4033754Coin's Financial School — IndexWilliam Hope Harvey


Crime of 1873 , 15,112

Commercial Value of Gold and Silver, how affected by Free

Coinage 27 to 38

Credit money 49 to 64

Checks, effect of in diminishing quantity of money needed. ... 54

Cotton, its decline since 1873 I0 $

Cotton, price of in 1859 II 5

Coin puts questions to Mr. Gage 139

Demonetization, effect of 34, 40, 52

Demonetization, effect of on Silver Standard Countries 88

Diamond Standard 109

Debts of the World 116

Debts of the United States 119 and Appendix

Debts, interest on, strangling prosperity n6to 122

Evans, Mr., how he studied Political Economy 13

Eustis, P. S. , asks a Question 69

Eames, H. F., President Commercial National Bank asks a

Question 1 16

England, will not consent to Bimetallism, reason 132, 139

England how to force her to adopt Bimetallism 142

Fifty-cent Silver Dollar explained 106 to 113

Franklin, P. A. H. , asks a Question i42

Gold basis claimed since 1837, answered 9

Gold never the unit prior to 1873 ll

Gold Dollar made smaller in 1834 7, 25

(And again in 1837) 20

Gold and Silver, quantities in World compared at different

periods 32

Gold, quantity of 39

Gold and Silver, why adopted as money 46

Gold Standard Countries all affected by Demonetization 86

Gold, quantity per capita in the World 98

Gold, of the World and space it will occupy 99

Gold, weight per cubic foot 99

Gold, value per cubic foot 99

Gold, number cubic feet in the World 100

Gold, of the World in the Chicago Wheat pit 100

�� � Gold, its rise in value 107

Gold Dollar, its increase in size would lower values in

Gold, premium now paid for it 143

Gage, Lyman, President First National Bank asks a Question .25, 136

Gage, Lyman, makes an admission 38

Greenback system of money 75

Hopkins, Mayor of Chicago, asks a Question 89

Henrotin, Chas., asks a Question. 113

Improved Facilities do not account for low prices 84

Independent free coinage 138

Kirk, President Exchange National Bank, asks a Question. ... 84 Kohlsaat, H. H. , asks a Question 85

Lawson, Victor F. , Jr. , asks a Question 18

Laughlin, Professor, asks a Question 68

Latin Union, what Countries Constitute 69

Medill, Mr. , asks a Question 9

Montgomery, J. A., Supt. of Mails, asks a Question 70

Money, necessity of 44

Money, a science 49 to 64

Money, primary 49 to 64

Money, credit 49 to 64

Money, quantity of in United States 53

Money, based on labor 78

Money, quantitative theory 95

Money Lenders, why they favor a Gold Standard 133

Nails, price of in 1859 114

Parity, how maintained 27 to 38, 135, 143

Primary money 49 to 64

Panics, causes producing, explained and illustrated 55 to 64

Ratio 7, 25

Ratio, change in 7, 20, 25

Ratio, compared for two hundred years ..... 34

Ratio, commercial as affected by Demonetization 34, 35

Ratio, why the change was made in the Gold and not in the

Silver Dollar 40, 41

Rozett, Geo. H. , asks a Question 39

Ridgeley , E. R. , asks a Question 75

Rocky Mountain Bear Hunter's Prayer 134

Scott, Mr., asks a Question u

Smith, Wm. Henry, Jr, , asks a Question 20

�� � Scudder, M. L., Jr., asks a Question. . . 73

Struckman, President County Commissioners, asks a Question. 80

Standard silver and gold explained 14

Silver in circulation prior to 1873 9, 10

Silver, foreign, made legal tender 9, 10

Silver, claimed to be so plentiful as to cease to be a precious

metal, answered 18

Silver at a premium in 1873 J 9

Silver, none of the facts used in arguments against it now,

existed at the time it was Demonetization ., 19

Silver, when demonetized, in England, United States, Germany

and the Latin Union 29

Silver, price of nineteen years before, and nineteen years after

Demonetization 31

Silver and gold, quantities compared at different periods 32

Silver, quantity of 39, 95, 104

Silver, why it is not now money 39, 40

Silver and gold, why adopted as money 46

Silver, cost of producing 73

Silver states, not benefited by remonetization, except in com- mon with the other states 80

Silver, the most constant standard of values 87

Silver of the World, space it will occupy 104

Silver, weight of a cubic foot 104

Silver, value of a cubic foot 104

Silver, number cubic feet in the world 104

Silver, its decline in value since 1873 108

Tariff, high or low, does not account for present depression. ... 85

Unit 5, 6, 7, n, 12, 14, 16

Unit, why fixed on silver 8

Unit, changed to gold in 1873 J 6

Walsh, John R., President Chicago National Bank, asks a

Question 47, 54

Wheeler, D. H. , asks a Question 53

Wheat, its decline in value since 1873 108

Wheat, price of in 1859 1 14

Wool, price of in 1859 * X 5

Value, of silver and gold if both were Demonetized 70

Value, of all property in the World 95

Value, of all property in United States (Appendix)

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