Blythsome bridal, or, the lass wi' the gowden hair (1)/A New Touch on the Times


GEORGE he is the mildeſt King,
that ever ſat on Britain's throne,
Behold how wiſely he has acted,
to his ſubjects every one

But we're of a rebellious nature,
and our minds are ne'er content,
Likewiſe the moſt of our reflections
are on the King and Parliament.

There's Quakers, New-lights, Independents,
Methodiſts, and Swadlers too,
Thoſe Minions and Finions,
are they not a filthy crew.

Thoſe Hypocrites they live amongſt us,
our R-ligion they deſpiſe,
Empty fools without foundation,
neither loyal, juſt, nor wiſe.

Our Churchmen they are little better,
if the truth it were well known,
They take the King for Britain's head,
but part of's law they will not own.

’Tis brotherly love's gone from amongſt us,
neighbours they cannot agree,
They ſpend their money on the law,
and bring themſelves to poverty.

'Tis reck'ning, ſharping, and deceiving,
’tis hard to find a man that's juſt;
Becauſe they ſeldom find the way,
to pay the thing they take in truſt.

There's dicemen, ſhowmen, mountain-ſailors,
people pretending to be dumb;
Fortune-tellers, and quack-doctors,
by ſuch vagrants we're undone.

Our merchants buy up meal and corn,
beef and butter. and our cheeſe,
Sends it out to foreign countries,
for to maintain our enemies.

But now of late we are informed,
that their ſhips are pris’ners ta'en,
Who were going with proviſion,
the French army to maintain.

The French have got our men and money,
deny this neighbours if you dare,
And for your thanks you plainly ſee,
they reward you with open war.

Dutchmen too that treach'rous crew,
for preſervation of their trade,
They promis'd to aſiſt the French,
altho' they were with us in league.

Before the war, diſtreſs'd and poor,
both high and mighty now they're grown,
To them we gave a great collection,
and had no power to help our own.

Foreigners we did encourage,
ay dear neighbour that is truth;
Good Scotch-ale and Highland-whiſky,
had no reliſh in our mouth.

Brandy and rum we chuſe to drink,
and many a coſtly thing beſide,
There's nothing that appears amongſt us,
but perfect poverty and pride.

Now obſerve the pride of women,
how they walk with ſuch an air,
With ribbons, rings, ruffles and fans,
capuchines and foreheads bare.

Our ſervant-maids are now ſo proud,
they do reſemble their Ladies near,
They have ſo many new made dreſſes,
they ſcarce can tell what garb to wear.

Painting and patches for their faces,
in the faſhion they muſt be;
The pooreſt wife in all the town,
each morning ſhe muſt have her tea.

Our men are grown ſo void of reaſon,
often leaves their wedded wife,
Cauſing for to keep up a miſs,
they're weary'd of a marry'd life.

Women for to leave their huſbands,
is not that a double ſin,
Enough to bring on us a judgement,
and conſume the land we're in.

O grant us peace and unity,
for certainly we may conſider,
That now the world is near an end,
for each man ſtrives to cheat another.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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