Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Lexington (Ky.)

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1850688Collier's New Encyclopedia — Lexington (Ky.)

LEXINGTON, a city and county-seat of Fayette co., Ky., on the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific, Chesapeake and Ohio, Louisville and Nashville and Southern railroads; 80 miles S. of Cincinnati, O. It is the trade, social, and political center of the famous “blue grass” region; is a noted horse-breeding, hemp and tobacco growing region; and manufactures flour, planing-mill products, saddlery, harness, carriages and wagons. It is the seat of Kentucky University, Transylvania University, State College, Hamilton College; and Sayre Institute; contains a Protestant Infirmary, Colored Industrial Home, St. Joseph's Hospital, National and State banks, public library, and court house. Lexington has wide and well-paved streets, electric light and street railroad plants, daily and weekly periodicals. Pop. (1910) 35,099; (1920) 41,634.