From volume 2 of the work.


A title given to certain works and documents:

  • Bulla, the charter of emperor Charles IV, establishing (10 January, 1356), in union with the estates of the empire, the law of future imperial elections.
  • Catena, a collection of Scriptural commentaries made by St. Thomas Aquinas.
  • Legenda, a collection of lives of saints (legendae) by Jacopo da Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa in the thirteenth century.
  • Summa Hostiensis, also Summa Archiepiscopi, a famous exposition of the principal parts of the Decretals of Gregory IX, by Henricus de Segusio, Cardinal of Ostia (d. 1271).
  • Tabula, an index to the "Summa Theologica" of St. Thomas Aquinas prepared by Pietro da Bergamo.