Code of Federal Regulations/Title 42/Chapter I/Part 84

From the U.S. Government Printing Office on GovInfo, revised as of October 1, 2003. (Commons file)

4551336Code of Federal RegulationsChapter I, PART 84—APPROVAL OF RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE DEVICESthe United States Government



Subpart A—General Provisions



84.1 Purpose.

84.2 Definitions.

84.3 Respirators for mine rescue or other emergency use in mines.

Subpart B—Application for Approval


84.10 Application procedures.

84.11 Contents of application.

84.12 Delivery of respirators and components by applicant; requirements.

Subpart C—Fees


84.20 Examination, inspection, and testing of complete respirator assemblies; fees.

84.21 Examination, inspection, and testing of respirator components or subassemblies; fees.

84.22 Unlisted fees; additional fees; payment by applicant prior to approval.

Subpart D—Approval and Disapproval


84.30 Certificates of approval; scope of approval.

84.31 Certificates of approval; contents.

84.32 Notice of disapproval.

84.33 Approval labels and markings; approval of contents; use.

84.34 Revocation of certificates of approval.

84.35 Changes or modifications of approved respirators; issuance of modification of certificate of approval.

84.36 Delivery of changed or modified approved respirator.

Subpart E—Quality Control


84.40 Quality control plans; filing requirements.

84.41 Quality control plans; contents.

84.42 Proposed quality control plans; approval by the Institute.

84.43 Quality control records; review by the Institute; revocation of approval.

Subpart F—Classification of Approved Respirators; Scope of Approval; Atmospheric Hazards; Service Time


84.50 Types of respirators to be approved; scope of approval.

84.51 Entry and escape, or escape only; classification.

84.52 Respiratory hazards; classification.

84.53 Service time; classification.

Subpart G—General Construction and Performance Requirements


84.60 Construction and performance requirements; general.

84.61 General construction requirements.

84.62 Component parts; minimum requirements. 84.63 Test requirements; general.

84.64 Pretesting by applicant; approval of test methods.

84.65 Conduct of examinations, inspections, and tests by the Institute; assistance by applicant; observers; recorded data; public demonstrations.

84.66 Withdrawal of applications; refund of fees.

Subpart H—Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus


84.70 Self-contained breathing apparatus; description.

84.71 Self-contained breathing apparatus; required components.

84.72 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

84.73 Harnesses; installation and construction; minimum requirements.

84.74 Apparatus containers; minimum requirements.

84.75 Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces, mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements.

84.76 Facepieces; eyepieces; minimum requirements.

84.77 Inhalation and exhalation valves; minimum requirements.

84.78 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

84.79 Breathing gas; minimum requirements.

84.80 Interchangeability of oxygen and air prohibited.

84.81 Compressed breathing gas and liquefied breathing gas containers; minimum requirements.

84.82 Gas pressure gages; minimum requirements.

84.83 Timers; elapsed time indicators; remaining service life indicators; minimum requirements.

84.84 Hand-operated valves; minimum requirements.

84.85 Breathing bags; minimum requirements.

84.86 Component parts exposed to oxygen pressures; minimum requirements.

84.87 Compressed gas filters; minimum requirements.

84.88 Breathing bag test.

84.89 Weight requirement.

84.90 Breathing resistance test; inhalation.

84.91 Breathing resistance test; exhalation.

84.92 Exhalation valve leakage test.

84.93 Gas flow test; open-circuit apparatus.

84.94 Gas flow test; closed-circuit apparatus.

84.95 Service time test; open-circuit apparatus.

84.96 Service time test; closed-circuit apparatus.

84.97 Test for carbon dioxide in inspired gas; open- and closed-circuit apparatus; maximum allowable limits.

84.98 Tests during low temperature operation.

84.99 Man tests; testing conditions; general requirements.

84.100 Man tests 1, 2, 3, and 4; requirements.

84.101 Man test 5; requirements.

84.102 Man test 6; requirements.

84.103 Man tests; performance requirements.

84.104 Gas tightness test; minimum requirements.


Subpart I—Gas Masks


84.110 Gas masks; description.

84.111 Gas masks; required components.

84.112 Canisters and cartridges in parallel; resistance requirements.

84.113 Canisters and cartridges; color and markings; requirements.

84.114 Filters used with canisters and cartridges; location; replacement. 84.115 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

84.116 Harnesses; installation and construction; minimum requirements.

84.117 Gas mask containers; minimum requirements.

84.118 Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces, and mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements. 84.119 Facepieces; eyepieces; minimum requirements.

