Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1960955Collier's New Encyclopedia — Cheyenne

CHEYENNE, city, capital of the State of Wyoming, and county-seat of Laramie co.; on the Union Pacific, the Colorado and Southern, and Burlington Route railroads, 105 miles N. of Denver. Cheyenne is situated on a plateau 6,075 feet above the sea. Fort Russell, a United States military post, is within a few miles of the city. It has the main repair shops of the Union Pacific railroad, a fine State House, water works, electric lights, a public library, high school, and 3 National banks, and is the great beef growing center, the shipping point for beef-cattle to Eastern markets, and the supply depot for the trade of the Rocky Mountain region. The annual “round up” attracts many visitors. Pop. (1910) 11,320; (1920) 13,829.