Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern/Annotated/Eya Jesus hodie natus est de Virgine

This is a version of Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern/Eya Jesus hodie natus est de Virgine that has been annotated by the Wikisource community.

1990098Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern — Eya Jesus hodie natus est de VirgineWilliam Sandys


Blyssid be yᵗ mayde mary,
born he was of her body,
godis sone yᵗ syttit on hy,

ex uirili semine.

In a manjor of an as
Jηu lay & lullyd was,
harde peynis for to pas,

peccante homine.

Kyngs comỹ fro dyvesse londe,
Wᵗ grete ȝyfts in þer honde,
In bedlem yᵉ child yey fonde,

Stella ducte lumı̅e.

Man & chyld bothe eld & ying
Now in his blysful comyng,
to yᵗ chyld now we syng

gɫa dñe.

Nowel, nowel, in yis halle,
Make merye I prey ȝu alle,
On to yᵗ chyld may we calle,

ullo sine crimine.