84.120 Inhalation and exhalation valves; minimum requirements.

84.121 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

84.122 Breathing resistance test; minimum requirements.

84.123 Exhalation valve leakage test.

84.124 Facepiece tests; minimum requirements.

84.125 Particulate tests; canisters containing particulate filters; minimum requirements.

84.126 Canister bench tests; minimum requirements.


Subpart J—Supplied-Air Respirators


84.130 Supplied-air respirators; description.

84.131 Supplied-air respirators; required components.

84.132 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

84.133 Harnesses; installation and construction; minimum requirements.

84.134 Respirator containers; minimum requirements.

84.135 Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces, hoods, and helmets; fit; minimum requirements.

84.136 Facepieces, hoods, and helmets; eyepieces; minimum requirements.

84.137 Inhalation and exhalation valves; check valves; minimum requirements.

84.138 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

84.139 Head and neck protection; suppliedair respirators; minimum requirements.

84.140 Air velocity and noise levels; hoods and helmets; minimum requirements.

84.141 Breathing gas; minimum requirements.

84.142 Air supply source; hand-operated or motor driven air blowers; Type A supplied-air respirators; minimum requirements.

84.143 Terminal fittings or chambers; Type B supplied-air respirators; minimum requirements.

84.144 Hand-operated blower test; minimum requirements.

84.145 Motor-operated blower test; minimum requirements.

84.146 Method of measuring the power and torque required to operate blowers.

84.147 Type B supplied-air respirator; minimum requirements.

84.148 Type C supplied-air respirator, continuous-flow class; minimum requirements.

84.149 Type C supplied-air respirator, demand and pressure demand class; minimum requirements.

84.150 Air-supply line tests; minimum requirements.

84.151 Harness test; minimum requirements.

84.152 Breathing tube test; minimum requirements.

84.153 Airflow resistance test, Type A and Type AE supplied-air respirators; minimum requirements.

84.154 Airflow resistance test; Type B and Type BE supplied-air respirators; minimum requirements.

84.155 Airflow resistance test; Type C supplied-air respirator, continuous flow class and Type CE supplied-air respirator; minimum requirements.

84.156 Airflow resistance test; Type C supplied-air respirator, demand class; minimum requirements.

84.157 Airflow resistance test; Type C supplied-air respirator, pressure-demand class; minimum requirements.

84.158 Exhalation valve leakage test.

84.159 Man tests for gases and vapors; supplied-air respirators; general performance requirements.

84.160 Man test for gases and vapors; Type A and Type AE respirators; test requirements.

84.161 Man tests for gases and vapors; Type B and Type BE respirators; test requirements.

84.162 Man test for gases and vapors; Type C respirators, continuous-flow class and Type CE supplied-air respirators; test requirements.

84.163 Man test for gases and vapors; Type C supplied-air respirators, demand and pressure-demand classes; test requirements.


Subpart K—Non-Powered Air-Purifying Particulate Respirators


84.170 Non-powered air-purifying particulate respirators; description.

84.171 Non-powered air-purifying particulate respirators; required components.

84.172 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

84.173 Harnesses; installation and construction; minimum requirements.

84.174 Respirator containers; minimum requirements.

84.175 Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces, hoods, helmets, and mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements.

84.176 Facepieces, hoods, and helmets; eyepieces; minimum requirements.

84.177 Inhalation and exhalation valves; minimum requirements.

84.178 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

84.179 Non-powered air-purifying particulate respirators; filter identification.

84.180 Airflow resistance tests.

84.181 Non-powered air-purifying particulate filter efficiency level determination.