Book of Mormon (Plain English Version)/2 Nephi/Chapter 15

Isaiah's latter-day description of drought and invasion...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 15)

Then I will sing to my beloved a song about His vineyard:

In a good land, He fenced it, cleared out the stones and planted it with the best vines. He built a watchtower in the middle and put in a winepress. Then He watched for good fruit, but the vineyard only brought forth wild grapes.

Now the Lord asks Israel's descendants,

"How well have I taken care of you in all parts of the earth? What more could I have done for you--what have I left undone? When I looked for good fruit, I found only wild grapes.
So now I will take away' the hedge and let it be eaten up. I will break down the wall and let it be trampled.
Your lands will be made desolate from the droughts I will send. I will not care for my vineyard, but allow briars and thorns to grow up all over it.”

The Lord's vineyard is the house of Israel throughout the earth, and the tribe of Judah is a pleasant plant. But when the Lord looked for fair judgment, He only saw oppressive leaders. When He looked for righteousness, He only saw people crying out for justice.

Cursed are those who join house to house until there is no place left, and they are compelled to gather in the center of the land! I know they will be cursed because the Lord of Hosts told me, Isaiah,

"Many great cities will be emptied of their people, and ten acres will produce very little food.”

Cursed are those who get up in the morning, pursuing strong drink all day and night, who revel in their own music and in their own ways, not caring about the Lord's work, nor about how He deals with His people.

Note: “strong drink" is the wine, or ways, of Babylon (2 Ne 27:4, D&C 88:94).

My people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge. Their leaders are starved, and they as a people have withered.

These multitudes of people will all descend into hell, along with all their glory, pomp and celebrating. For the unjust will be brought down, and those in high positions will be humbled.

Only the Lord of Hosts will be exalted, for God will show His holiness by His righteous judgments. After these judgments, His people will be fed in the wasted places of the wicked.

And cursed are the vain and sinful, who will bring on their own judgments by saying,

“Let the Lord hurry and do His work so we can see it. Let us see the counsel of the Holy One of Israel. Then we will know it is true."

Cursed are those who call evil good and good evil.

Cursed are those who consider themselves to be experts and full of knowledge.

Cursed are the mighty leaders who drink Babylon's wine (destructive ways), who are bribed by the wicked to take justice away from the righteous.

Because the Lord's people do these things, despising and throwing away His words and laws, they will be burned like dried weeds as their glory goes up in smoke. For the Lord is angry with His people and will stretch forth His hand against them.

Their hills will tremble, and their dead bodies will be torn apart by dogs in their streets. After all this destruction, the Lord's anger will not be turned away, but His judgments will continue. The Lord will lift up an ensign--will hiss unto (call) the enemy--from a far off nation. The enemy will come quickly, without getting tired and without a wrong step. The enemy's army will not stop to sleep nor to set up camps along the way. Their weapons will be ready as they come in swift, loud transports.

Note: Compare this invasion description to 2 Nephi 17:18-20, 18:7, and 23:4-9.

They will capture those who would not flee to Zion, like a young lion capturing her prey, and no one will be able to free them.

Note: The resurrected Savior told the Nephites of this "young lion warning" to the Gentiles in the last days...
"...if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people—Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who...teareth in places, and none can deliver (3 Nephi 20:15-16).
This was actually the Savior’s second warning to the Gentiles. His first was about Gentiles being "trodden down" if they do not repent after sinning against the gospel, after rejecting its fulness because of pride (3 Nephi 16:10-15). The Savior warned the Gentiles yet a third time, again using the “young lion" analogy (3 Nephi 21:12).

These armies will come down against them like the roaring of the sea. Then darkness and sorrow will fill the land, and light from heaven will not be given.