Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Chicago, University of

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

2129444Collier's New Encyclopedia — Chicago, University of

CHICAGO, UNIVERSITY OF, a coeducational (non-sectarian) institution in Chicago, Ill., founded by John D. Rockefeller, dating from Sept. 10, 1890, when the institution was incorporated under the laws of Illinois. A previous institution known as the University of Chicago had gone out of existence, owing to financial difficulties, in 1886. A number of Baptists, which denomination had been interested in the old institution, desired to have a college in Chicago, and succeeded in interesting John D. Rockefeller in the plan. He promised $600,000 toward the establishment of the college if $400,000 more should be raised by June, 1890. This amount was duly raised, and the plan was enlarged in scope so as to include a university, instead of a mere college. Further large gifts were made by Mr. Rockefeller and by others, and the doors were opened for instruction Oct. 1, 1892. The site of the University includes six blocks of land, containing about 35 acres. It lies with a frontage on the Midway Plaisance, between Washington and Jackson Parks. A general architectural plan was adopted at the outset, and to this plan new buildings were successively adapted. The grounds are covered by a series of quadrangles, the buildings, in the English Gothic style, being constructed of gray Bedford stone, with red roofs.

In 1919 there were in the institution a total of 5,650 students. These were divided as follows: Graduate, 681; undergraduate, 2,531; professional, 1,490; university college, 1,219. The faculty comprised 346 members. There were 570,849 volumes in the library. The income for the year was $1,874,182. The productive funds amounted to $32,537,886. Harry Pratt Judson, LL. D., was president.