Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Bouverie, Henry Frederick

1904 Errata appended.

753682Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 06 — Bouverie, Henry Frederick1886Henry Morse Stephens

BOUVERIE, Sir HENRY FREDERICK (1783–1852), general, was the third son of the Hon. Edward Bouverie, of Delapré Abbey, near Northampton, M.P. for Salisbury from 1761 to 1775, and for Northampton from 1790 to 1807, who was the second son of Sir Jacob Bouverie, first Viscount Folkestone, and brother of the first Earl of Radnor. Henry Frederick was born on 11 July 1783. He was gazetted an ensign in the 2nd or Coldstream guards on 23 Oct. 1799, and served with the brigade of guards under Sir Ralph Abercromby in Egypt. In 1807 he acted as aide-de-camp to the Earl of Rosslyn at Copenhagen, and in 1809 accompanied Sir Arthur Wellesley to Portugal in the same capacity, and was present at the Douro and at Talavera. He acted for a short time as military secretary, but on being promoted captain and lieutenant-colonel in June 1810 he gave up his post on Lord Wellington's personal staff, and was appointed to the staff of the army as assistant adjutant-general to the fourth division. He was present at the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, the Nive, and Orthes, and at the storming of San Sebastian, and was particularly mentioned in both Sir Rowland Hill's and the Marquis of Wellington's despatches for his services at the battle of the Nive. On the conclusion of the war he was made an extra aide-de-camp to the king and a colonel in the army in June 1814, and a K.C.B. in January 1815. He was promoted major-general in 1825, and was appointed governor and commander-in-chief of the island of Malta on 1 Oct. 1836. His governorship, which he retained till June 1843, was uneventful, and at its close he was made a G.C.M.G. He had been promoted lieutenant-general in 1838, appointed colonel of the 97th regiment in 1843, and made a G.C.B. on 6 April 1852. Just as he was preparing to leave his country seat, Woolbeding House, near Midhurst in Sussex, to attend the funeral of his old commander-in-chief, the Duke of Wellington, apparently in his usual health, he suddenly fell ill from excitement and sorrow, and died on 14 Nov. 1852.

[Royal Military Calendar; Times, Obituary Notice, 17 Nov. 1852.]

H. M. S.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.33
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
36 ii 9 Bouverie, Sir Henry F.: for 1775 read 1771
10 for 1807 read 1810
16 f.e. after colonel insert of the 1st West India regiment in 1842 and