Code of Federal Regulations/Title 49/Chapter I/Part 172

Code of Federal Regulations
the United States Government
Title 49, Chapter 1, Part 172. Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, and training requirements

From the National Archives and Records Administration on GPO Access.

71969Code of Federal RegulationsTitle 49, Chapter 1, Part 172. Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, and training requirementsthe United States Government
Part 172—Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, and training requirements
  • Subpart A—General
  • Subpart B—Table of Hazardous Materials and Special Provisions
  • Subpart C—Shipping Papers
    • § 172.200. Applicability.
    • § 172.201. Preparation and retention of shipping papers.
    • § 172.202. Description of hazardous material on shipping papers.
    • § 172.203. Additional description requirements.
    • § 172.204. Shipper's certification.
    • § 172.205. Hazardous waste manifest.
  • Subpart D
    • § 172.300. Applicability.
    • § 172.301. General marking requirements for non-bulk packagings.
    • § 172.302. General marking requirements for bulk packagings.
    • § 172.303. Prohibited marking.
    • § 172.304. Marking requirements.
    • § 172.308. Authorized abbreviations.
    • § 172.310. Class 7 (radioactive) materials.
    • § 172.312. Liquid hazardous materials in non-bulk packagings.
    • § 172.313. Poisonous hazardous materials.
    • § 172.315. Packages containing limited quantities.
    • § 172.316. Packagings containing materials classed as ORM-D.
    • § 172.317. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT handling mark.
    • § 172.320. Explosive hazardous materials.
    • § 172.322. Marine pollutants.
    • § 172.323. Infectious substances.
    • § 172.324. Hazardous substances in non-bulk packagings.
    • § 172.325. Elevated temperature materials.
    • § 172.326. Portable tanks.
    • § 172.328. Cargo tanks.
    • § 172.330. Tank cars and multi-unit tank car tanks.
    • § 172.331. Bulk packagings other than portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank cars and multi-unit tank car tanks.
    • § 172.332. Identification number markings.
    • § 172.334. Identification numbers; prohibited display.
    • § 172.336. Identification numbers; special provisions.
    • § 172.338. Replacement of identification numbers.
  • Subpart E
    • § 172.400. General labeling requirements.
    • § 172.400a. Exceptions from labeling.
    • § 172.401. Prohibited labeling.
    • § 172.402. Additional labeling requirements.
    • § 172.403. Class 7 (radioactive) material.
    • § 172.404. Labels for mixed and consolidated packaging.
    • § 172.405. Authorized label modifications.
    • § 172.406. Placement of labels.
    • § 172.407. Label specifications.
    • § 172.411. EXPLOSIVE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 labels, and EXPLOSIVE Subsidiary label.
    • § 172.415. NON-FLAMMABLE GAS label.
    • § 172.416. POISON GAS label.
    • § 172.417. FLAMMABLE GAS label.
    • § 172.419. FLAMMABLE LIQUID label.
    • § 172.420. FLAMMABLE SOLID label.
    • § 172.422. SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE label.
    • § 172.423. DANGEROUS WHEN WET label.
    • § 172.426. OXIDIZER label.
    • § 172.427. ORGANIC PEROXIDE label.
    • § 172.429. POISON INHALATION HAZARD label.
    • § 172.430. POISON label.
    • § 172.432. INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE label.
    • § 172.436. RADIOACTIVE WHITE-I label.
    • § 172.438. RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-II label.
    • § 172.440. RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-III label.
    • § 172.441. FISSILE label.
    • § 172.442. CORROSIVE label.
    • § 172.446. CLASS 9 label.
    • § 172.448. CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY label.
    • § 172.450. EMPTY label.
  • Subpart F
    • § 172.500. Applicability of placarding requirements.
    • § 172.502. Prohibited and permissive placarding.
    • § 172.503. Identification number display on placards.
    • § 172.504. General placarding requirements.
    • § 172.505. Placarding for subsidiary hazards.
    • § 172.506. Providing and affixing placards: Highway.
    • § 172.507. Special placarding provisions: Highway.
    • § 172.508. Placarding and affixing placards: Rail.
    • § 172.510. Special placarding provisions: Rail.
    • § 172.512. Freight containers and aircraft unit load devices.
    • § 172.514. Bulk packagings.
    • § 172.516. Visibility and display of placards.
    • § 172.519. General specifications for placards.
    • § 172.521. DANGEROUS placard.
    • § 172.522. EXPLOSIVES 1.1, EXPLOSIVES 1.2 and EXPLOSIVES 1.3 placards.
    • § 172.523. EXPLOSIVES 1.4 placard.
    • § 172.524. EXPLOSIVES 1.5 placard.
    • § 172.525. EXPLOSIVES 1.6 placard.
    • § 172.527. Background requirements for certain placards.
    • § 172.528. NON-FLAMMABLE GAS placard.
    • § 172.530. OXYGEN placard.
    • § 172.532. FLAMMABLE GAS placard.
    • § 172.540. POISON GAS placard.
    • § 172.542. FLAMMABLE placard.
    • § 172.544. COMBUSTIBLE placard.
    • § 172.546. FLAMMABLE SOLID placard.
    • § 172.547. SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE placard.
    • § 172.548. DANGEROUS WHEN WET placard.
    • § 172.550. OXIDIZER placard.
    • § 172.552. ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard.
    • § 172.554. POISON placard.
    • § 172.555. POISON INHALATION HAZARD placard.
    • § 172.556. RADIOACTIVE placard.
    • § 172.558. CORROSIVE placard.
    • § 172.560. CLASS 9 placard.
  • Subpart G—Emergency Response Information
    • § 172.600. Applicability and general requirements.
    • § 172.602. Emergency response information.
    • § 172.604. Emergency response telephone number.
    • § 172.606. Carrier information contact.
  • Subpart H—Training
    • § 172.700. Purpose and scope.
    • § 172.701. Federal-State relationship.
    • § 172.702. Applicability and responsibility for training and testing.
    • § 172.704. Training requirements.
  • Subpart I—Security Plans
    • § 172.800. Purpose and applicability.
    • § 172.802. Components of a security plan.
    • § 172.804. Relationship to other Federal requirements.
  • Appendices
    • Appendix A to Part 172. Office of Hazardous Materials Transportation Color Tolerance Charts and Table
    • Appendix B to Part 172. Trefoil Symbol
    • Appendix C to Part 172. Dimensional Specifications for Recommended Placard Holder