Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Hay, John

814387Collier's New Encyclopedia — Hay, John

HAY, JOHN, an American statesman and writer, born in Salem, Ind., Oct. 8, 1838. He was graduated from Brown University, and settled in Illinois as a lawyer, but went to Washington in 1861 as one of Lincoln's private secretaries, acting also as his aide-de-camp. He served under Generals Hunter and Gillmore with the rank of major and assistant adjutant-general. He was subsequently in the United States diplomatic service, stationed at Paris, Vienna, and Madrid. In 1897 he was made ambassador to England, and in 1898 Secretary of State. His literary reputation rests upon “Pike County Ballads,” the best known of which are perhaps “Little Breeches” and “Jim Bludso”; “Castilian Days” and “Life of Abraham Lincoln” (with J. G. Nicolay). He died July 1, 1905.