Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Lagerlöf, Ottilia Lovisa Selma

Collier's New Encyclopedia
Lagerlöf, Ottilia Lovisa Selma

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1232651Collier's New Encyclopedia — Lagerlöf, Ottilia Lovisa Selma

LAGERLÖF, (OTTILIA LOVISA) SELMA, a Swedish novelist, born in 1858. Her first novel, “Gosta Berling's Saga,” published in 1891, created a profound sensation in Sweden and its reputation quickly spread throughout Europe and to America. It was followed by other novels, bearing the mark of great talent. A year of travel in Egypt, Palestine, and Greece was followed by the publication of two volumes, entitled “Jerusalem,” 1901-1902. Other notable novels she produced are “Miracles of Anti-Christ,” (1897); “From a Swedish Homestead” (1899); “Invisible Links” (1894); “Matilda Wrede” (1914). She received the degree of doctor from Upsala University in 1907, and in 1909 was awarded the Nobel Prize for the best work in literature. She was elected to the Swedish Academy in 1914 and was the first woman to receive this honor.