Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Funk, Isaac Kauffman

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1478420Collier's New Encyclopedia — Funk, Isaac Kauffman

FUNK, ISAAC KAUFFMAN, an American editor and publisher, born at Clifton, Ohio, in 1839. He was educated at Wittenberg College, Ohio. For several years he was a pastor in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1878 he formed the publishing house of Funk and Wagnalls and published many reprints of English books. In 1889 the Literary Digest was established and in 1898 the Standard Dictionary was published. This was revised in 1913. He was an active Pronibitionist and founded in 1880 the “Voice” as an organ of that party. In his later years he became interested in psychical research and wrote “The Next Step in Evolution” (1902); and “The Psychic Riddle” (1907). He died in 1912.