Book of Halloween/Supplementary List of Readings, Recitations and Plays

1558579Book of Halloween — Supplementary List of Readings, Recitations and PlaysRuth Edna Kelley

Supplementary List of Readings, Recitations, and Plays

Title Author Source
All Hallowe'en (story)   All the Year Round, 60:347
All Souls' Eve (story) Hopper Eng. Illus. Mag., 18:225
All Souls' Eve (story) Lyall Temple Bar., 124:379
Black cat (story) Poe  
Boogah Man Dunbar Eldridge Entertainment House
Brier-Rose (story) Grimm Fairy tales
Broomstick brigade J. T. Wagner Barclay St., N. Y. City
Bud's fairy tale (poem) Riley Child-world
Children's Play with musical accompaniment   Musician, 16:693
Corn-song (poem) Whittier  
Elder-tree mother (story) Andersen Fairy tales
Fairies (poem) Allingham  
Fairy and witch (play) Nelson Eldridge Entertainment House.
Feast of the little lanterns (operetta) Bliss  
Fisherman and the genie (story)   Arabian Nights
Ghost (story) O'Connor  
Ghosts I have met Bangs  
Ghost's touch (story) Collins  
Golden arm (story) Clemens How to tell a story
Goblin stone (play) Wickes Child's Book, p. 127
Guess who (song and drill) Murray Eldridge Entertainment House
Hallowe'en adventure (story) McDonald Canad. Mag., 12:61
Hallowe'en adventure (play) Koogle Eldridge Entertainment House
Hallowe'en frolic (poem) Cone St. N. 20 pt. 1:15
Haunted gate (play) Wormwood Eldridge Entertainment House
Home in the wood (story) Grimm Fairy tales
Little Butterkin (story) Asbjornsen Fairy tales from the far north
Little Donna Juana (story) Brooks  
Mother Goose recital   Musician, 21:633
Nix of the mill-pond (story) Grimm Fairy tales
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (story) Barrie  
Rapunzel (story) Grimm Fairy tales
Red shoes (story) Andersen Fairy tales
Scarecrows a-roaming (play)   Eldridge Entertainment House
Seein' things (poem) Field Love songs of childhood
Snow-white (story) Grimm Fairy tales
Straw phantom (pantomime) Blackall St. N., 44:1133
Testing of Sir Gawayne (play) Merinpton Festival plays, p. 211
Voyage of Bran Meyer  
Walpurgisnight (story) Zschokke  
Wind in the rose-bush (story) Freeman