Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Dalhousie, James Andrew Brown Ramsay, 1st Marquis of

Collier's New Encyclopedia
Dalhousie, James Andrew Brown Ramsay, 1st Marquis of

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

2153048Collier's New Encyclopedia — Dalhousie, James Andrew Brown Ramsay, 1st Marquis of

DALHOUSIE, JAMES ANDREW BROWN RAMSAY, 10th EARL and 1st MARQUIS OF, a British statesman; born in 1812; was educated at Harrow and at Christchurch, Oxford. After filling the offices of vice-president (1843) and president of the board of trade (1844), he was appointed governor-general of India (1847). In this post he showed high administrative talent, establishing railway lines, telegraphs, irrigation works, etc., on a vast scale. He greatly extended the British empire in India, annexing the Punjab, Oude, Berar, and other native states, as well as Pegu in Burma. In 1849 he was made a marquis, and obtained the thanks of both Houses of Parliament. He outstayed his term of office to give the government the aid of his experience in the annexation of Oude; and when he returned to Europe in 1856 it was with a constitution so completely shattered that he was never able to appear again in public life, and died Dec. 19, 1860.