resortis; Ordanis letters to be direct to the provestis and bailies of Edinburgh, Sanct Johnstoun, Dundee, Monross, Aberdene, Sactandrois, Elgin, Forress, and Inuerness; And to the Schirefis of Edinburgh, Fif, Perth, Forfair, Kincardin, Aberdene, Elgyn and Foress, Banf, Crummarty, Inuerness, And all vtheris schirefis, stewartis, provestis, and bailies, quhair it happinnis the saidis Egiptianis to resort; To command and charge thame, be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croces of the heid burgh of the schirefdomes, to depart furth of this realme, with their wifis, barnis, and companies, within xxx dayis efter thai be chargit therto, vnder the pane of deid; Notwithstanding ony vtheris letters, or privelegis, granted to thame be the Kingis Grace; Becaus his Grace, with avise of the lordis, lies dischargit the samyn for the causis forsaidis; with certificatioun and thai be fundin in this realme, the saidis xxx dayis being past, thai salbe tane and put to deid.

(MS. Act. Dom. Con. vol. 15. fol. 155.)