Blythsome bridal/The Blythsome Bridal

3275615Blythsome bridal — The Blythsome Bridal

FY let us a’ to the Bridal,
For there will be lilting there,
For Jock’s to be marry’d to Maggy,
The lass wi’ the gouden hair.
And there will be lang kail and pottage.
And bannocks o’ barley meal:
And there will be good sa’t herrings.
To relish a cog o’ good ale.

Fy let us a’ to the Bridal, &c.

And there will be Sandy the souter,
And Will wi’ the meikle mou’
And there will be Tam the butler,
With Andrew the Tinker I trow,
And there will be bow’d legged Robbie,
With thumbless Katty’s goodman:
And there will be blue cheeked Dowbie,
And Lourie the laird of the land.

And there will be sow libber Patie.
Plucky fac’d Wat i' the mill,
apper-nos’d Patie and Gibbie,
That wins in the how o’ the hill ;
And there will be Alaster Sibbie,
Wha in wi’ black Bessy did mooll,
With snivelling Lilly and Tibby,
The lass that stands aft on the stool.

And Madge that was buckled Steenie
And coft him grey breeks to his arse
Wha after was hangit for stealing
Great mercy it happen’d na warse;
And there will be gleed Geordy Janners,
And Kirst wi' the lily white leg,
Wha gade to the south for manners,
And bang'd up her wame in Mona Meg.

And there will be Judan Maclawrie,
And blinking daft Barbra Macleg,
Wi’ flae lugged sharney fac’d Lawrie,
And shangy mou’d haluket Meg,
And there will be happer ars’d Nancy,
And fairie fac’d Flowrie by name,
With Madie, and fat hippet Girsy,
The lass wi’ the gouden wame.

And there will be girn again Gibbie,
Wi’ his glaiket wife Jenny Bell,
And misle shin’d Mango Macapie,
The lad that was skipper himsel.
There lads and lasses in pearling.
Will feast in the heart of the ha’,
On sybows, and rifarts and carlings,
That are baith sodden and raw,

And there will be sadings brochan,
Wi' fouth o’ gude gabbocks o’ skate.
Powsoddy, and drummock, and crowdy
And caller nowt feet in a plate.
And there will be partans aad buckies,
And whytens and speldens enew,
With sing’d sheep-heads and a haggies,
And scadlips to sup till ye spew.

And there will be lapper’d milk kebbucks,
And sowens, and farls, and baps,
With swats and scraped paunches,
And brandy in stoups and in caps,
And there will be meal kail and custocks,
With skink to sup till we rive,
And roasts to roast on a brander,
Of fleuks that were taken alive.

Scrapt haddocks, wilks, dulse, and tangle,
And a mill of good snishing to prie ;
When weary with eatinT and drinking,
We’ll rise up and dance till we die.
Then fy let us a’ to the bridal,
For there will be lilting there,
For Jock’s to be married to Maggy,
The lass wi’ the gouden hair.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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