Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Parœcopolis

104992Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — ParœcopolisSophron Pétridès

A titular see of Macedonia, suffragan of Thessalonica. It is mentioned by Ptolemy (III, 13, 30) as being in Sintice, a part of Macedonia, and by Phlegon "Fragm. histor. gr." ed. Didot, III, 609). Hierocles (Synecdemus, 639, 8) and Constantine Porphyrogenitus (De thematibus, 2) call it Parthicopolis, but the second locates it in Thrace. Stephanus Byzantius calls it Parthenopolis and relates according to Theagenes the legend of its foundation by Geræstus, son of Mygdon, said to have named the city in honour of his two daughters. Pliny (IV, xi) has the same name, but places it in Thrace. Its bishop, Jonas or John, assisted at the Council of Sardica (342 or 343); at the Council of Chalcedon (451) there was present John "Parthicopolis primæ Macedoniæ" (Le Quien, "Oriens christianus", II, 75). This see is not mentioned in any of the Greek "Notitiæ episcopatuum".

S. Pétridès.