Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1215649Collier's New Encyclopedia — Cattaro

CATTARO, a strongly fortified port in the former Austrian crown-land of Dalmatia, at the head of the Gulf of Cattaro, 40 miles S. E. of Ragusa, under the steep Montenegrin hills. Cattaro has a cathedral, a naval school, and a population of about 7,500, chiefly engaged in the Montenegrin trade. At one time the capital of a small republic, the town in 1420 joined the Republic of Venice, and after varied fortunes was handed over to Austria in 1814 by the Treaty of Vienna. During the World War (q. v.) Cattaro was bombarded several times. As a result of the peace treaty between the Entente Powers and Austria-Hungary it became part of Jugoslavia. The Gulf of Cattaro, an inlet of the Adriatic, consists of three basins or lakes, connected by straits of about half a mile in breadth. Its length is 19 miles, and its depth from 15 to 20 fathoms.