Book of Mormon (Plain English Version)/Ether/Chapter 1

4096355Book of Mormon (Plain English Version) — Ether Chapter 1Timothy B. Wilson


The Jaredite history...
(compare Ether, chapter 1)

Now I, Moroni, will begin engraving my account of those ancient people who lived for about 1,600 years in the northern lands before annihilating themselves. I take my account from the 24 gold plates called The Book of Ether, found by Limhi's men.

I know that the Jews have the first part of this record already--the part about the creation of the world, and of Adam and Eve and their descendants, until the time of the great tower. Therefore, I will not write that part. However, that account is on these 24 plates, and whoever finds them will be given the power to read the full account.

I will begin with the genealogy of these people, from the time of the tower, until the time they destroyed themselves during Ether's day.

Ether, who wrote this record, was a descendant of Coriantor, son of Moron, whose direct line of genealogy (going backwards) is as follows:

Ethem, son of Ahah, son of Seth.
Before Seth were Shiblon, Com, Coriantum, Amnigaddah, and Aaron, a descendant of Heth, son of Hearthom, son of Lib.

Before Lib were Kish, Corom, Levi, Kim, and Morianton, a descendant of Riplakish. Before Riplakish were Shez, Heth, Com, Coriantum, Emer, Omer, Shule, Kib, Orihah and Jared.

Jared and his brother, their families, and other families, came from the great tower in 2200 BC, when the Lord confused the language of the people and vowed in His wrath to scatter them over all the face of the earth.

Jared's brother was a large, strong man, highly favored by the Lord. Jared asked his brother to ask the Lord not to confuse their language. Jared's brother did as his brother asked, and the Lord had compassion on Jared and his brother and did not confuse their language.

Then Jared said to his brother, "Pray again to the Lord, asking Him to turn away His anger from our friends, so that their language will not be confused either."

Jared did this, and their friends' and families' language was not confused. Then Jared asked his brother to ask the Lord whether or not they were going to be driven out of the land, and if they were to be driven out, where they should go. Jared wondered if the Lord would take them to a new land--perhaps more choice than any other. He told his brother, "If we are to be led to a choice land, let us be faithful to the Lord so that we may receive it for our inheritance."

Jared's brother prayed to the Lord as Jared had asked him. The Lord heard Jared's brother, and had compassion on him. He said,

"Gather your flocks together, both male and female of every kind. Also gather all types of seeds. Gather your family, Jared's family, and your friends' families. Lead them all down into the valley to the north. I will meet you there and will go before you into a land more choice than any other. In that choice land, I will bless you and your descendants and raise up a great nation, and none will be greater in all the earth. I will do this because you have prayed to me so diligently.”