Bohemian legends and other poems/Made of the Earth

Folk song

2961418Bohemian legends and other poems — ⁠ Made of the Earth1896Flora Pauline Wilson Kopta


Made of the earth, to earth I came
And on the earth my senses found,
Well contented that the same
Earth should be my burying ground.
Lord make me happy then,
Lord make me happy then.

Where, ah, where, are the loving hands
Of my long-lost tender mother,
Who rocked me with hopeful hands
And loved me as no other.
When I was a wee one,
When I was a wee one.

They are no more, alas! no more!
Long they sleep in the cold, dark earth;
How forget the love they bore
To me, and their honest worth.
How thank all their goodness,
How thank all their goodness.