Bonnie baby Livingstone/The twa martyrs' widows

Bonnie baby Livingstone (1840–1850)
The twa Martyrs' Widows

Dated from internal and external evidence.

3199639Bonnie baby Livingstone — The twa Martyrs' Widows1840-1850


Sit down, sit down by thy martyr’s side,
And I’se sit down by mine;
And I shall speak o’ him to my Gude,
And thou may speak o’ thine.

It’s wae to thee, and it’s wae wi’ me,
For our day o’ peace is gane,
And we maun sit wi’ a tearfu’ e’e,
In our bouroch-ha’ alane.

O Scotland! Scotland, it’s wae to thee,
When thy lichts are ta’en awa’;
And it’s wae, it’s wae to a sinfu’ lan’,
When the richteous sae maun fa’.

It was a halie covenant aith
We made wi’ our Gude to keep;
And it’s for the halie covenant vow,
That we maun sit and weep.

O wha will gang to yon hill-side,
To sing the psalm at e’en?
And wha will speak o’ the luve o our Gude?
For the cov’nant reft hath been.

The gerse may grow on yon bonnie hill-tap,
And the heather sweetly blume:
But there nae mair we sall sit at e’en,
For our hearts are in the tomb.

The hectic glow is upo’ my cheek,
And the lily hue on thine;
Thou sune will lie by thy martyr’s side,
And sune I sall sleep by mine.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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