Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Olympia (Washington)

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1948609Collier's New Encyclopedia — Olympia (Washington)

OLYMPIA, a city, capital of the State of Washington, and county-seat of Thurston co.; on the Deschutes river where it enters Budds Inlet, Puget Sound, and on the Northern Pacinc Railroad. The city has steamboat connection with Victoria and other places on Puget Sound as well as the principal Pacific ports. Here are St. Martin's College (R. C), Providence Academy, state capitol, the county court house, St. Peter's Hospital, street railroad and electric light plants, water-works. National banks, and several daily and weekly newspapers. Olympia has a boot and shoe factory, an ice factory, iron works, wooden pipe works, and saw shingle, and flour mills. Pop. (1910) 6,996; (1920) 7,795.