Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes/Chronological Table/24Geo3

Year, statute, and chapter. Subject-matter. How repealed or otherwise determined, wholly or in part
24 Geo. 3. Sess. 1 (1783–4).    
c. 1.   Malt duties Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 2.   Trade with America Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 3.   East India Company Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 4.   Land tax Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 5.   [Local.]  
c. 6.   Postage Rep.,7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 32. s. 1.
c. 7.   Bills of exchange, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
cc. 8, 9.   [Local.]  
c. 10.   Land tax Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 11.   Mutiny Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 12.   Removal of prisoners, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 13.   Militia pay, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 14.   Exportation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 15.   Trade with America Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 16.   Papists Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 17.   Marine mutiny Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
cc. 18–34.   [Local.]  
24 Geo. 3. Sess. 2. (1784).    
c. 1.   Trade with America Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 2.   East India Company Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 3.   Wool : Yarn Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
cc. 4. 5.   [Local.]  
c. 6.   Exercise of trade by soldiers, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 7.   Customs, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 8.   Postage Rep., 7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 32. s. 1.
c. 9.   Customs Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 10.   National debt Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1870.
c. 11.   Duties upon candles Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 12.   [Personal.]  
c. 13.   Audit of public accounts Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 14.   Composition for a Crown debt Spent.
c. 15.   [Local.]  
c. 16.   Customs Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 17.   [Local.]  
c. 18.   Paper duties Rep., 2 & 3 Vict. c. 23. s. 67.
c. 19.   Manufacture of leather Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 20.   Goldsmiths : Plate.  
c. 21.   Hat manufacture Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 22.   [Personal.]  
c. 23.   Trade with America Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 24.   Duties on bricks & tiles Rep., 2 & 3 Vict. c. 24. s. 1.
c. 25.   Evidence : India Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1872.
c. 26.   House of Commons (election) Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 27.   Hackney coaches Rep., 1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 22. s. 1.
c. 28.   Bounty for taking L'Amazone Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 29.   Fortifications.  
c. 30.   Licences for retailing beer, &c. Rep.. Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 31.   Duties on horses Rep., 43 Geo. 3. c. 161. s. 84.
c. 32.   Bank of England Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1870.
c. 33.   Loans or Exchequer bills Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 34.   East India Company Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 35.   Clergy Rep. in part, 37 & 38 Vict. c. 77. s. 2.
c. 36.   Duties on candles Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 37.   National debt Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1870.
c. 38.   Taxation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 39.   National debt Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1870.
c. 40.   Duties on linens Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 41.   Duties on certain licences Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 42.   Pawnbrokers Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 43.   Game certificates Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 44.   Appropriation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 45.   Trade with British America Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 46.   Duties on spirits Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 47.   Smuggling Rep., 6 Geo. 4. c. 105.
c. 48.   Duties on starch and soap Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act. 1861.
c. 49.   Customs Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act. 1861.
c. 50.   Exportation, &c Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 51.   Hat duties, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 52.   Loans or Exchequer bills Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 53.   Plate Rep. in part—
25 Geo. 3. c. 64. s. 2.
30 Geo. 3. c. 31. s. 1.
Stat. Law Rev. Acts, 1861, 1871.
c. 54.   Gaols Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 55.   Houses of correction Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 56.   Transportation, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act. 1871.
c. 57.   Crown Lands (forfeited estates) Rep. in part, 35 Geo. 3. c. 69. s. 1.
c. 58.   Indemnity Rep., 34 & 35 Vict. c. 48.
cc. 59–70.   [Local.]