Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes/Chronological Table/10Geo2

Year, statute, and chapter. Subject-matter. How repealed or otherwise determined, wholly or in part
10 Geo. 2. (1736–7).    
c. 1.   Taxation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
c. 2.   Mutiny Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
c. 3.   Land tax Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
cc. 4–7.   [Local.]  
c. 8.   Stockjobbing Rep., 23 & 24 Vict. c. 28.
cc. 9–12.   [Local.]  
c. 13.   Indemnity Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
c. 14.   Relief of shipwrecked mariners Rep., 6 Geo. 4. c. 87. s. 16.
cc. 15, 16   [Local.]  
c. 17.   National debt Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1870.
c. 18.   [Local.]  
c. 19.   Plays Rep., 6 & 7 Vict. c. 68. s. 1.
cc. 20–25.   [Local.]  
c. 26.   Insolvent debtors relief Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
c. 27.   Customs, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
c. 28.   Plays Rep., 6 & 7 Vict. c. 68. s. 1.
c. 29.   Prince & Princess of Wales Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
c. 30.   Customs Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
c. 31.   Thames watermen Rep., 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. lxxv. s. 1.
c. 32.   Offences against persons & property Rep., 1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 32. s. 1.
cc. 33, 34.   [Local or personal.]  
c. 35.   Murderers of Captain Porteous Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1867.
cc. 36, 37   [Local or personal.]